World War Two Lesson Plan Student Journal: German Foreign Minister


  • Pull half of troops out of Poland, so Germany will attack it but then we can go attack Germany because they will be weaker then. Then we can just get Poland from Germany back for Poland.
  • PROTECT Pacific, because Japan will get rubber and power will go up.
  • Wipe out Bulgaria, Romania, Hungaria they are Laura and Ashley so it’ll be easy to wipe out.
  • We are going to give rubber to the other allies to help everyone out.
  • We need to ally with the Netherlands.
  • Wipe Italy out and put troops in Belgium because those are the only ways Germany can get to France.
  • Need to take out Japan’s Navy. If we take out Northeast China and Manchuria they have nothing.
  • Unless Belgium makes an alliance with them they are going to attack Belgium.
  • USSR can’t be official allies with us until Germany attacks their central government.
  • Other classes took over Poland and Denmark. Soviet Union took over P2.
  • If Germany takes over Belgium, France is going to need troops right away.
  • We want to get Norway and Denmark the first move so we can own the Baltic Sea.
  • It’s part of Poland’s objective to have us announce that we will protect them.


United States and China have formed alliances. Romania, and Germany are alliances. Yugoslavia and Germany are alliances. Can’t trust Bulgaria because they were going to form an alliance with Germany. We are looking to maybe attack Libya, it would be very convenient to have.  Japanese attacks U.S. at Pearl Harbor, Japanese is victorious. Germany declared war on Norway. We might take it over later instead. Secret alliance with Belgium and Yugoslavia.

Germany attacking Netherlands. We aren’t going to help because then we won’t have enough troops left. We are thinking about moving troops into Belgium. We attacked the German navy in the Baltic Sea. We were victorious! We put one troop into Denmark. We are aiming to gain control of Norway so we can control the Baltic Sea. Poland is going to attack Germany East Prussia, there are currently no German troops defending it so it’s just a smart easy move. France is letting Italy move their navy into the West Mediterranean Sea peacefully so they don’t attack them. We have a feeling Germany is the one trying to get Italy to move north so eventually they can attack all of our navies. We are going to try to combine all of our navies to destroy Italy’s. We ended up moving troops into France. We can defend Belgium at any point. USSR moved troops into Poland. Germany declared war on Belgium. I knew they would! We are defending Belgium and France is also helping us defend them. We have to help defend them because it is our objective, plus we don’t want them getting any closer to France. Germany was victorious. Germany also attacked Poland and were victorious. We didn’t help because we weren’t asked to help, and we didn’t have troops nearby to help defend anyway. I think we should attack Belgium (Germany) next move, because they are going to attack France next. France wouldn’t let Italy move their navy through them, so Italy wasn’t able to move. Germany moved most of their troops into Belgium, they are obviously ganging up on France. If I were to change anything that happened today it would have been to move more troops into Belgium right away so Germany wouldn’t even attack it in the first place, because now it is going to be really hard to get Belgium back since Germany has so many troops in it right now. Next move they are going to want to attack France.


We decided not to declare any war. Germany made a proposal for France to move all of their troops into F2, so they won’t do much damage to their army when they attack France. France likes this because then it can defend itself better against Italy. We don’t know what is behind Germany’s schemes in this though, and there might be more to it then what meets the eye. France ended up splitting its army from F3, into F1 and F2 so it can defend itself from both sides, and we moved some of our troops into F1 to help defend France, with the help of our navy and Frances. The U.S. is going to load troops and move them into France in its next turn. We are obviously getting ready to protect ourselves from Germany. We are making a secret alliance with Yugoslavia. Germany declared war on Denmark. We only lost one troop, and didn’t do anything about it because we don’t think it is worth it. The axis now controls the Baltic Sea. Germany attacked East Prussia, which is Poland’s land. We were not able to help defend Poland because our troops weren’t over there; there was no way we would be able to help. Romania also attacked Poland, again we weren’t able to help since we don’t have any troops over there. Germany is moving most of their troops to Belguim, showing again that they are going to attack France. They are also moving toward Russia, showing that they are going to attack them soon as well. Any war for us right now is pointless because we would be defeated no matter what. We don’t have enough navy to move all of our troops if we wanted to declare war anyway. I thought we should attack the heart of Germany in G2, but we don’t have enough navy to transport enough troops there to get a victory. Instead we decided to just move troops from Great Britain into France. Italy attacked France in F2. We did not want to move troops down because then Germany could easily attack F1. France ended up being victorious, good thing we decided not to move troops, because I’m pretty sure Germany would have attacked. Germany is continually moving troops into Belgium. We are going to take Libya, that way we will have control over all of the southern countries. We were victorious! Again, we are moving troops from Great Britain into France. Germany ended up taking over F1.


