Category Archives: World War One Student Journals

World War I Student Journal United States

America 8, 1913

The Archduke of Austria Hungary had just been killed by a Serbian. In one way or another AH will take this in a seriously negative way. I’m talking about war, and AH has allies. When one goes to war, so does the other, this is not going to end well. Our plan is to stay out of it, stay as neutral for as long as we can until there is no other choice. I hope it won’t have to come to that. 

America 8, 1914

Bulgaria and Germany have made an Alliance. We have been keeping ourselves on the down low, but I feel we won’t be able to keep this act forever. When the time comes, we will form alliances to protect ourselves. 

(Play by Play) Germany has attacked Russia with 230 troops in R3, but they did not defeat Russia. Ottiman Empire has attacked Russia, sending in 200 troops to R4 , hopefully taking down their defense. Russia was again successful in defending their land. AH attacked Serbia with 34 troops, will it be enough? Seems not, Serbia held its ground and won. The Slaves now have representation of AH. 

Seems war is raging on in Europe, yet we will remain neutral. We can’t afford to jump into another war half assed.  

America 8, 1915

These are desperate times. Thanks to our friends in Europe, we lost 128 fellow Amercians when the British Passenger Liner, Lusitania, was attacked by German U-boats. We have not the resources to plunge ourselves into war just yet. We haven’t readied ourselves for such a task. But, I see our neutrality will not last forever. If this war does not end soon, we will join the war. For the loss of our brothers and sisters on the Lusitania, and for every man and women before them. We will take down Germany. 

(Play by Play) Italy has joined the Allies. AH, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire all declared war on Serbia. The Central powers were victorious. The Ottoman Empire moved 1000 troops to o2. AH 900 from A1 to A2. Belgium has joined the Allies. Russia moved 2000 troops from R1 to R4. They also moved 1500 R1 to R3. France moved — troops from F1 to F2. Great Britain moved 2500 to Belgium. 

America 8, 1916

Romania has joined the Allies. Our rage has been brewing, and the fighting in Europe has been growing. With the alliances, and the domination, with everything. If this keeps going, there may not BE a Eruope left. If we join the war and take out the problem (Germany) the war will end. Our revenue will grow once again. I think it’s worth the hassle. We will begin to train troops for the battle yet to come. Be ready Germany

(Play-by-Play) France and Italy are attacking A2 of AH. Ottoman has moved 100 troops to Serbia. The Allies were victorious. Great Britain is attacking G1 with 1308 troops. The Central Powers, using poison gas, managed to keep their land and emerge victorious. France and Russia are attacking R2. The Ottoman empire is moving 1000 troops to defend. The Ottoman Empire was victorious. The Central Powers (Germany and AH) are attacking in R3 with over 5000 troops. Russia defends with 1568, but lost. The Central Powers moved 600 from G1 to G2 for a stronger defence. Great Britain is attacking G1 with 654 troops. Italy and France are attacking A1. The Allies lost. France is attacking G2 with 1000 troops, and won. 

America 8, 1917

Germany has made an alliance with our neighboring country Mexico. We have officially joined the war, allying with the Allies. We plan to move 500 troops to F1 France to attack Germany. 

(Play-by-play) Germany and AH are attacking G2 with over 1500 troops. America (me) is sending 500 troops to help protect G2. Germany and AH are attacking Romania. Romania was lost, the Central Powers were victorious. The Ottoman Empire is attacking Greece. Italy is sending their 559 to defend. The Allied Powers won, and Greece is still safe. Great Britain is attacking Germany in G1 with 1308 troops. Central Powers won. Russia is attacking R3 with 6420 troops. 

Russia collapsed on Nov 26 1917. They surrendered! 

(Play-by-play) Italy is attacking A1. The Allies were victorious.

America 8, 1918

(Play-by-play) America and the Allies moved troops to G2 and won. Italy is now attacking the Ottoman Empire and Serbia. The Allies successfully captured Serbia. AH and Germany are attacking G2. Allies failed to defend and lost G2. Great Britain is attacking G1 with 1152 troops. Britain lost all of its troops and lost G1.

The war is not going our way. We have no one to protect in Italy or France, if the Central powers really wanted to, they could destroy us all. And there is nothing for us to do. We have lost.

WW1 Student Journal United States

United States 7 1913

Today we got word of the assissination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. A Serbian nationalist was sent to murder him. Terrible thing that happened. This will probably result in a war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. All I know is that the United States is staying out of it! Hopefully everyone else will be smart and stay out of it too. I would hate for a world war to break out! 

United States 7 1914

A lot of people were making alliances today. That could end up bad for some countries because they allied with countries outside of their expected alliances. The Ottoman Empire almost tried to make an alliance with us but we were quick to stay out of this whole mess. A lot of countries mobilized their troops. That means they are expecting to be attacked and be involved in this war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. I don’t understand why they can’t just leave it alone. Germany declared war on Russia today and won! This caused Russia to lose some land. I’m scared for what’s going to happen next. More and more people are getting involved. Austria-Hungary lost one man and everyone goes crazy! I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but the United States will continue to be neutral! No way are we getting involved in this war that’s not even in our contitant!

