United States 2 Prep. Day
We have been informed of the situations that are going on in the world at this time. Whatever way we fight this war, it is not going to end well. This war is going to be mainly fought with words. We have to keep the communists at bay. This will be difficult because of their superior tanks. Being the Unites States, this will take a lot of negotiating and talking out. It is mainly between the US and the USSR. Our objectives are to keep nuclear weapons out of the West. We also need to protect all of our allies. Our last objective is to keep communism from spreading throughout Europe. These tasks will not be easy, especially if we must retain from starting an all out nuclear war. If they are to attack with their tanks, we do not stand a chance unless we use tactical nukes against them, which is highly controversial. Getting them to not attack Germany would be our best hope, but that is highly unlikely.
United States 2 Day 1
Todayhas been an eventful day. Hungary and Romania have started out with the invasion of Yugoslavia. USSR has also moved massive amounts of tanks into Romania. We had to take action when they attacked Turkey with 1000 tanks. We sent in tactical nukes to destroy the opposing tanks. We needed to protect our allies. We also moved into defcon 3 so that our submarines were in the water and at the ready. I have received information of the state at which Cuba is in with their nuclear weapons, and worked with Great Britain to get Cuba under our control. If nuclear weapons were to be sent from there, it would reach the United States in under 5 minutes. We are in a state of attack on warning, if they are to send anything our way, we will fire back with everything we have. Talk of them sending their nukes is spreading. There is no good way to approach a war like this. They have also moved into defcon 1, whatever is going to happen, it will not be pretty.
United States 2 Day 2
Again today the USSR has gotten greedy. They again tried to send in troops to Turkey. We had to defend our allies, so we sent in tactical nukes against their tanks and destroyed the invasion. Towards the end talk was stirring about if we gave them West Germany they wouldn’t do an all out launch of nuclear weapons. We moved the majority of tanks out of West Germany but they did not invade. Instead they went for Norway with the US tanks in Norway we stood our ground but did not win due to the overwhelming forces of tanks that the USSR has. We were already on attack on warning, so if they tried to do anything, we would be ready to attack them back. We tried to stall and do what we could to save as many lives as we could but in the end they just sent everything they had at us. We tried to take the lesser of two evils and let them take West Germany with little resistance, but it wasn’t enough for them. They wanted all of Europe and we weren’t going to let them have it. In the end, everyone is the loser. Nothing is going to be the same after this. It would be better to have not fought this war and came out with no casualties, now all of Europe and the US is covered with destruction.