The United States, France, and us (Great Britain) are attacking Japan’s navy. If we destroy their navy it is a major step toward our victory of the war. We ended up losing against them, but we destroyed most of their navy which makes the Axis powers a lot weaker. We are thinking about taking the Netherlands that way we can get to the heart of Germany easier. We are continuing to use our navy to move troops into France to help protect them. The Axis gained Yugoslavia. Germany attacked France in F2. We are going to move our troops down to help protect, the United States will then defend F3. We lost to Germany and they gained France. We need to do something before the Axis continues to attack France. Germany attacked F3. The U.S. is bringing in troops, we decided not to help protect because we would lose anyway, and that would be a waste of our troops. Germany ended up being victorious. Germany is spreading all of their troops out now, making it incredibly difficult for us to attack them anywhere. It is hard for us to move troops because whenever we want to move troops we have to use our navy and can only move a certain amount of troops at one time. We are thinking about using all of our navy to pick up the United States’ troops. We need troops to be able to do anything. The Soviet Union tried attacking Finland, but Finland was victorious. Germany attacked Sweden leaving Norway wide open and easy to attack and conquer.


Soviet Union is now apart of the allies. We are going to occupy Arabia, just so we take control over all of the southern land. Japan is attacking China. We are sending troops from India to help China. We were victorious! Our work in Asia is over. The Germans are attacking the USSR. We decided to attack Norway, and we won, more land for the allies. Right now, Germany believes that we are not going to attack them, and that we are actually going to attack the USSR. He made an agreement with us for us not to attack him, in return we get the Baltic Sea. He wanted that agreement, so he could save his mainland. We are going to deceive Germany, and come out victorious!  The allies gained Manchukuo, more orange on the map for us! We are moving troops from the United States into the North Sea. The Axis is continuing to attack Russia. Italy attacked Greece. We figured Italy would do that. Germany is moving troops out of Sweden and into Finland. Right now we are secretly allied with USSR, while we are using Germany, to attack Germany. The United States attacked Sweden and Germany didn’t defend it at all, he obviously just wants to keep his mainland. Everyone is clueless about what we are doing. Germany even wants us to become allies with them, when they have no idea that we are going to stab them in the back. We will see how it goes tomorrow!


Germany is attacking the USSR. Italy attacked our navy in the West Mediterranean Sea. They destroyed our navy. We are looking to take over Italy. We lied to Germany and told them that it is one of our objectives to take Italy. We told him this, so he will move troops out of France so we can get down to Italy. Germany is scared to do this though, because he thinks that the U.S. will take over him. Germany isn’t letting us move through France. In order for Italy to join our side, it has to look hopeless for Germany. To make it look hopeless for Germany, we need to attack the heart of Germany. We are creating an alliance with USSR. Germany is continuing to attack and conquer the USSR. Italy attacked our navy again, they won again. Italy is moving some troops into France, probably wanting to protect both sides of her. We conquered F3, this will give us a foot hole into Italy. We attacked Finland and were victorious! Right now, we are just trying to get as much land as we can get. We are going to crush Italy now, we are sick of them taking all of our land!


The Soviet Union is moving as much troops as they can, in order to defend themselves from Germany. The Soviet Union is attacking the Italian navy. We are going to try to attack G1, first we are going to have to attack F1, of Germany. The Axis ended up defeating us, it’s okay that he won, because he can’t use those troops next turn to attack us because he used them in battle against us. The U.S. ended up being victorious and gained central Germany! We are attacking the USSR that is now Germany’s with USSR troops and our troops. We are just trying to continue to gain land! The Axis ended up winning. Italy is attacking us in Palestine. The Axis also won Finland from us. Germany gained back G1 from us, they only have 5 troops left in there though. There are really no troops in any of Germany, so we are going to take all of that land, except for Italy. Italy is going to join our side anyway, once we take all of Germany’s land. We are attacking Germany, which was once France, we gained it, because the Axis decided not to defend it.