United States 7 1915

The British ship the Lusitania was sunk by German torpedoes today. 128 American lives were lost during this tragic event. Everyone is mourning the loss of the 128 American lives that were lost on the Lusitania. This raised some opinions in the United States about going to war. Some people think that we need to call war on Germany. I think that because it was a British ship that the Germans didn’t intend on attacking us. We are still going to stay out of it because I think it is in our best interest to just observe what’s happening from a safe distance.

United States 7 1916

There was a lot of war today. The day started with Germany attacking Russia and losing. Then Bulgaria tried to attack Greece but they also failed. That didn’t stop them from helping out Austria-Hungary in attacking Serbia and winning that war. The Central Powers also won against Romania. All of this war is too much to keep track of. So many people are fighting! I do not enjoy hearing about all of this. The United States is secretly rooting for the Allied Powers. We are planning on still staying out of the warzone, but I don’t know what will happen, especially if the Central Powers continue to conquer more countries…

United States 7 1917

There was a letter discovered called the Zimmerman Note between Germany and Mexico today. This note brought the United States into war. We were planning on staying out of this war completely, but after all of the events that happened, it led us to join the Allied Powers. Too much has happened and we are joining to put an end to all this commotion. We decided to make secret alliances with France and Great Britain to make sure we had backup in case anyone decided to try to pull something on us. Along with most of the other Allied Powers, we sent some troops over to France with one goal in mind– take out Germany. Germany is the brains of this operation, if we can take them out everything else will fall into place. With the US having the strongest military in the Allied Powers and Great Britain and France having poisonous gas, we’re hoping that our plan will succeed. Germany has less troops in their own country right now because they were over invading some of Russia. That should help us even more in the long run. I’m anxious to see what happens. 

United States 7 1918

A lot went down today. The Central Powers have taken over much of Europe. Great Britain and France agreed to help us to attack Germany, but we didn’t get there in time. We were hoping to take out the source of all this war and hopefully win all of this. In the end, the Central Powers were successful in taking out most of Europe. Honestly, I’m just very grateful that nobody tried to take us out. It would have caused so many people in our to freak out. We already have strong opinions in our country on us going to war, we don’t need and more chaos. Although I’m happy that this war is over, I’m sad that we were not able to go through with our plan. Maybe we would’ve been able to win. I hope all the fighting is done! 

WWI Student Journal Serbia, Montenegro & Greece


7th Period

Serbia, Montenegro, & Greece

Orientation Day: Today we were introduced to everything. With having three countries and my partner being gone it was a little overwhelming. However, I am ready to take it on and defend my countries. My plan for Serbia is to continue to have an alliance with the people I already have one with. I know that Austria-Hungary is going to try and attack with full force because I killed the ArchDuke. I’m hoping my alliances plan to back me up. In Montenegro and Greece, since I do not have that big of armies especially Greece I am going to try and stay immobilized and neutral for as long as possible. However, if someone surrounding me seems as if they are threatening I will mobilize for my own safety.


7th Period

Serbia, Montenegro, & Greece

Today our plan was to make all of our alliances. As Serbia, we made an alliance with Germany, however, knowing that our greatest alliance is Russia we have there back all the way. I am still preparing for Austria-Hungary to come and start war with us! We are ready for full force. The plan for Greece and Montenegro is to continue to listen to our top secret plan and stay neutral for as long as possible!


7th Period

Serbia, Montenegro, & Greece

This year was very frightening! The country of Serbia was almost overthrown by the central powers, however, with Great Britain on my side and our powerful armies together they had no chance! I’m prepared for next year and austria-hungary to strike back again, I need to prepare and see if Romania or Japan could help me. Also with the help of Italy I plan to attack the lower part of Austria-Hungary and take their land there. Montenegro is a good ally along with Greece, however, they made it apparent they would like to stay neutral for as long as possible in this war! Greece mostly, Montenegro is in it now seeing as they helped Serbia become victorious in the battle against Austria-Hungary! Serbia and Montenegro may be small, but they sure are mighty.


7th Period

Serbia, Montenegro, & Greece

Our country today was taken over, we were not victorious. As Serbia’s leader I am truthfully sorry and wish I could have done better. Now it is time to just keep Montenegro and Greece as safe as we possibly can! We are going to try and take every precaution possible. Thankfully, Great Britain protected us today, thank goodness for the Allies! Montenegro is safe for one more day. 


7th Period

Serbia, Montenegro, & Greece

Today was a very calm and easy day for Greece and Montenegro. We didn’t have any trouble with the central powers, however, I feel bad for Russia. They are getting attacked by Germany over and over again. I’m hoping the rest of the allies can pull through and help them out. Greece and Montenegro are safe for now and I’m hoping we can lay low and stay that way for a while! As Greece I am going to brainstorm up some ideas on how I could get the allies to help me take over Bulgaria so I can get Macedonia under my belt!


7th Period

Serbia, Montenegro, & Greece

Sadly Greece and Montenegro today have been taken over by Germany. They are far too powerful for us to compete with. I wish it would have ended differently, but unfortunately it didn’t happen that way! Hopefully France, Italy, US, and Great Britain can make the comeback and takeover the Central Powers and get the land back that we need so badly, or else the future is not very bright for us Allies.

