All posts by David

WWII Simulation Student Journal: Italy

Italy, block 4, 1938 WWII Simulation

I think the best plan of action would be to move navy troops into either the west mediterranean sea zone and start trying to get French North Africa because they have resources that we need. Either that or we can move the navy to the east mediterranean sea zone and get Greece and complete one of our objectives. 

Italy, block 4, 1939

Because we are unable to do military actions until 1940 we are trying to weigh our options as to what we can do once that year comes. I think French North Africa would be best because it gains us some resources. Although if we send troops down there they aren’t really there for any other reason. After that I think Egypt would be a good option to take but Great Britain would be able to have troops after us.

Italy, block 4, 1940

I think it would be best if we just stand our ground until we can get help from Romania and Bulgaria to take Yugoslavia. Great Britain has moved their navy outside of our sea zone and if they potentially attacked then we should be able to defend ourselves. France and Great Britain decided to attack and we are most likely unable to get some of our objectives without a navy. I think our plan is to take yugoslavia and take albania and greece to complete those objectives. We should have moved our troops out from the Tyrrhenian Sea and taken over Great Britain’s ships in the East Mediterranean and moved troops to Libya. 

Italy, block 4, 1941

I think our plan is to take Yugoslavia with the help of Bulgaria and Hungary. Once we take that we can pass through there and take Albania and Greece and complete those objectives and then maybe also get France with the help of Germany. If our plan fails and we are attacked by France first we will need the help from Germany to survive. We have taken over Yugoslavia and we should be able to take out Greece and Albania now as well. We now control Greece. 

Italy, block 4, 1942

We plan to take Albania and possibly France. We have completed our objective to take Albania and Greece. If we take over part of France with Germany then we can get more. We are getting resources from Germany. We got our 6 coal we needed from him. I think our next plan is to co-control part of the countries Japan is getting. With us taking out most of France’s troops now Germany should be able to take over the rest of France and give us some resources again. 

Italy, block 4, 1943

I think the allies are going to try and take us over because the Soviet Union joined us. The way it looks there’s no way for them to win but the US could gain control of France. We moved some of our troops into F2 because Germany might need our help to take over the rest of France. Hopefully we will be able to stand our ground until the end of the war. If there is any chance of us doing anything we need to get Libya back so that we can still get the objective to maintain our original territory. 

Italy, block 4, 1944

I’m thinking that as long as we maintain most of our troops we have now then we should be good by the end of the war. With no navy we are going to be unable to get Libya back and the other territories we need. If we could somehow get the US to let us use their navy to get French North Africa then we could get our objectives. There is no way the US would let us though because it would go against their allies and be harmful to them. We have acquired a lot of our resources for the most part we only need a little bit of iron ore. 

Italy, block 4, 1945

There isn’t much we can do without the abilities to have a navy and move our troops to the places we need. The allies are kind of stuck with what they can do and the amount of time they have left to do it. They are probably going to try and take over Sweden and move into Finland and maybe even the USSR. With us not being able to complete all of our objectives we might not be in the best shape but we need a navy to get them. The way it’s looking, the Axis Powers are winning the war. We also got France taken back because they were able to take out most of our troops that were in France. We still have Italy’s mainland with 100 troops. 

WWII Simulation Student Journal: Yugoslavia and Belgium

Yugoslavia & Belgium  2, 1938 WWII Simulation

Our plan of action is to conquer the territories that Yugoslavia had lost in the first war. Planning to conquer back Greece. Believing this would be the step in the right direction.

Yugoslavia & Belgium 2, 1939

On the first day we are planning our strategies. We are thinking of gaining an alliance with Great Britain and France between Yugoslavia. Thinking that Great Britain can bring troops over to Yugoslavia with their navy. Trying to have France move troops in Italy just to keep there and no war. This is our plan as we try to break away from Germany. Yugoslavia is currently attacking Greece to try and maintain their original territory. This attack was successful. Belgium has made a defensive alliance with the United States. Belgium has gained resources 

Yugoslavia & Belgium 2,1940

The second day we have to plan to remove Germany as an alliance. Right now Yugoslavia is secretly allied with Great Britain and France. We plan to make these public once we officially cut ties with Germany. Germany has promised if they win their war they will be able to give us resources. After being given the resources we will break ties. The war has started, Italy has attacked Yugoslavia with a victory. We have been able to complete 3 out of the 4 tasks. Belgium has been attacked by Germany. Great Britain and France sent in troops to help Belgium but there was no luck in saving the country. We are no longer in control of our Countries.

Yugoslavia & Belgium 2, 1941

We still have maintained Greece. Japan has attacked Pearl Harbor, sending the U.S into the war. Greece has been attacked by the axis powers. Giving the axis powers another victory. The USSR hasn’t been of any help to the allied powers. Most of Europe has now been taken over by the axis powers.

Yugoslavia & Belgium 2 1942

The USSR has now joined the axis powers. We felt they had been planning to join them for a while, but there is no way to be sure. The axis power took over Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. They are becoming hungry for power, taking in the country that stands in their way. The Axis powers have declared war on the last piece of France, coming out in a victory. France is now officially controlled by the axis powers. Italy is now declaring war on Albania and the USSR is declaring war on Finland. There are currently no troops in Albania determining a defiant win. The USSR has become successful in Finland.

Yugoslavia & Belgium  2 1943

Great Britain’s navy has moved men to Italy. They are hoping to win to conquer Italy. They came out with a successful win. Italy has now been conquered by the allies. Now focusing on sea battles with their large navy. No more war has been declared but the U.S are in the process of moving troops closer. Japan has just declared war on Australia. Gaining as many grounds as they can. 