Italy has formed an alliance with the United States. Germany has talked to Italy and us, and wants us to pretend to have an alliance with the United States, but attack them in the end. We can do this, because none of our objectives tells us that we have to stay loyal to the United States, but we want to become neutral, because we don’t want to be allies with Italy. We don’t want to be allies with Italy, because they attacked France, and we have to stay loyal to France. Right now we are looking to attack Italy, because they attacked France. Italy is continuing to attack our countries in the south. We are not defending it, because we are saving our troops for when we attack Italy itself. The Soviet Union ended up attacking Romania. I’m guessing it is one of their objectives to gain Romania. We attacked Italy, and gained back France. We cut ties with United States, because they were allies with Italy. Right when we announced this, the U.S. broke their alliance with Italy, and wants to be allies with us again. We have not agreed to this yet. The United States threatens to crush us, I think we should be allies with them again, but my president will not listen to me, so now we are going to die. The United States attacked Germany. We attacked Palestine and gained it. We are going to attack Italy, and we were victorious!

WW1 Lesson Plan Journal: France 2

France 2 1913

Today we got things figured out and started. One of our biggest problems is Germany. They have a piece of our land and we want it back. My partner and I think Germany will be declaring war on us right away. That makes us a little nervous because they have a bigger army. We are going to mobilize in 1914 so that should help. A lot of countries mobilized today. We reached one of our objectives already and allied with Montenegro as a secret alliance. Italy talked to us as well today. Italy said that Germany is trying to get through her to get to us. Italy told us that she didn’t plan on hurting us or doing anything bad to us. Italy wants our help and wanted to make things clear that she wouldn’t be hurting us. I guess we will see what happens in 1914!

France 2 1914

Well, we were wrong. Germany had the chance for war and didn’t declare it on us. That was a nice surprise! One thing they did though was move their troops closer to us which made us cautious. We thought it was a good idea to move more troops closer to their side of the country next to ours. We thought it would help the chance of winning in war against them. Italy spoke with us again and said that she overheard Germany talking and they said they might try to attack Italy eventually. So, we made a secret alliance with Italy. Our plan is to move troops in our navy down towards Italy so both of our countries can attack together on a piece of land that Italy wants. After that is done Italy will help us get the land we need. This is how we plan on attempting our objective to get the land of Alsace and Lorraine back as of right now. What we ended up doing was moving our navy troops down to Egypt. I don’t think that made Italy happy so that is scary for us right now. Since we moved downy there, Great Britain wants us to help them attack the last piece of land in the Ottoman Empire. I think our plans as of now are to go through with that in a way to honor our alliance with Great Britain and then go back and help Italy if she still wants that.

France 2 1915

We declared war on the last piece of the Ottoman Empire with Great Britain and Russia right off the bat today. The allies were victorious! We all like to team up our armies or navies together and try to defeat places. The Ottoman Empire had one more piece and we were all near it so we just decided to take it over. Another reason we did that was to honor our alliance with Great Britain. We needed to get back to our plan with Italy so we moved our navy to the Mediterranean Sea Zone 1 to get closer to Italy. The allies realized that Bulgaria was open and didn’t have any troops in there so we all declared war on Bulgaria. Once again the allies were victorious. Our next plan is to declare war on Austria-Hungary with Italy. We decided to ask Great Britain if they wanted to help us as well and they agreed. We all just want to take over Austria-Hungary and get the land Italy needs, then eventually take over parts in Germany to get the land we want. Germany has left us alone so far which is really surprising.

France 2 1916

France declared war on Austria-Hungary like we planned but we switched it so Italy would just declare war on a different part of Austria-Hungary. We both lost but we weakened their armies so that was what we were expecting.  We knew we may not have won but weakening their troops was exactly what we wanted. Us, Great Britain, and Russia still had troops in Bulgaria so we decided to try and take over Serbia but countries helped them and they ended up being victorious. At this point, things weren’t really going our way anymore. Our plan was to take over Serbia so we could work up our way into Austria-Hungary. So, we had to switch things up and come up with a new plan. France is going to move some troops into Italy so we can help her try to attack Austria-Hungary again with more troops. Belgium ended up getting war declared on and so we helped them out by moving troops into their country. We did this to achieve our objective of honoring our alliance with Belgium. We were victorious so then the allies gained that territory! To go for our new plan we moved some troops from France into Belgium to attack Austria-Hungary again eventually. We also moved some troops over to Italy to help her attack again. The next big part of our plan is that France, Italy, Great Britain, and Russia all moved our navies over to Mediterranean Sea Zone 1 so we can eventually move up to the area between France and Great Britain. We want to do this so we can all join armies and navies and attack Germany or Austria-Hungary. As for France, we kept a lot of troops in one area for this reason right here. We want to make sure we have enough to win. With the help of our allies I think we have a good shot at this. Pretty soon it looks like Germany won’t have many soldiers or any at all to even compete. They won’t be able to do much. Germany is trying to get Belgium because it’s on their objective but we aren’t letting that happen.