World War One Simulation Student Journal France

France 7 1913 

France’s objectives are simple and clear. France would like to alliance with other Allies, keeping the ball in their court. With backing up from Great Britain and Russia, we will have strong powers. We also wish to keep the trade route from the Ottoman empire that we wish to pass freely from. France struck a deal with the Ottoman Empire President, but in turn because we had kept it a secret, nothing could be done, and France did regret their choice.  And we chose to help Belgium in their efforts to keep them from being invaded, and sent 15 troops from outer border to the cause. We would be willing and ready to send troops to their aid at any time. I shall discuss the terms of our alliance with the other Alliance Powers. The last thing that France was able to accomplish was mobilizing in preparation for war. Meeting of France 7, 1914 is adjourned. 

France 7 1914 

War on the French Borders is steady and we haven’t seen much movement from the Central Powers as of the beginning of 1914, but France had decided to make alliances with Great Britain, Russia, Moentergro, Belgium and a secret alliance with the Ottoman Empire. Russia asked us to join their cause and protect them against the Ottoman, German, and Austria-Hungary armies, and we agreed, because we had the same goal of defeating the Central Powers. My team also moved 15 of our troops to the Belgium border to help strengthen Belgium’s alliance with us and to help Great Britain who had already sent 15 of their troops. Britain also sent 15 troops to match us, and together we now have a common alli with Belgium. The next thing that we would like to focus on is gaining back the land of Alsace and Lorriane. We are not so sure how to do this yet, because according to maps that land is the forest area, we can only send 1000 troops at a time. We will discuss further plans at our next meeting. Meeting of France 7, 1914 is adjourned. 

France 7 1915

As war ideas spread throughout Europe. As time passes France has asked for movement from Great Britain of 500 troops to fulfill the attack plan and take back Alsace and Lorraine. With the new information on the Ardennes Forest only being able to send 1000 troops, we have to postpone the movement until further information could be gathered. France also struck a deal with Italy in the beginning of 1915, to strengthen their fight for Germany’s land. At the end of the year Austria-Hungary tried to attack Serbia, but we were able to defend the land and take it for our own. One of the other wars that happened today was Bulgaria vs Greece. France wasn’t able to help since we weren’t able to travel such a distance, but at the end of the day, the war was won by Bulgaria. At the end of the year, Great Britain’s offices had not gotten back to us in time, and plans of French war on Germany had begun. French resources would overnight to come up with a new plan and be ready for 1916. Meeting of France 7, 1915 is adjourned. 

France 7 1916

France’s allies, Serbia and Italy made a plan to invade Austria Hungary A2, but the Central Powers figured out our plan and we had to adjust. Coming up with a plan to take A1, and then Italy send troops to take G2 for France, France had decided to ally with Italy and Montenegro to win back land, while the other Ally Powers set to defend Russia and take over the Ottoman Empire. Plans changed and the outcome of war caused us to postpone our attack until further information could be gathered.  Germany and Austria Hungary did declare war over Serbia and were able to capture it, but the Allies were able to keep Montenegro. Next “year” France is going to invade Germany G2 with Poison Gas and then work with the US to take Germany. Italy, the United States, and Great Britain are all in for defeating Germany. Meeting of France 7, 1916 is adjourned. 

France 7 1917

In hopes to finally capture and win back Alsace and Lorraine, France sent in 1000 troops with poison gas at the very beginning of the year. We lost a quick battle, barely taking any of their troops down with us. According to France’s resources, we have gained the information that Germany has a 8-10 on their army scale, while we are only at a mear 5. Great Britain and I sent in troops (I sent 700, and they sent 300) in hopes of taking out a few more of their troops. We lost once again, but was able to take a few more troops with Great Britain helping. In a final means to get Alsace and Lorraine I sent in 945 of my own troops without the help of anyone else. I used poison gas, and in the end, we had lost those troops. This has wounded our army and marral. America and Britain planned to take Germany and distract them to get their goal. Germany then outnumbered Russia and forced them to give up land and troops died. In the very end we had America, British army, and Portugal gather in F1. As the year comes to a close, France prepares for war with Italy. Meeting of France 7, 1917 is adjourned. 

France 7 1918

France’s final “haza” was to have other allies move troops into Italy, while others moved there’s into F1. We wanted to take Austria Hungary in A1, but knew that the more that would join the fight, the better it would be in the end. The other allies were relingtant, and stayed back. Germany took over R4 of Russia, and Russia collapsed and is no longer a part of the war. We are far off from declaring war, but we make movements every round to keep our borders strong against the others. In the end the year ended before we could even start, and that was the end of France’s role in WW1 (we ran out of time in class because of the wrestling send off). Meeting of France 7, 1918 is adjourned. 

World War 1 Map Activity Student Journal Italy

Italy 4 1913

War is incoming! After the assassination of the archduke, things aren’t looking good. There are feuds and alliances everywhere, so much it’s making my head dizzy. Italy has a defensive alliance with Austria-Hungary, but we’re choosing to stay neutral. While on good terms with the Central Powers, I plan to send in spies. Gain knowledge of statistics and any starter battle plans. This war is almost ridiculous, though, and started unjustly. 