Yugoslavia & Belgium 2 1944

The U.S has now gained 250 navy troops and 3,000 army troops. Yet with the navy only being able to haul so much they aren’t able to get all their troops over the borders into Europe. The allies are focusing on a plan of attack towards the axis powers. The allies and axis keep trying to slow down the other for war plans. Arabia has finally been conquered by the axis powers. The U.S has tried to reconquer the Netherlands but with failure the axis powers came out victorious.

Yugoslavia & Belgium 2 1945

Italy has been regained from the axis powers. They are now attacking the Suez canal.  Japan has now declared war on Alaska. The U.S is at a loss to do so for moving troops. Japan is also attacking Hawaii once again. The U.S is still at a loss and don’t know what troops to use or bring in to defend. Japan has become victorious in gaining Alaska and Hawaii. The allies are now attacking Belgium to gain back the country. If this results in victory we will have our country back. However the axis powers won and annihilated the allied powers in Belgium. Great Britain is attacking Belgium with 551 troops. We can hope to gain the territory back but the odds look unlikely. The end of the war looks bleak. The axis powers has taken over all of India, over half of Europe, and 2 states from the U.S.

WWI Simulation Student Journal: Germany

Germany..WW1-1914 WWI Simulation


In 1914 I mobilized the German army because all of the countries surrounding me started to mobilize. Our plan at the beginning was to take over Russia’s r3 because they mobilized. I created an alliance with Austria-Hungary because they helped me attack Russia. This will eventually help our country in the long run to remain strong. Our strategy is to convince Italy to join us to eventually help us attack either Russia or France. I split up some of my troops because I think France will attack me soon, and I want to be ready to defend. I also moved some of my troops so I could help attack Russia in our next turn.



In 1915 I attacked Russia’s r3 with Austria Hungary. Our plan was to be able to expand more, and there weren’t many troops there. We knew we didn’t need to put many troops in because we got poison gas. Russia wasn’t able to counter the poison gas which we knew so that allowed us to take over that area. France and Great Britain moved some of their troops into Belgium. I will have to be careful because I think they want to attack me. I will need to move some troops into areas that I will be able to defend in. I will also need to help some of my alliances because they are planning on taking over more territory. I will need to balance out my troops to make sure there are no weak points for an attack. 



Overall in the year 1916 we used many strategies to take over the different empires.  The allies were overwhelming and looked very threatening to our smaller empires in the beginning.  We had to develop a plan that would help to defeat the surrounding allies. We worked together with the rest of the countries within the central powers.  We had to work from the inside out to take over each allied country one by one.  We had many victorious wins on the east and west coast. We used the strategy of moving our subs together near the allies strongest points for backup. 



In the year 1917 we started out stronger than the previous year.  The central powers had gained more control over the middle grounds, whereas the allies were stuck on the outside grounds.  This gave us an advantage because we could build up our countries in the middle without having to worry about the allies taking them over.  This also helped so we could move our troops towards the coast to have larger armies to declare war and take over the remaining allied countries.  We see that our strategy is working when Russia decides to surrender to the central powers.  They simply could not take on our power and numbers.  To finish off the year we need to start to move our troops towards the remaining  allied victorious countries.  



In the year 1918 the allies won their very first attack of the war. This caused the central powers to have some major struggles.  We lost some troops in that region during this battle.  Italy took a big loss losing a thousand troops.  We had to gain some more control in that area so we decided to have our navy travel down to the north sea.  The allies have to think of a plan fast as the war is coming to an end. Allies decide to challenge us in a sea battle. We didn’t have the amount of supplies and troops to defend and we went down hard. We have to move west to defend our empires. 

WWII Student Journals: Poland and The Netherlands

1939: Poland 2 WWII Simulation

Though Poland’s efforts to stay strong with the support of Great Britain and France, our reinforcements couldn’t get to us in time for Germany to attack and take over. Our hopes are that we can gain Russia’s support to get Poland out of control of Germany. Our reasoning to Russia to back us up is that if they mobilize troops to Poland, a two-front war could possibly break out, putting Germany at a weak spot. 

1939: The Netherlands 2

The Netherlands were given their reinforcements so we have solid protection against any other outside forces and threats that will soon appear in the future. Now, all we need is our resources. We found that the Dutch East Indies have all the resources they will need. Upon gaining these resources, we will disperse them from The Netherlands to Poland, strengthening us again. 

1940: Poland 2

The resources in the Dutch East Indies have fallen into the hands of the Axis powers. Great Britain is now attacking Germany. Poland and Russia are drawn into this attack as Russia has attacked and taken control of one piece of Poland and Russia is in control of the other. France has just attacked Libya. People are just continuing their conquest to conquer more and more lands. I feel that people are thinking more about conquering more than they are focusing on gaining resources. We also aren’t seeing many new alliances forming, lots of people are sticking with their roots. Axis Powers have seen the most victory throughout this year. Allied victories are sometimes present, but not as common as the Axis. The Allies did see victory in a naval battle against Italy. 

1940: The Netherlands 2

Japan’s navy attacked the Dutch East Indies which we are guaranteed for our resources.  We were being defended by Great Britain, and they helped us defend ourselves against. However, the axis powers were victorious. Now that the Dutch East Indies have fallen, we need to find a new way to gain our resources. We know that Japan is a force to reckon with, and they are very strong. We need to steer clear of further attacks on the Netherlands that could come to action here soon. 