France 2 1917

Today we gained a new ally, the United States. All of us who had our navies down in the Mediterranean Sea Zone moved them up to the Arctic Sea Zone. Japan ended up moving up there too to help so we have like 5 naives up in that area to hopefully attack at some point. Today was just a lot of moving to get ready for the big attack. France moved all their troops from an area into Italy to help them attack on Austria-Hungary still. To be honest, it’s making me mad because she isn’t doing anything to attack and we’re wasting time. Anyway, to follow through with our plan we declared war on germany with Great Britain and Belgium. I didn’t realize Italy didn’t have any troops in there so they couldn’t help so that ticked me off too. The thing is, Italy acts like such a big leader and she’s just pushing us all around. If you couldn’t guess, the allies lost the war. We’re pretty much screwed. At this point I’m not happy because Great Britain and Italy all act like they’re gonna help us but I have this feeling they’re just using us to help them and we’re not gonna get the help we need. We only have one day left. The way we’re trying to get our objective is to get into Germany or Austria-Hungary somehow and then take over the G2 area that we need to get that land. We are just losing every battle right now and it seems impossible to get into their territory. Our next move is to try and attack A2 in Austria-Hungary to get up into Germany.

France 2 1918

Today is the last day and I was really nervous at first knowing we don’t have much time to get things done. Like I mentioned before I had a feeling we weren’t going to get that piece of land so we tried really hard to get it today. To start we all moved our navies up by the US because they just mobilized and got a bunch of troops. So we loaded those up. Then the allies had so many declaration of wars to try anything possible to get into Germany or Austria-Hungary. This made Germany really mad because apparently we were taking too much time on our turn but they didn’t invoke the 10 minute time limit. France attacked A2 and won it surprisingly but quickly got defeated again. We also attacked G2 which is the land we need and we lost. That wasn’t that bad though because the allies are just trying to wipe out their troops.  Other ally countries were taking some territory to get anything we could. The US decided to attack G2 and they WON. We quickly moved some of our troops into G2 to kind of claim the land. That is exactly how we got our objective done but getting our land of Alsace and Lorraine. So for movement like I said we put 200 troops into G2 and then whatever was left in that we moved to Belgium. The rest of our troops at the bottom of France we moved into Italy so maybe she could attack something. We planned on just trying to get parts of Austria-Hungary but we ran out of time. I feel really confident in this simulation as France. I really feel like we accomplished all of our objectives. I’m pretty sure the allies ended up having more land than the central powers too!

World War Two Lesson Plan Student Journal: Poland and The Netherlands

Poland 5 1939 – 

Great Britan and France have public garrentte my borders. Germany invaded my western flank and soon captured the entire region of P1. Poland needs to wait until Great Britain or france has the power to take over Germany. Then I will help maintain the Eastern front of Germany.  P 2 need to make an alliance with the USSR, to help keep Germany out of the USSR. The Dutch El provide me with Rubber, they have a surplus of it so it was not hard from them to spare 5.

Netherlands/ Dutch El  5 1939 –  

Netherlands is a weak country with a small army so Germany easily took it over. I will have to hold out for France to take over Belgium so they can start and advance into Germany. As this happens I will supply France with the natural resources they need. I have rubber in the North East Indies, if they have use for this then I will be ready to supply them with it.  France and Great Britain need the Dutch El to supply rubber to keep ratings up. This is how I will negotiate so they will defend me.

Poland 5 1940 – 

The USSR is the only one that could help defend me. Great Britain and france are not close enough to defend. I have negotiated with both of these countries and they have agreed to return my countries back when they start to advance on germany and Japan.  Their is rumors of the USSR having a secret Alliance with Japan.  This is not good because they are directly next to Poland. Poland is surrounded by Germany and USSR. It will be hard for my alliances to regain Poland in this difficult situation.