We’ll see what happens. 

Italy 4 1914

This year I’ll be communicating with France to form an alliance. Later, when I plan to take land from Austria-Hungary this alliance will help me. I wish to lay low this year to avoid drawing attention from myself in order to keep my original territory. I plan to communicate with the rest of the allies to attempt to form an alliance. If everything goes according to plan, I’ll have an alliance with the rest of the allies in 1915. 

Currently, Austria-Hungary is focused on Russia and Serbia, so no suspicions there. 1915 is when I start mobilizing and creating alliances. I’ll be able to prepare for my attacks on A-H in order to gain that land. Truth be told, I’m a little worried. It’s since been discovered by a reliable source that other Italian leaders have been releasing classified information to rival countries. Now they’re suspicious of attack. I need to gain at least one territory very soon before A-H loads up troops to our shared border. 

France has considered the alliance and agreed, all we need now is to sign the official papers. This is a huge step in the right direction, especially because I later will have to form an alliance with the rest of the allies. 

Italy 4 1915

France has agreed! Alliances have been set. Italy is now allied with the Allies, while France and Italy now have a secret alliance, France has publicly announced their alliance with Great Britain. Having these other world leaders on my side is crucial. Why? The Central Powers are piss- I mean not happy with Italy. As the president, I have reason to believe that they’re on their way to attack. Italy has a higher ranking than a majority of them, but I know that I’m going to need the other’s help if they do decide that Italy is their next course of action. I need to start planning with the other Allies to see who, if anyone, will come to my aid. I know they will, though, I have faith in the fact. My next course of action will be to move a few troops from I2 to I1 and observe carefully who is going to make the next move, and whose moving troops where. I know that I1 has to be protected at all cost if I were to lose I2 it wouldn’t be disastrous, because I’ll have the opportunity to regain it later. If the Central Powers attacks, I’ll ask France for help, and I know they’ll come to my aid. 

Italy 4 1916

I was completely caught off guard and wrong! The Powers don’t care about me I’ve since found out. They’re heading away, they want Serbia and they want Russia. They don’t want Italy. Not yet anyway. As things are headed, they plan to move away, including Austria-Hungary. They’ve left their territories unguarded, not a troop insight to defend their land. It was practically mine for the taking! Italy was able to march right up and take A2 like taking candy from a baby.

 Austria-Hungary is royally pissed at me, but haven’t realized I saw an opportunity and took it. Anyone else in my position would have done the same exact thing! Not only that, but Great Britain’s navy went to battle with Austria-Hungary’s navy in the Mediterranean Sea Zone II, everyone was in, I didn’t lose many troops, and there aren’t enemy navy troops by my border (yet). 

Next, along with France and Great Britain’s help, we’re going to take back Serbia and go after the rest of Austria-Hungary. But, plans can always change. War is raging, but the Allies may finally be bouncing back (they’ll probably have their hold on Russia till the end of the war though).

Italy 4 1917

Russia has been taken, they’ve collapsed in a civil war! Not only, but Italy also tried for Serbia twice, the first time was unsuccessful. We underestimated the opponent, and the Ottoman-Empire sent more troops than expected. The Allies were able to regroup, we came back and hit twice as hard. Success! Serbia is now in our grasp. The battle is getting harder and harder. Austria-Hungary, German, and the Ottomans are advancing back on us. The only thing harder than gaining the territory is keeping it! Italy is on edge, we don’t want our land lost under any circumstances. France and Great Britain are joining Italy’s lands in order to keep a hold of it. We’re struggling to agree on a new battle plan. I believe that we’re all moving towards taking the rest of Austria-Hungary and attempting to gain some German land as well. To gain Austria-Hungary would be a huge success. Their troops could immobilize and we’d have a higher advantage of gaining Germany. Our best bet is to bring more allied troops to Italy and to come in through the “back door” to take the country! Taking Austria-Hungary’s capital is going to be way more difficult, it’s their capital, so they’ll do anything to keep it. We’re really going to have to push, and push hard. We will complete the task, I have faith in our troops. 

Italy 4 1918

The fighting is dying down as more and more troops begin to travel and gather around Italy. Both sides wish to keep the land that they’ve gained. Italy wishes to also take South Tyrol from Austria-Hungary this year. Alas, there’s no more time! The war is coming to a standstill of just moving troops around. Also, had we attempted to take the capital territory, it would’ve been a slaughter show. I don’t know which side would come out as victorious. With that reasonable doubt, I didn’t risk it. My best defense plan this year is to keep the land we’ve obtained! Take the losses as they come and celebrate and focus on the wins. 

The war has ended this year, and we still gained Triste from Austria-Hungary. We did the best we could, and we came out with some victories along the way! I have absolutely no regrets joining the Allies all the way back in 1915.

World War I Map Activity: Student Journal Germany

Germany 4 1913 

Today we started learning all of the rules for this fierce game we are about to enter. Today we also set up our WWI Report, and got all of our objectives typed in. We are going to try to complete as many of our objectives as we can on the first day. We don’t know any exact moves right now, but we are planning on keeping a strong alliance with our Central Powers Group. We also did get an alert message saying that countries are starting to mobilize troops. We are on stand by and waiting to hear these countries’ reasons for mobilizing troops. 