1941: Poland 2

Italy has just taken over a part of France. Japan attacks the United States, causing them to come out of Neutrality and join the Allies. This will strengthen the Allies greatly as we need America’s strong technology and forces. They will hopefully lead the Allies to put a stop to the Axis powers and put a stop to Hitler’s conquests. Germany moved troops from Belgium to France. Though the United States attempted to interfere and provide support, it wasn’t enough for the strong Axis Powers. Japan is continuing to take over China piece by piece, which is seeming quite successful for them. The Allies are attempting to take back Norway at this time. The Allies succeeded in this, which is a very great victory for them as now their Navy can mobilize as they were stuck in the Baltic. 

1941: The Netherlands 2

We know that we have to surrender once Germany comes to attack, and they are coming soon. They are continuing to mobilize closer and closer to the Netherlands which is becoming quite alarming. We have no choice other than to give in to the Axis Powers, which will strengthen them even further than they already are. We want to get our Navy out of the blockage, so by gaining Norway back, we have strength through the seas. As long as we have enough troops, Germany will not be able to get to support Norway. 

1942: Poland 2

It is a new year of war, and Russia has been gained control of by the Axis Powers. Hope of gaining Poland back is lost, there is no possible way to get through Germany safely to gain our country back. Germany is attacking France, and were victorious. The Allies are becoming weaker and weaker and it seems like nothing they do can bring them back up. Even if we started gaining land back, our military strength is no match for Japan and the strong Axis Powers. Finland has fallen to the axis powers, yet another country falling into the hands of the Axis Powers. It appears that their next goal is to gain control of the Philippines, which is an extreme setback to our resources. The United States is getting the majority of their resources from the Philippines, and if they fall to Axis, the Allies are basically cut off. 

1942: The Netherlands 2

Now that we have Norway back, we are at more of an advantage as our navy troops are free from the Baltic where they were trapped. We have a few strategic ideas that we can go for. Southeast China has no backup, it appears. However, Japan could possibly get their navy to back up Southeast China and possibly defeat us since they are only one sea zone away. Another possible solution would be to attack Thailand. We are beginning to feel hopeless and are looking for any possible ideas that could strengthen the Allies. 

1943: Poland 2

The Allies are attacking Italy. They have put in quite a good number into Italy, but time will only tell if the Axis powers are able to provide enough support to defend against the Allies. The success of the Axis powers is becoming quite alarming as they keep conquering lands. A success by the Allies seems out of reach. However, in this battle of Italy, the Allies were successful. This is a great step forward for the Allies. Will they be able to keep pulling off victories? After the Allies are defeating more Axis troops, how will the Axis powers react when it is their turn for war? Japan has taken out US troops in French IndoChina, which will hurt our resources immensely. 

1943: The Netherlands 2

We believe that as the Allied powers, our next move should be to attack Italy. Another goal we have is to gain back France, as they don’t pose much of a threat troop wise. We could get enough troops to overpower France. However, we decided that Italy is going to be our first move of attack in attempts to gain more land back. The United States and France could attack Italy and easily win. We were successful in taking over Italy, and now we are going to work for a naval battle against Russia. 

1944: Poland 2

Japan now has control of mostly everything in Southeast Asia. And now, Germany is beginning their attempts to gain back control of Italy. This is frustrating for the Allies because they have no options to defend themselves. Germany is now trying to attack the Netherlands. It appears that the Netherlands can possibly gain their territory back, but only time will tell. The attempts for support to the Netherlands failed, and the Axis powers were victorious yet again. As time goes on throughout this year all that is happening is more victory by the Axis. 

1944: The Netherlands 2

Germany is coming for us. However, we have the United States to help us out and provide support. We definitely need it. If we don’t have enough support, and we can’t be saved by the United States, then we have no other option but to surrender to the Axis Powers. We have now fallen to the Axis powers. Though we have no control over our country, we still have our navy. Great Britain is coming to our aid. They are going to try and fight Germany to win us back. This plan, though thoughtful, failed. Our hope lies in our navies at this point. We are still putting hope into saving the Netherlands. After we get the Netherlands back, the US can bring more troops in and we can work our way into Germany. By placing some troops into Norway, it’ll only help us have reinforcements in the future. 

1945: Poland 2

Hawaii and Alaska now belong to the Axis Powers. It is unsure at this time if the Allied powers will be able to even keep America out of their reach. There aren’t any options left for the Allies. Any move that they make at this point won’t change the outcome of the war. Great Britain and the United States are going to attack Belgium. Will the Allies see a victory? Though they may not be able to win the war, can they pull through and finish strong? It’s hard to tell at this point. They are reaching yet again for another small battle. There is a strong chance that the Allies can take Denmark. It is more likely than the Belgium attack. However, the odds were not in the Allies favor. There seems to be nothing more that we can do. Now, it’s axis war, and all the Allies can do is wait.

1945: The Netherlands 2 

Hawaii is being attacked by Japan. However, there is nothing that we can do, because our troops will be demolished. Defeat is basically inevitable, but if they gain control of Hawaii, they can move into western United States, which is an alarming situation. The worst case scenario right now would be the United States being taken by Japan. We wish we could get Norway, but seeing that there is little to no more time for war, this won’t be beneficial to our success. At this point, we are just trying to do anything we can, which at this point, is attacking Belgium. However, Germany is reinforcing strongly. It’s a safe bet that we won’t even be able to succeed in this small battle. Great Britain is moving to attack Denmark. Attacking Germany would be beneficial if we saw success. However, it is essentially suicide. Denmark was a failure, and we have no hope left. 