Netherlands/ Dutch El  5 1940 –  

In they Netherlands Germany is starting to take affect, Hitler has started moving in Nazi troops. Their is talk about killing Jews. We are hoping soon that France will start to invade Belgium and then be able to regain our territory and again become apart of the Allies.  Italy is trying to invade France, france pulled out a victory. This will help us in the long run. If France is able to retain their original territory they will continue to be strong and help the netherlands.

Poland 5 1941 – 

Part of France has been The USSR has allied with the Axis powers. This is not good they both have very large armies although USSR armies are week they are large. Germany is starting to move troops into Poland. This is taking its toll on our people. They are losing hope that we will ever get our country back. The UUSR siding with the Axis was not good news to us. There is not much Poland can do right now other than wait and hope for something to happen in our favor.

Netherlands/ Dutch El  5 1941 –  

In the Dutch El a large war happen close to us. Great Britain, France and the US  Navy all attacked Japans Navy, they lost. I could have helping with my navy. If I did this it may have helped them win but then if i got attacked I would have no defense against Japan if they tried to attack me. I have rubber and Japan has no rubber so if they need rubber I’m the closest rubber to them.  So far i don’t for see anyone attacking me. I still need to be prepared to defend a attack though. US has agreed to defend me incase of an attack. Japan has 49 navy in the West Pacific I have 50 in the Dutch El if they attack I should be able to defeat them. I am hoping they have a low rating. My rating is 7 for the Dutch El navy.

Poland 5 1942 – 

We are just waiting for france, Great Britain, and the U.S. to start and regain territory. The USSR has sided back with the allies. They have decided to help us defeat Germany. Germany thinks they are still not going to help us defeat them.  There is confusion on who the UUSR is sided with.

Netherlands/ Dutch El  5 1942 – 

 In the Pacific ocean Japan has been taken over by the Allies. Japan tried to tack New Guinea. Great Britain helped defend me because I have rubber. If Japan were to get the rubber that would help their ratting. The U.S and I are attacking the Japan Navy, by doing this we have eliminated the Japan Navy so I don’t have to worry about anymore attacks.

Poland 5 1943

I am allowing Great Britain to move my army to their convenience. They are small but they have a powerful rating and i can help in moving troops into germany. Germany is allowing us to come throughout the Baltic sea. They think we are going to help them take over more of the UUSR for some reason. I don’t think it was in there best interest to let us through. They was not smart on there part.  There are no troops in P1.  The US has attacked germany in F3, it was a success. Allies are starting in on Germany. The USSR has came back to the Allies.

Netherlands/ Dutch El  5 1943 – 

It has become a waiting game. No german troops occupy Netherlands as of right now. The French and British could take over the netherlands again and let us move back in. Germany is only one move away from attacking though, so they would need to bring in a large about of troops to help fight. We have still managed to protect the Dutch El. We still have a surplus of rubber. Italy is the only axis left with a navy. I am slightly worried about them coming for the Dutch El. If they attack I will not be large enough to defend.

Poland 5 1944- 

There is going to be a big attack on Germany from the UUSR and Allies soon, I feel. Time is closing in and we need to start attacking Germany soon. The Allies need to work together to defeat Germany. Allies are going to attack F1, and G1. I need get them to move into P1 because no germans are in p1 right now. As soon as the Allies get Poland back Great Britain and France said they would guarantee our borders.

Netherlands/ Dutch El  5 1944 – 

There are no German troops in the Netherlands so the Allies will start to regain the Netherlands. G1 has been taken back over, they are weak and only have 5,000 troops we. They can attack and take back over Netheralands, Belguim and G1.

Poland 5 1945- 

The allies need to move fast, today is the last day of the simulation. They are going to majorly attack Germany to regain Poland. If they want to win they are going to have to attack hard with a lot of troops. USSR is starting to attack from the other east. Allies are going to slowly start to close in on the axis. France and great Britain have threaded to break their alliance with the US because they made an alliance with Italy. In fear of attack they broke the alliance with Italy.  The USSR is going to attack P2. The land was gifted back to me.

Netherlands/ Dutch El  5 1945 – 

The Dutch El is safe. There is no way we can  be attacked. The Netherlands is not occupied by any German troops. I have managed to defend the Dutch El and reach all of my objectives.