Germany 4 1914 

This year Russia sent mobilized their troops. One of our main objectives is to destroy Russia if they mobilize their troops. This year we decided to start a war on Russia. Our first attack on Russia didn’t go as planned. We attacked from the west side and Russia’s troops happened to be a lot stronger than we expected. We might have lost that battle, but Russia doesn’t know what’s coming for them. We are planning on invading Russia and attacking them both from the West side, and the south side. We will sandwich them between us leaving them with no option other than death. Austria hungary tried to back us up, but their troops on top of ours was just not quite enough to defeat the enormous Russian army. We are also getting ready to move our troops to invade France; France is another big target on the map, and we are going to be the ones to take them out. Just after the foolish country of Belgium lets us move troops through their land, France and the rest of the Allies will be toast. 

Germany 4 1915 

This year we moved a ton of troops. We moved troops to prepare for the destruction of Russia. Russia’s poor army and undeveloped society should fall easy. Great Britan also tried to attack us, but there weak army and stupid tactics failed miserbly. Our semi-strong “alliance” between Belgium and us kept Great Britain from trying to sneak in behind us and take us out. A strong French army almost took us out from behind, but thanks to our alliance with Austria-Hungary, they were there to back us up. They defended our ground and came out victorious. Austria-Hungary definitely has an I owe you card from us. On the other side of the map, we attacked the weak Russian army alongside our powerful buddy Austria-Hungary, and we destroyed the Russians and took some of their country. We are now going to keep pushing and pushing to take over all of Russia… After Russia, France will be burned to the ground 

Germany 4 1916

We have Russia right where we want them… there poor leader keeps taking their army further and further east (running away from our powerful German army). We took over another part of Russia this year which had almost no troops in it… weird, it’s almost like they are running away from us or something. Although we did easly take over Russia, on the other side of the map, sneaky France and Great Britain have been trying to get troops through the Ardennes Forest. They ended up getting a few troops through the forest… but that didn’t last long. We killed those troops faster than they could get back into the forest. We also have been helping our allies in this war… not directly with defending them, but helping them plan strategic ways to move their troops, and when and where to attack. Austria-Hungary and us are getting ready for one of the biggest battles yet. We are going to take on Great Britain and France… sooner rather than later (they are starting to load up troops to make a big push our way). We cannot wait to use our skilled army and poinis gas to destroy Great Britain and France. After we take out their foolish army, the rest of Europe will have no choice but to surrender to Germany and the Central Powers. 

Germany 4 1917 

It is about time… the country of Russia is now ours!!! We have defeated the last of the weak Russian army and have shut down their government. Now we can focus our attention on the upcoming French army. We have just started to move our troops out of Russia and back towards the center of this war zone. While we were attacking Russia, Great Britain and France did take Austria from us… but once we get our troops back from Russia, Austria will soon be ours again. France and Great Britain think they are just going to start marching around central Europe, but we have news for them! The central powers are so excited after destroying Russia, and we can’t wait to cross you guys off the list! Watch out Allies, We are coming for you! 

Germany 4 1918

The end is near. If we only had more time we would have been able to take over France, Italy, and Great Britain. With time running out we decided to take a step away from the offensive side and started to play defense. We wanted to make sure we kept all the land that we got in this war and didn’t lose any at the last second. We had to move troops to the western border because the allies had their troops there, ready to move in whenever. We also moved our strong Navy to help defend against the Allies. Lastly, we saw a small opportunity to gain some extra ground. The Allies had a small amount of troops in Serbia, so Austria Hungary and us decided to move in. We took over Serbia very easily for one last victory to end the war. 

WW1 Map Activity: Student Journal Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire 4 1913 – 

Something big and bad is coming, I can feel it in the air. Serbia has killed the Archduke of Austria-Hungary. My alliance is neutral so as the cause I will be following the lead of Germany on this. I think my first move might be to make it public that I am working with Germany but not for sure about it. I will talk with them on Monday but they have been weird towards me lately and I’m not entirely sure because I will always follow their lead. 

Ottoman Empire 4 1914 – 

Today was nuts. Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia but unfortunately they were unsuccessful in the war. I took note on how many troops Serbia lost in the war, it was not many, leaving me to think that they have a high ranking in military. Germany also declared war on Russia but was also unable to pull out a victory for the Central Powers. I didn’t do much today but tomorrow I am going to make some moves. I wanted people to think that I won’t do much. I wanted to let the other people make big moves on the first day and so then I could sweep in and start taking countries, starting with Bulgaria. The President of Bulgaria isn’t the brightest, she let me in on some of her Top Secret Info. She told me that it says she is to watch out for me, which I am. But I won’t tell her that. I have her believing I am going after Greece first. But my target is Bulgaria. I am not going to tell any of the other Central Powers as they don’t understand that it will be good for us to get those countries. 