WWI Simulation Student Journals: Serbia, Montenegro and Greece

WWI Simulation

Serbia, Greece, Montenegro 2 1914

The beginning of the war is underway. Archduke of Austria-Hungary and his wife have been assassinated. Countries are mobilizing their troops preparing to attack or to be attacked. We as Serbia have discussed the option of mobilizing 100 of our troops in the case of backlash from Austria-Hungary. The plan we discussed is that Montenegro will be allied with France. Serbia will capture Montenegro to complete the objective of capturing Montenegro. Montenegro will convince France to defend them. Sending in enough troops that it doesn’t hurt the French army or the serbian Army. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, we expected to not do so well against them as they have many more troops. They won with 118 troops left.

Serbia, Greece, Montenegro 2 1915

We discussed Russia. They plan to bring in Italy and Great Britain to gain Serbia back from Austria-Hungary. As Montenegro we are trying to make an Alliance with Italy, in hopes if A2 attacks, Italy can attack from the Navy. We aren’t able to do anything with Greece or Montenegro. Serbia is still taken over by Austria Hungary, we are waiting for Russia to send in troops to take it back over. 

Serbia, Greece, Montenegro 2 1916

As of right now we are stuck making motions. Serbia is still controlled by the central powers. Greece remains neutral. Montenegro is still stuck with 25 troops. Montenegro cannot not defend itself. War has been declared on Montenegro from Austria-Hungary. They have sent 118 troops into Montenegro taking over. Greece has joined the allied countries. However we still faced defeat to Austria-Hungary. Losing Greece. We now are no longer in power of our countries. Russia tried taking back R3, we thought they would win because they had more troops. However, Austria-Hungary and Germany used poisonous gas. Russia then tried to attack 02 where they also failed to take over, they are now all out of troops. We have no available allies that we once had to provide support. 

Serbia, Greece, Montenegro 2 1917

The Central Powers are dominating as of right now. They are now taking over Romania, and Romania doesn’t have anyone to defend them. The United States joined the Allied Powers as one of their objectives. Russia got taken over fully by the Central Powers. Central Powers put troops into F2 and France decided to not even try and defend themselves. Central Powers decided to attack Belgium, France, United States, and Great Britain put troops into Belgium but Central Powers still came out with the win. The Allied Powers are doing everything they can to defend what they have left. This was a significant event because it wiped out a lot of Central Powers troops. F1 was now taken over by Central Powers. F1 didn’t have many troops to help defend them, Great Britain still had quite a bit of troops in their country, preparing for the worst.

Serbia, Greece, Montenegro 2 1918

The Allied Forces war starts today. We moved troops into France. Protecting the last section F3. War was then declared on France from Italy and Germany. The U.S moved in more troops to help with the attack. Both Germany and Great Britain used poison gas. The allied forces came out with their first win. Great Britain, US, and France, are attacking Germany. The Allies were victorious at the sea battle.  Austria Hungary is now attacking Egypt, the allies aren’t defending them. Egypt was taken over by the Central Powers. Central powers started moving troops closer to France. The Central Powers won WW1.

WWII Simulation Student Journal: United States

United States 1938 – Orientation Day WWII Simulation

It’s the year 1938 and the rumors of the war are arising. The Axis powers, specifically Germany, are developing a plan of action. I am predicting that they are going to start off the war by attacking very aggressively. They want to show off and make everyone think they are dominant. 

United States 1939-

Just as suspected, Poland was attacked by Germany instantly. Poland knew they didn’t stand a chance. There was no plan of action or help for Poland so the Axis powers succeeded easily.  Belgium ended up taking over the small, unprotected, territory of Greece with little conflict.  We, as the United States, plan on giving our resources to the countries in need.  We made an alliance with Belgium and providing them with some resources they are lacking to help keep them in the war.  China is also in a desperate need of resources so we decided to help them out.  

United States 1940-

Germany is starting 1940 off with a very impactful battle. They moved their armies into French North Africa for battle.  The Allies were victorious but lost a massive amount of troops.  The Axis powers took over Belgium with a big fight.  Italy is now trying to take over Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia ended up falling to the Axis Powers. The Axis powers’ next move was to take over Norway, and Japan is attacking Dutch-East Indies. The Axis powers are very strong and having great success right now. All we can do is stand by and watch and mayne provide resources along the way. Our economy can not physically handle the war right now, so we wait until we are attacked. 

United States 1941-

1941 may be our year.  It’s hard standing back watching as Germany and the Axis powers take over.  Hitler has an excessive amount of power right now and we need to try stopping him.  He and his Nazi’s are causing too much damage and taking over too many countries. We are  hopeful that someone will attack us so we are brought into the war.  Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and completely destroys our navy and aircrafts.  We are now forced to join the allies to keep our country strong. Our first action in war was to help assist France in battle. We were completely demolished by the Axis powers in the battle. In total, we lost all 300 troops.  Our Navy is going to take Great Britain’s troops to try and defeat Norway. Sweden and Finland are assisting Great Britain in this battle.  The Allies should come out as victorious in this battle.

United States 1942- 

The neutrals are held on by a thread. It looks like the Axis powers are going to drag them to  their side and they do.  Now the Axis Powers are larger than ever.  We are again trying to help France so we move Great Britain’s troops into France and we are victorious.  The Axis powers are attacking French Indo-China so the Netherlands used their navy to move our army into  battle.  We moved ours as well and were victorious. Germany attacked France and took it over. 

United States 1943-

We plan to try and take over Italy.  Our navy is pretty strong and with the help of Great Britain’s troops, we should be able to take over. We succeed, but need reinforcement in that area. This small victory gives us hope for the years to come. Great Britain has taken over Russia’s navy in  a fierce battle.  We need to use our troops for something because we ultimately cannot get into Europe. We try to move but we do not have success. They end up taking over Italy. 