WW1 Lesson Plan Journal: Germany 2

Great Britain 2 1913

Serbia and Austria Hungary are in conflict, and the alliance system is going to drag many countries into war. Germany, the Austrian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire have all mobilized. This leaves me with no choice. I must also mobilize, and encourage the other allies to mobilize as well. Germany has the strongest army in the world, and so the allies are going to have to beat them with numbers. We are still waiting to see which country is going to make the first move and declare war on the other. I have made a secret alliance with Italy. Italy says that it wishes to remain neutral until 1916, once they join the alliance, I am planning on loading their army onto my navy and attacking the Ottoman Empire. The allies need control of the strait to supply Russia.

Great Britain 2 1914

The day began with the German movement of troops. It appears that they are planning on attack on Russia. Russia has numbers but also has a weaker army. I fear that there will be great losses in Russia. I don’t waste time and immediately declare war on Germany, crushing their navy. This gives me security, knowing that Great Britain is an island and there are no navies left attack me. The Ottoman Empire moves troops into Bulgaria, taking them over. This leaves the Ottoman Empire weak, and Russia begins moving troops into the south to attack. I am planning on meeting Russia in the next year to take over the rest of the Ottoman Empire. It takes time for me to move my navy. I just hope that Russia will be able to hold off Germany long enough for me to come to their aid. Germany attacks Russia and takes out R3 and R2. I am worried for Russia, but have heard that Russia plans for a large mobilization next year. Here is my plan for the year of 1915:

Meet up with France and attack the Ottoman Empire from the Mediterranean Sea Zone

With the help of Russia, take over the Ottoman Empire

Great Britain 2 1915

The attack on the Ottoman Empire worked exactly as planned and the allies are now in control. The remaining forces in the Ottoman Empire took over Bulgaria. I am excited about having Allie control of O1 because I have completed my objective of keeping the Dardanelles Strait open to supply Russia. This has made Russia more powerful. Their army will now be more powerful and will not group a power rating every day, so this will make the Allies stronger. We will need Russia to be at full strength to take over the powerful German army. Germany is moving troops into R2, but their lack of aggression is going to work for our benefit. The longer Russia survives, the more troops they will get and the better the chance we have to win the war. I think Germany is making a big mistake by not trying to take out Russia when they can.

Great Britain 2 1916

Russia’s mobilization is huge and the Germans are scared! The army of 7,000 Russians forced the German army back into their country, and Russia claimed all of their lost territory. Things are looking good for the allies right now. I begin to move my navy up to Great Britain so I can start supplying France. Germany tried to move their army though Belgium, but Belgium refused. Germany declared war on Belgium, and France stepped in to defeat the German army. Although one of my objectives was to keep Belgium neutral, they have joined the alliance. I tried to encourage them not to, but with Germany trying to them as a route to France, it was the only way for Belgium to protect themselves. I convinced all of the allied navies to move north with me as well so that we can supply France with troops from my country and the United States. There was one flaw in the plan that I overlooked. We moved all of our navies into the Mediterranean Sea Zone 1, but all three of the German u-boat forces were in this zone with us. I lost 400 in my navy, and all the other navies took big losses as well. This shouldn’t change the tide of the war, but it will slow down our invasion of Germany because it will limit the troops we can bring from the U.S. and Britain.

Great Britain 2 1917

America has entered the war! This should give a significant edge to the allies as the war is coming to an end. The allies prepare for a major invasion of Germany. The allies move 2,277 of my troops and 1, 329 U.S. troops into France using our combined naval fleet. Both sides are at a stalemate, fearing the size and strength of the opposition’s army. Germany took back Bulgaria and tried to recapture some Ottoman Empire territory, but Russia was able to defeat them and prevent them from moving any further. 1918 will be a key year for the allies. There will be many battles fought and many losses for both sides, but I hope the allies will come out on top.

Great Britain 2 1918

Allied forces pour into Germany and Austria-Hungary from all sides. The Central power takes huge loses, but their shear size and power prevent them from losing most of their territories. The U.S. attack of 1,000 troops through the Ardennes Forest was too much for Germany to take, and the allies took over G2. Russia was able to recapture Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria. After Russia used all of their troops to greatly weaken Germany, the Germans were able to take one of Russians territories. I feel that this was a cheap victory for the Central Powers, but it is what it is. I just wish we had more time. The Central Powers were extremely weak from repeated invasions, but it was simply a time factor that prevented the Allies from world domination. I regret not having the allies attack in 1917. If we had done that, I feel that Germany and Austria-Hungary would have easily been defeated in 1918. When looking at the map, it was still a victory for the allies, but there was much more that could have been done.