Ottoman Empire 4 1915 – 

If I were to compare this year to last year I would say, successful. Even though me and AH weren’t able to take over Serbia, AH and Germany were able to get a part of Germany and will continue to invade Russia. I sent 200 troops to invade Serbia but AH isn’t the smartest to say the least. She talks too loud and gives away too much. Today was also successful in the way as I was able to figure out a way to hear everything the Allies are planning but Great Britain might be on to me so I have to become more sneaky but if I can pull this off, it should be a win for the Central Powers in the end.

Ottoman Empire 4 1916 – 

I am not happy after today. I don’t know what is going through Germany and AH brain but it is obviously nothing good. I am aligned with them and will follow their lead, but that doesn’t mean I always agree with their decisions. I don’t understand why they would think it’s a good idea to move all their troops to one area, leaving all the others open for the Allies to take. I tried to tell them but they wouldn’t listen. Also I don’t understand why they would want me to attack Russia when they have almost 2 ½ times more troops than I do and they could bring more. I know their army isn’t good but mine also isn’t either and I don’t want to lose troops when I know they will not help me in the long run. All I can hope for is that they get their crap together and stop making dumb decisions. 

Ottoman Empire 4 1917 – 

Today was a better day for the Central Powers. We took over all of Russia and they are out, done, gone. I also thought today would be a great day to take Greece but as I moved troops to Greece, Great Britain thought otherwise. Greece allied with the Allies and I was unable to take over Greece. I know Great Britain wants to take me over so I think I won’t be going for Greece anymore as I want to keep my land and not lose any. 

Ottoman Empire 4 1918 – 

Today was the final day. And I can say, I’m pretty pleased with how things ended. I finally was able to capture Greece, and all by myself, no help from anyone. I’m pretty proud of myself for that. Also we regained Serbia which is also nice because no one likes them. In the end I feel as if the Central Powers really came together and were able to do some real damage. We were able to take over some countries but probably not as many as my allies would have liked but it worked out well for me in the end. 

WWI Map Activity: Student Journal: Greece, Serbia, Montenegro

  • Serbia 4 1913-I have to give a speech about why I killed  Franz Ferdinand. I have to keep my territory and gain some. I’m going to honor my truce with Russia so I can have some help.
  • Greece 4 1913-I am neutral until 1917, so I just have to stay stuck in the middle for a few rounds
  • Montenegro 4 1913- i’m kind of just there, I just have to honor my alliances for the rest of the years.

  • Serbia 4 1914- I got attacked today and France and Montenegro helped me defend. I think I am going to ally with France next year and I need to mobilize more troops. Right now Montenegro is kind of defenseless so I  might move troops into there and protect them from Austria
  •  Greece 4 1914- Nothing has happened today really, but I found out that I have to go on a little battle with Serbia. I was going to have them take over me without a fight, but I have to fight back so that’s cool. I have no troops to mobilize, so I can’t do anything until 1917
  • Montenegro 4 1914- Because I defended Serbia today, I am very low on troops. I am going to try to convince the others to try to defend me because I could easily get taken over. I am also the country that France and Japan can drop off troops, so I do have a purpose.
  • Serbia 4 1915- I got attacked again and this time it was really damaging to me. The only people that could help were the leftover soldiers from France and Montenegro. I have no idea how I’m supposed to take over two areas of Austria-Hungary when I have no soldiers, and Russia can’t help me at all.
  • Greece 4 1915- Once again, nothing happened to me and I can’t do anything until 1917
  • Montenegro 4 1915- I am now down to 4 troops. I don’t know how I am going to get anyone else to defend me because they all have their own things to do. 
  • Serbia 4 1916- I lost Serbia, but maybe I can convince Italy to help me out and get it back.
  • Greece 4 1916- Still nothing happened but now I don’t know what to do because Serbia can’t fight if Serbia is no longer Serbia. I get to choose what side I want tomorrow and I know Bulgaria wants my land
  • Montenegro 4 1916- I got attacked today but somehow I’m still going strong with 3 soldiers. I moved my 3 troops to help Italy because I just wanted to feel involved. 
  • Serbia 4 1917- The Allies got Serbia back and their troops with the help of Greece, France, Great Britain and Italy. Tomorrow we are planning to attack A3 and maybe Bulgaria
  • Greece 4 1917– Greece signed with the Allies and helped take over Serbia. We are finally involved and I feel like this country will help take over some land like Bulgaria. 
  • Montenegro 4 1917- I still have 3 troops and I feel completely useless but that’s okay. I’m still standing and no one will mess with Montenegro. 
  • Serbia 4 1918- I lost Serbia again, and all of my troops. I failed my objectives but I tried. It was a good run and I feel like I stood strong throughout the whole simulation. 
  • Greece 4 1918- Greece lost all of their troops because I accidently left them in Serbia, and then they got taken over again. I was involved for one day, and then I was destroyed but that is okay because I feel like I at least helped for one day.
  • Montenegro 4 1918- Hey I completed all of my objectives and still had 3 troops left. Small but mighty is what I like to say.

World War One Student Journal: Italy

Italy 3 1913

The Balkan Peninsula is a ticking time bomb and Europe could go up in flames. Austria-Hungary’s archduke has been killed by a Serbian Nationalist group. Unconfirmed reports show that Austria-Hungary, Serbia, Russia, and Germany and mobilizing. There are a lot of allies mixed between these countries and may involve quite a few of them sooner rather than later. Only time will tell if this means war or a tense peace. 