United States 1944-

The outlook is not looking very good for the Allies.  The Netherlands are now getting attacked and we are the only ones who can help. We moved 450 troops into the Netherlands to fight against the Germans.  The Netherlands are taken over. The only surviving allied countries left  are us, Great Britain, French North Africa, and a few smaller countries. We are still making an effort to try and take over those smaller countries. We try to take back the Netherlands and fail miserably.  The Netherlands navy was also taken over. Egypt is now being destroyed by Libya and Germany. 

United States 1945-

This year is our last hope in war. We are trying our hardest to take back Europe. We try to shoot our last shot at saving Belgium with all of our navy and assisting Great Britain. We were still unsuccessful. Japan ends up taking over our navy near Hawaii. Belgium is being taken over by Great Britain but is not successful. The Axis powers have claimed victory over the Allies. 

WWI Simulation Student Journal: Great Britain

WWI Simulation

Great Britain 2 1914

The War has just begun. Archduke of Austria-Hungary and his wife have been assassinated. Many countries are deciding to mobilize their troops in preparation for what’s to come next. We, as Great Britain have decided not to mobilize our troops just yet, and wait until 1915 where the number of troops increases drastically. I suspect there are some alliances already being discussed between Italy and the Ottoman Empire. There was a meeting called in the hallway between Great Britain, Russia, and Italy. My intelligence report suggests that Germany is about to go all out on Italy, but they want our help. Russia has officially declared war on Austria Hungary. Will we as the Allies be able to support them? 

Great Britain 2 1915

So far this year in 1915, Montenegro tried to make an alliance with Italy so they could use their naval force for protection. Wouldn’t you think they would ask Great Britain for naval help? Anyways, Italy has officially declared war and lost many troops. The Allies come to realize that their alliance with the Allies is not as strong as it implies. They decided to go against the Allies now and join forces with the Central Powers. Serbia has called on Great Britain for help to capture their territory back from the Hungarians. We decided that the risk isn’t worth it and that their military is too strong! 

Great Britain 2 1916

This year, the Allies are in a hole that they cannot dig themselves out of. We suspect that something is up in the air, possibly that the Ottoman Empire will be taking over Greece in a short time. Russia plans to try and regain control of R3. We as their Allies are hopeful that it will be a success because they have many more troops than Germany and Austria-Hungary have combined! Unfortunately the Russians took another big defeat being impacted by the Central Powers strong military and poisonous gas. Russia ended up losing even more troops this year because they failed to take over 02. Great Britain stands still and watches these losses from afar. 

Great Britain 2 1917

Some good news in the middle of these hard times is that the United States has officially joined forces with us, the Allies! The Central Powers are now planning on taking over Romania and this is smart on their part because Allies cannot get troops there to help defend. We suspected that the Central Powers would try to attack Belgium so all of the Allies such as France, the United States, and Great Britain put many troops into Belgium. Poisonous gas was even enforced here but we still took a defeat to the Central Powers. This wasn’t a total 100% loss on the Allies part though. This was actually smart because the Central Powers lost many troops from this. Great Britain has the most troops left in their country right now to prepare for the worst yet to come. 

Great Britain 2 1918

The United States has had a strong helpful impact so far. They are Allied with France and suspect planning a movement of troops to help defend their territories in F3. In France there is a battle which involves the use of poisonous gas. It will come down to who has more troops to fight in the end. The Allies gained a bit of confidence from a battle won so now the Allies are fighting in a sea battle. The Allies need all the sparings of of troops they have left so they are not sending any to help out Egypt. Unfortunately, the Central Powers are still on the lookout to take more than needed. They are eying Britain and France. The Central Powers ended up being victorious over the Allies to clench their success in World War 1.

WWII Simulation Student Journal: Italy

WWII Simulation

Italy 1939- At the beginning of this year the first move has been made and it has been our ally Germany attacking p1 of poland. They come out of this battle victorious meaning that the war has now begun. This is quite interesting for the fact that Great Britain had a defensive alliance with Poland yet once they were invaded, Great Britain did nothing to help. At the same time as this Russia invaded the oth8er quadrant of Poland meaning they have officially fell. This makes me wonder how Britain will respond because I am sure they do not want to get on the wrong side of Russia this early in the war. There were also some other events that took place that hit closer to home to us in Italy. This is that Yugoslavia afficaly has conquered Greece. I see this as a good thing due to the fact that I plan on invading Yugoslavia and Greece later on, and now that they are both weaker this will make it much easier. Yet this will come in time because the main priority now is to send 241 units to Libya for a future invasion of French North Africa. This invasion is obviously fueled by our objectives but also due to the fact that they have some resources. In preparation for this we have received 5 coal from germany so that we are more powerful. This will hopefully make the invasion a success. Along with this we are attempting to persuade Russia to send us some oil since we do ot have any. Overall 1940 seems to be brewing into the potential of being a huge year which we believe through negotiations we will come out successful.

Italy 1940- To start this year off we lost the battle for French North africa. I believe the reason for this was that we underestimated how many troops the allies were able to transport here. Overall it is unfortunate to loose this but my hopes are still high that we will be able to take it in the future. After this took place we launched our invasion of Yugoslavia. This was a successful attack, which allows us to take albania, and greece next year which is a important part of our objectives. We will be able to do this because they no longer have nay troops in either of these territories making them defenseless. After this we believed that it would be a good idea to move our Navy back into the Tyrannian zone to avoid an allied attack. This was good thinking yet it ended up not bing worth while due to the fact we had to use the navy to bring Nazi troops back to Libya to defend against the French invasion from the West. We were successful in this defense except for it left our Navy to be sitting Ducks, and be destroyed. The only bright side of this is that the Allied navy only survived with three ships which won’t be abe to do much for them in the future. While this was happening our allies Germany made some progress in the North taking belgium and Norway. This means from here they should be able to keep pushing and advancing west into France which should occupy them from what my plans are to finally invade French North Africa. Some other key events that took place this year was the Japanese invasions in the Dutch Indies, and China. From this we were able to gain 6-Rubber, and 6-Oil from Japan. This boosts our army to a 6.64 overall wich will aid greatly in future invasions. This leaves 197 in libya to invade FNA. They attacked our navy and won but only by 3 units.