Italy 3 1914

War has been declared! Serbia was able to survive the attacks from Austria-Hungary with help from Montenegro. There has been a lot of movement between Russia, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire. Some war has also broken out. I decided to sit this year out and plan to make a secret alliance with France and another secret alliance with Austria- Hungary, who I already have a defensive alliance with. Austria-Hungary is planning to use me in order to get to France. If they believe that I am on their side and I can convince them that I will help attack from the back side, I can switch up on them and help me true ally, France. I also plan on joining The Allies side. We shall see where the next year takes us and hopefully Italy still stands strong! 

Italy 3 1915

Serbia could only withstand only one attack, not 2. The Central Powers were too much for the little country of Serbia who had no allies close enough to send help. Russia looked to be the next target for the Central Powers. Russia has a lot of troops, but not at a strength that they need to be to keep the strong German and Austrian – Hungarian troops out of their territory. Great Britain proves to be the strongest of the navies and takes out the Austrain navy in the Meditarrainian Sea Zone. In attempts to take back Russia’s zone 3 from the Central Powers, Russia loses even more troops. Russia is completely taken over by Austria – Hungary and Germany by the end of 1915 and lets the Allies down big time. Also late 1915, Italy secretly joined The Allies. 

Italy 3 1916

Italy is a major location, both for the Central Powers and the Allies, settled between the borders of France and Austria-Hungary. The Allies can use Italy to get into Austria, and The Central Powers can use it to get deep into the heart of France. Late 1915, Italy secretly joined the Allies. Now with this land, plans are being made in order to successfully take over zones of Austria – Hungary and hopefully Germany. The Central Powers began to spread their troops in all of the zones of Russia that they have in control to better manage their numbers spread them evenly. The japanese navy helps the Allies and takes out Austrian – Hungarian navy in the Aegean Sea. In their first movements to try and take Austrian land, France and Great Britain are bringing troops south and into Northern Italy. Once they are all there, they begin to make a defence in their surrounding territories in case the Central powers plan to strike back right away. 1916 was a year full of strategy movements to prepare for a very big battle in the coming days. Everyone is double and triple counting to make sure all the troops needed are in their places and watching from all angles. All eyes are on the Allies to make their first war move for land. 

Italy 3 1917

The United States finally come to assist the Allies and get prepared to send their men into war. War!! Italy and France declare war on Austria – Hungary’s zone 2. Combined, they have 7,000 of their men and France uses his poisonous gas. Even with the higher number of troops, the forces of Austria – Hungary and Germany’s armies are too much. The Central Powers are able to keep their land. The United States has enough armies to help now and they come to Italy and France, ready to strike again. Great Britain uses the Allies navies and moves more of his troops south. Now with more troops, The Allies believe that they could have a 3-way attack plan. France and Italy go for Austria zone 2, Great Britain sends men through the Arden’s Forest into Germany’s zone 2, and Britain and U.S. troops move through Belgium into Germany Zone 1. Hopefully, the Allies are successful with the thinning numbers of the Central Powers. Still holding strong, the Central Powers can’t seem to lose and defeat The Allies in all of the battles. Hopefully in the coming, and final year, the Allies can take some land from the Central Powers.  

Italy 3 1918

The final year of this long war has finally came. The year was full of strategic movements, waiting for the opposing side to crumble under their own weight and make it easier for the other side to attack. The Allies can’t seem to find a way to win, even with their strong armies. The Central Powers have reigned victorious on all battle out west. The Allies keep sending in troops, hopefully to weaken the opposing side, but all efforts have failed, and the The Allies are losing troops faster than the Central Powers. The Allies tried one final effort to attack in 3 different regions. The United States, France, and Italy try attacking from the southern side into Austria. Great Britain sends troops into Germany through Arden’s Forest, and Great Britain and the United States send troops through Belgium, who sided with The Allies, into northern Germany. All efforts failed for The Allies, once again. This war has been more about strategic movements, than meaningless battles. When battles were fought, the Central Powers seemed to always have the upperhand, but The Allies were never really the ones to be attacked. They always went into Central Power territory. The Allies were able to keep all of their land, except Russia, which fell within the first 2 years of the war, due to a lack of a strong government. Without the use of Russia, The Allies found it very hard to attack from multiple sides. Even without Russia, The Allies were able to keep the land that was left from the Central Powers. The war has finally come to an end. 

World War I: Student Journal Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire 2 1913

There is a war brewing in the North West and there is speculation that an all out war will happen. With allies on my side the central powers and me are looking to regain the lands we lost if a war does break out. By mobilizing my troops I’m hoping my army will be able to keep up with the bigger countries.One plan I have is to make friends with Bulgaria until the last couple years and then hopefully take them over. I will also need to make the idea in Germany’s head that it is their idea to attack Russia, so that I can take the Crimea back from Russia. Hopefully with the help of the central powers I can use them to help me take back some of my lands. 