Italy 1941- It is the beginning of 41’ and we are invading F2 of France, we will be launching this invasion with 901 Italians and 67 Nazi troops. We are doing so because we feel it is important to capture all of France so that if the US tries to help they will not have a landing point. This battle was successful, and we know have F2. Next we are going to complete one of our objectives by invading the unoccupied Greece with 50 troops, this will give us more land on the East Mediterranean. We are now going to invade French North Africa once again with 50 troops in hopes of finally taking this land. This invasion was not a success leaving only 10 troops left in FNA. This angers us yet we feel we may have one last chance to take it. While this took place Japan continues their domination of SE asia, and also secures India. Japan also Invades Burma during this time. Germany has now taken Denmark giving them control of the baltic for a brief period of time before the allies come back and take Norway opening it mack up. Next year we will attempt an invasion of F3 which would result in the fall of France, and any chance of a 2 front war for the moment.

Italy 1942- The new year has started and the first acton is Russia taking over small neutral countries like Lithuania, Estonia, and Latavia. Along with this I have been working with Russia for some time now, and i feel we may be able to convince them that the Axis is the winning team and for them to join, so overall our relations I feel are strong. If this is able to come to fruition it will 100% eliminate a two front war for our allie Germany. Now it is time for war, and us, and Germany have launched an attack on F3. we did this in two waves where I went first and forced them to mobilize their navy for defense. Then once Germany attacked they could not defend making an easy victory which we then gained the rest of our Iron from. Now with this victory I feel Russia realizes our power and due to this has joined the Axis fearing they may be next. After this we take the unguarded albania which completes another of our objectives. After this Russia then takes Finland. I feel them having finland may enable them to be able to take norway in the future, and once again close the baltic. Now with the war over we make some important mobilizations like moving troops out of Romania and Bulgaria to help defend Yugoslavia in the case that the allies try to invade from here. We also have Russia move some troops further to the west just in case we need them for backup in the future.

Italy 1943- It is the beginning of 1943 and the unimaginable, worst case scenario has happened. This is that the allies have launched a surprise invasion on our homeland taking it with lighting speed as we mobilized to the North West. This is huge for the fact that it gives the allies a landing zone in an area of small nations providing easy advancement. In response to this we are already working with germany to figure out a counter attack before it is too late. Aside from this there is a lot to pay attention to when it comes to other invasions. This includes the USSR successfully conquering Iran and Sweden. This is very important for the Axis industrialization because it now provides us with 3oil from Iran, and a whopping 18 iron from Sweden. Along with this Japan has conquered french indo-china, and australia. This doesn’t provide much significance except for the fact that it illustrates that japan may be capable of dominating all of SE Asia and more. Now in order to take back Italy we are having Germany send troops to austria so they they will be ready to invade by 44’. With this Romania and bulgaria are preparing to help out if needed. Yet I don’t feel the allies navy will be in position by then to help reinforce the troops currently occupying Italy. Then to end the year out Germany is preparing to defend france in fear that Italy was a distraction from the real invasion.

Italy 1944- To start this year off the USSR attacks Iraq furthering their conquest of the oil possessing countries in the SE. While I’m glad to see the Axis winning I can’t help but wish that it was us invading those nations. Japan has taken the Philippines which I do not see a huge purpose in. Now we have officially regained our territory with the Help of Germany. This means that it is now time to quickly strike back and make the Allies pay. Also after Germany took back Italy they went and invaded the netherlands which takes away the allies one access back into the mainland. While this takes place Russia is still coming down south with the invasion of Syria. Yet they did move their navy so we now we are going to attack egypt. Along with this we also have taken Albania to complete our objectives. Then in the last event of the year Great Britain tries to take back the netherlands unsuccessfully which wastes a great deal of their troops.
Italy 1945- It is the begging of 1945 which will also mark the last year of the war. We have decided that our last invasion will be of the Suez Canal. There isn’t a whole lot of reason to this aside from the fact that we are desperate to occupy territories. After this the USSR takes palestine, and trans-Jordan which markes a complete domination of the Middle East area by Axis forces. Japan then takes Alaska, and hawaii in two statement victories which means that the U.S. has officially lost part of its home land. In my opinion if we were to keep this war going japan would be capable of invading further into North America. Now it is officially the end of Axis war so for movement we send all remaining troops to defend F1 in case they try to invade into france. I feel our reinforcement was successful at deterring them since they have just attempted to invade Belgium with all they have. Yet they are served a crushing defeat as the Nazis win by 1415 troops. Then the Allies make a desperate attack with 7 troops on Denmark. Which the USSR respond to by sending 14, and wins by 2. Then we continue to mobilize more troops to France in case of one last attack. The USSR also participates sending 1000 from p1 of Poland to germany. France ends the year desperately attacking the russian navy of 14, and also sends 541 and loses to nazis in Belgium. With that battle being over it officially marks the end of the war and the Axis powers win.

WWII Simulation Student Journal: Germany

Germany 2 1938 WWII Simulation

Our game plan for World War II is to take over and intimidate the other countries with our army. 