Ottoman Empire 2 1914

War has started to commence in all of Europe! I know Russia is planning to try to take over my lands. This is the war where we take back the lands that Russia has taken from us over the last 100 years! To know that the central powers have my back I asked Austria Hungary if they would kindly move some of their boats into the Black Sea. This would benefit them in the long run because we would be able to move troops to other countries if the Austrian hungarians needed help defending or fighting any other countries. With this deal under way they gave me an estimate of the boats getting to me by early 1915. With this knowledge I have to start planning out ways to regain everything back. Right now no war has commenced, but only time will tell if or when a war will start.

Ottoman Empire 2 1915

Early 1915: War has begun! Russia is on the move for the East side of my country and Great Britain has told the world that my country is attacking Christians. Sources have told me that Russia is bringing a large army, so I made the decision to move more of my troops over in hopes of winning! Now that war has begun I need to be careful with who I am going to trust. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! 

Middle of 1915: The mood in my country has been low ever since we lost the Balkan countries in the war against them in 1813. In order to boost morale I have decided to take over Bulgaria when the chance becomes available. With the wars starting I hope I will have enough people to take them over when the chance presents itself to me. Germany has also decided to attack the Allied powers this year. They got information that a British boat is carrying weapons! Not wanting the british to become stronger they attacked and killed British and American passengers.

We also got news recently that we have won the battle in the East against Russia, but they aren’t finished. Intel has just reached us that they are using boats to reach the West side of my country. After that grueling battle I fear that I won’t be able to hold off their army. I’ll have to ask my allies if they could help me.

End of 1915: 

Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria have come to help me defeat Russia in the battle to retain control of the West side of my country! With this help we are bound to win. Russia may have a lot of people, but we all know that they aren’t very strong. 

The battle has finally finished and we have come out victorious! Russia is not very happy with the outcomes of all of the battles this year. They will not stop until they get what they want. This just means we will have to be prepared for whatever they throw at us.

Ottoman Empire 2 1916

It’s been 2 years since this war started, and I’m starting to wonder when it will be over. Germany is declaring war on Russia on their western front and they have requested my help! I gladly agreed because I want to get back the Crimea from Russia. While I sent my troops up there I also got a message that there are no Russian troops in the south of Russia. I’m hoping to help Germany take over all of Russia by pinching them from the bottom while Germany goes in from the side.

The plan has backfired! Many men were killed when we lost the war in the south. The only good outcome was that Germany was able to take over their western border with the help from me and the Austrians. Russia and the Allied powers are now extremely mad.

They are now attacking the North West border of my country and they are coming in at full speed. With this war just beginning I have left my east side vulnerable. I was just barely able to win the North West battle, but lost the eastern battle. Russia now has control over half of my country, the Allied powers were also able to take over Bulgaria. I have confidence that I will be able to regain back my lands soon!

Ottoman Empire 2 1917

The United States is not happy about the death of many American passengers on the Lusitania. They weren’t going to attack until they intercepted the letter that Germany sent to Mexico. They have started to mobilize their troops to help the Allied powers to attack Germany. 

Austria-Hungary has declared war on Italy, but they might not win that fight. I would have helped them, but there was no way for me to get there in time. This was a war they were not guaranteed to win, and they were not victorious. Great Britain has finally taken action against Germany and they were also unsuccessful. After all of these losses the Allies have had you would think that they would stop. 

Russia has decided to try to capture my western front with the help from Greece, Serbia and Romania. They had over 2,000 troops trying to attack me! With a small amount of help from Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary we were able to hold them back, but just barely. The war continues though, in the west Austria-hungary is trying to attack Italy again with the help from Germany. With hope to win on their second try Austria and Germany move in.

Reports have come in saying that the Russians have left my eastern front. This means I can try to reclaim my lost land! I am sending in troops while Russia is distracted by all the war that is going on to the north of me. With this successful infiltration I have regained my land back. This didn’t make the Allies very happy though. 

The British came and started a sea battle against the Austria-Hungarian boats. This is not good for the Central powers because if we lose then the Ottomans won’t be able to move troops to help defend the other Central powers. 

We did not win this battle. This has now turned the war into anyones win because now the Central powers can’t move anything unless we take back Bulgaria from the Allies.

Ottoman Empire 2 1918

The war has now been going on for 4 years. When will it ever end? The Central powers are wanting to make moves on the Balkan countries. We recently had a meeting to try to come up with a plan to take them over. Our plan is to make their troops go after Germany while my troops come in from the bottom. This strategy will only work if the countries send all of their troops to try to defend their land. 

The plan is for Germany to attack ROmania while I come in and attack the allied troops in Bulgaria. This strategy worked in my favor because I got to reclaim the land and because I now have a way to get to Germany if they ever need my help. By taking Bulgaria the moral in my country has boosted ever since we lost the battle in 1913.

The only downfall to our plan was that we knew the Allies would become extremely angry  and would most likely retaliate. They will probably come after me because having control of the dardanelles strait is important because they don’t have to use ships to cross the straight. With the British army coming we had to prepare what little men we had left. 

They have gained control over the straight and over the western side of my country. They killed what little men I had left in a grueling battle. With the war coming to an end Germany made a last minute effort to try and take over France.