Germany 2 1939

World War II is underway. As Germany our game plan is to put 2,000 troops into P1 to attack. Poland has 600 troops in that region as of now but they are moving 400 more into there. Great Britain and Poland are allies and Great Britain is wanting to move troops into P1 but that would be difficult because they would have to go through our troops. We are feeling confident. We are victorious and we only lost 420 troops leaving us with 1580 troops. Italy moved troops into Libya. It is now the Allied Powers turn. We made an agreement with the USSR, we are giving them 1.5 coal for 4.5 oil. Yugoslavia is now attacking Greece with 400 troops. Yugoslavia was victorious. The Soviet Union is attacking P2 with 1500 troops. The Soviets were victorious. At the end of 1939 Germany was looking powerful .

Germany 2 1940

2 of our objectives for this year is to take over Belgium and the Netherlands and to take over F1 and F3 of France. We don’t think we will be able to do both of these objectives because we have been too slow to act on them. We are going to focus on taking over France, as they are a bigger threat to us right now. Italy is attacking Yugoslavia and French North Africa. We are expecting them to lose because the Allied Powers have sent troops in to fight back against them. Italy lost the war with French North Africa. Their war with Yugoslavia is underway now and they were victorious. Our war with Belgium is underway and Belgium is asking for help from Great Britain and France. We won the war, and we lost a lot of troops. With this victory we will now be able to attack France. Japan is now attacking China. Japan won and lost 400 troops. With their victory they are now attacking South Central China. Japan won despite having way less troops than the Allied Powers. As Germany we decided to send our 160 navy troops into Norway to attack to try and succeed without objectives. We were victorious in Norway. Japan is now attacking The Netherlands. Japan was victorious, with this victory they have plenty of resources now. To end our turn we moved 500 troops into Italy and 2,000 into Germany. It is now the Allied War. Great Britain is attacking our German Navy and they were victorious. Japan gave us 9 rubber. The Allied powers are ending their turn by moving their troops around to be prepared for their next turn. The USSR is attacking Finland and Finland was victorious. 

Germany 2 1941

Our plan at the start of 1941 is to attack F2. First Italy is going to send troops in and attack F2 and we gave them some of our troops. Right now it is the Neutral Powers movement, and we are waiting to start a war. Italy is sending in 3,500 and we are sending 259. We were victorious in F2. Before we attack F1 we are going to take over Denmark. We are expecting to be victorious as there are no troops there. Now that we did that and we were victorious we cut off Great Britain’s Navy Troops. We are now helping Italy attack French North Africa, and we are expecting to be victorious. We sent in 100 of our troops. We lost because they sent in more troops, they only have 10 troops left. We are now going to attack F1 with our troops from Belgium. We sent in 1,729 troops. We have them outnumbered. We were victorious with 746 troops left. It is now a movement. We are moving 500 of our troops from P1 back to Germany. Sweden, Great Britain, and Finland are now attacking Norway where we have 149 troops there. We are expecting to lose because we are outnumbered. We lost to Norway. The Axis Powers have been pretty victorious throughout this whole year, giving us more power and stamina. However, losing Norway to the Allied Powers may cause some issues.

Germany 2 1942

It is now the Neutral Powers movement and war. We have talked to the USSR and they are going to be joining the US and the Axis Powers. We are looking very powerful as of right now. We control almost the whole map. Italy is attacking F3, they are outnumbered so we aren’t feeling confident. Italy lost, so we are now sending our 746 troops into F3 to try and get them again. Japan is now attacking French-Indo China. If they are victorious the Axis Powers will have all taken over all of China. The Allies were victorious. We were victorious in F3 meaning we have taken over all of France. The USSR attacked Finland with 500 troops and was victorious. We moved 1508 troops into Belgium and 1080 troops from P1 into Germany. We moved our troops to Belgium, thinking that they are going to try and take over F3 again. It will be the Allied Powers war and movement at the beginning of 1943. 

Germany 2 1943

To start 1943, it is the Allies War. The Allies are sending 822 troops into Italy, we are expecting Italy to lose because they are outnumbered. The Allies were victorious. The Allied Powers also attacked Japan’s Navy and they were victorious. It is now our war. As Germany we aren’t going to attack anyone, we are just going to move our troops. The soviet union is attacking Iran with 1000 troops. Great Britain sent 100 troops in, and the Soviet Union was victorious. Japan is now attacking French-Indo China with 625. We are expecting them to be victorious because they have a strong number and have them outnumbered. The Axis Powers were victorious. With the victory Japan is now attacking Thailand and they were victorious. The USSR is attacking Sweden and they are victorious. Japan is now attacking Australia with 1014 troops. The United States sent troops in to help defend but we were still victorious. We are now going to go into a movement. As Germany we are going to move 700 troops into Austria, our 1508 from belgium to F1. It is now the Allied War. The allied power didn’t do any war and decided to try and do movement but since we put a 10 minute timer they ran out of time. 

Germany 2 1944

To start 1944 it is our war. The USSR is going to attack Iraq from Iran with 712 troops. They were victorious. Now Japan is attacking the Philippines with 360 troops, I am expecting them to be victorious because they outnumbered them. We were victorious. Japan now controls almost everything. As Germany we are going to attack Italy with 1200 troops from Austria in hopes to gain control back of that region. And we were victorious. We are now attacking the Netherlands with 700 troops from Belgium. The United States sent 450 into the Netherlands, we are not sure if we will be able to pull through. We were victorious! We are looking good as of right now. It is now the Allied War and we put a 10 minute timer on them. Great Britain is going to attack and try and take over the Netherlands again. They are attacking with 450 and we have 186 and we just sent 180 from Germany into there. We are outnumbered but we were still victorious! We only have 86 troops left in the Netherlands. Allied Powers are moving all of the Navy into the South Atlantic Ocean Zone, making me think they are going to try and attack F3. It is now our turn. The Soviet Union is attacking Arabia through Iraq, the Allies can’t do anything to defend, so the Soviets were victorious. Japan is going to have a naval battle against the Netherlands and the United States. Japan was victorious! We are attacking Egypt with our troops with 87 troops. We are outnumbered but we were still victorious. We won with 1 troop left. The USSR is now attacking Syria and they are going to be victorious because they have no troops defending them. As Germany we are moving 500 to Belgium from France and 500 from Denmark into Germany and 300 into Poland. It is now the Allied War. Great Britain is now attacking the Netherlands AGAIN with 450 troops. We had 86 in there but we put 250 from belgium and 250 from Germany into there. We were victorious. They are now doing movements. It will be our turn to start 1945

Germany 2 1945

As Germany, we aren’t going to start any war this year unless we are getting attacked. Other countries in the Axis Powers are planning on attacking and taking over more countries. We feel powerful as it is right now and would like to not have more wars. We let Italy use our one troop to attack the Suez Canal. The USSR is now going to attack Palestine and Trans Gordon to have that whole region totally controlled. Japan is now attacking Alaska with 152 and they were victorious because the Allied Powers decided not to help. With this momentum Japan is now attacking Hawiia with the same 152. The United States only has 50 so as the Axis Powers we are expecting to be victorious. We are going to move 500 troops to Belgium from F1, and 384 from P1 into Germany. We did this so we can be prepared for when they try to take over the Netherlands or Belgium. The Allies are attacking Belgium again with 1000 troops. We are going to send our 300 from the Netherlands, 508 from F1 and 584 from Germany to defend. They are now trying to attack Denmark and the USSR sent troops there to defend. The Axis Powers were victorious. It is now our turn and Japan is attacking the US Navy and they were victorious. Axis Powers only did one battle and then did movement. Great Britain is attacking Belgium with 551 troops and we are looking like we will come out on top. The year is coming to a close and we are looking victorious. We won. The year is coming to an end and the Axis Powers won World War Two. 

WWI Simulation Student Journal: Serbia, Greece and Montenegro

Serbia, Greece, Montenegro 2 1914. WWI Simulation

WW1 is now beginning. Archduke of Austria-Hungary and his wife have been assassinated. Countries are mobilizing their troops preparing to attack or to be attacked. As Serbia we have discussed the option of mobilizing 100 of our troops in the case of backlash from Austria-Hungary. The plan we discussed is that Montenegro will be allied with France. Serbia will capture Montenegro to complete the objective of capturing Montenegro. Montenegro will convince France to defend them. Sending in enough troops that it doesn’t hurt the French army or the serbian Army. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, we expected to not do so well against them as they have many more troops. They won with 118 troops left.

Serbia, Greece, Montenegro 2 1915

Our strategy is to have Russia help take back Serbia. Russia plans to bring in Italy and Great Britain to gain Serbia back from Austria-Hungary. As Montenegro we are trying to make an Alliance with Italy, in hopes if A2 attacks, Italy can attack from the Navy. We aren’t able to do anything with Greece or Montenegro. Serbia is still taken over by Austria Hungary, we are waiting for Russia to send in troops to take it back over. 

Serbia, Greece, Montenegro 2 1916

As of right now we are stuck. Serbia is still taken over and controlled by the central powers. Greece remains neutral. Montenegro is still stuck with 25 troops. War has been declared on Montenegro from Austria-Hungary. They have sent 118 troops into Montenegro taking over. Greece has joined the allied countries. However we still faced defeat to Austria-Hungary. Losing Greece. We now are no longer in power of our countries. Russia tried taking back R3, we thought they would win because they had more troops. However, Austria-Hungary and Germany used poisonous gas. Russia then tried to attack 02 where they also failed to take over, they are now all out of troops. We have no available allies that we once had to provide support. 

Serbia, Greece, Montenegro 2 1917

The Central Powers are dominating as of right now. They are now taking over Romania, and Romania doesn’t have anyone to defend them. The United States joined the Allied Powers as one of their objectives. Russia got taken over fully by the Central Powers. Central Powers put troops into F2 and France decided to not even try and defend themselves. Central Powers decided to attack Belgium, France, United States, and Great Britain put troops into Belgium but Central Powers still came out with the win. The Allied Powers are doing everything they can to defend what they have left. This was a significant event because it wiped out a lot of Central Powers troops. F1 was now taken over by Central Powers. F1 didn’t have many troops to help defend them, Great Britain still had quite a bit of troops in their country, preparing for the worst.

Serbia, Greece, Montenegro 2 1918

It is the Allied Forces war to start today. The United States is Allied with France so they moved troops there to help defend if they get attacked. Germany and Italy are attacking F3. The United States has troops already into F3, France is sending some of their troops from Great Britain back into France. Both sides are using poison gas. We are expecting Italy and Germany to win because they have more troops and a stronger Army. The Allied Forces surprisingly won the battle and are now planning to try and take over a country. Great Britain, US, and France, are attacking Germany. The Allies were victorious at the sea battle. Austria Hungary are now attacking Egypt, the allies aren’t defending them. Egypt was taken over by the Central Powers. The Central powers started to move troops closer to Great Britain and France, as if they might try and take over both. Great Britain and Japan are attacking the Italian Navy. The Central Powers were victorious. The Central Powers won WW1.