Cold War Simulation Lesson Plan Student Journal: Netherlands 5

Netherlands 5 Orientation 

So. I don’t really know how this is supposed to play out. I really don’t want to participate in this simulation. I have an easy enough role to play I guess. I did hear someone say in our class it was the USSR’s plan to just bomb everything. If that happens then maybe I’ll have no choice but to just go along with it. That sounds easy enough. Either way I won’t know until I get there so it is what it is. I just have to try and keep the peace within my group. I hope all the countries agree that way I don’t really have to compromise for the group. I don’t like talking in class and arguing with people. I also hope that no one wants to fight because that’s another thing I’m against. If they don’t then I assume I’ll have to say something.

Netherlands 5 Day 1

Well now. The USSR is not messing around one bit. DefCon 2 and already done some bombing. We’ve only been in class less than 20 minutes. I really feel like NATO is basically going to be whatever Sage and Jacob want to do because let’s be honest, they are not going to be persuaded to do anything other than what they want. This is why children are not allowed to run wars. We would end all forms of civilization. In a week most likely. There goes my country. I officially now have no say in the simulation any more. It happens. Okay. One of my objectives is to keep the peace between the countries in NATO and so far, I’m doing a pretty good job. It’s easy enough because they all are in agreement with one another already. Even if they weren’t I doubt there is much I could do to get them to agree. It’s Sage and Jacob. They’re not going to listen to anyone other than themselves. For my second objective I can guarantee that my own country will not be participating in any fighting. Well. I tried to tell Sage and Jacob to slow down on all the bombing but the other side wasn’t backing down so neither were they. I’m done now.

Netherlands 5 Day 2

I would not at all be surprised if we just destroyed the entire world. We just destroyed the world.. Children really should not have control over nuclear bombs. This doesn

World War Two Lesson Plan Student Journal: France

France 5, 1938

It’s only orientation day and the tension is already building. We have found out who we (as allies) can trust and who we can’t. I’m getting a weird  vibe from Emilee Knipfel. China is an ally but she has also made her way into the axis war room. I’m not sure what to think about it right now. Natural Resources were definitely a hot topic today. The allies made sure that we were all on the same page about not letting the pacific Natural resources slip into the hands of the axis powers. We received all of our oil from Great Britain and We are trying to get rubber from them also. That would be a huge help to our situation by increasing our power rating. I also think Belgium will be germany’s main infiltration point into France. I am also very grateful for the protective wall keeping Germany from directly attacking France.  Im hoping Britain also sends troops either into F1 or Belgium to help defend.

France 5, 1939

This was kind of an interesting day. We did gain all of our natural resources thanks to Great Britain. And I now have a surplus of Coal and iron which I can give to Poland to help Complete my objective of Honoring my alliance with them. The British were able to take Germany’s navy. I am kind of suspicious of Italy’s navy also. They wanted access to the Western Mediterranean Sea but backed out when my navy wouldn’t let them through. It’s only the second day and I am already feeling a rush to get my objectives complete. Belgium was attacked by Germany today and we sent troops along with British forces to Protect it. We gained the United States as an ally which will help in the defense of France. I’m starting to realize how screwed France was from the beginning. It will be hard to defend F3 along with F1 at the same time. I don’t have that many troops and my Military rating seems non existent even after gaining all of my Natural Resources.

France 5, 1940

Tension is rising in France. Germany is most likely going to attack from Belgium today. There was a behind the scenes talk with Germany during weights the other day, Sage wanted me to move troops out of F1 and F2 into F3 so he could complete an objective of taking france without using force and then I would be able to take it back over after he left. I had a bad feeling about this and I also don’t trust Sage. We are building forces in F1 to try to defend France as well as we can. I’m not sure what else we can do to defend ourselves at this point because we have to keep troops in southern France to defend against Italy who are also on the verge of attacking. Germany did take over F1 but we widled them down to 1,400 sum troops. Now if I split the rest of my army between F2 and F3 then we will hopefully complete our objective of retaining our land, or at least attempting to.

France 5, 1941

A sad day in France. Germany finally took over France. We do still have French Indo China and French North Africa and now Libya. Great Britain, France, and The United States Navy’s are starting to move troops from The U.S. into Great Britain. From there we will be able to start pumping them into Europe. I am also wanting to eliminate Italy’s Navy. They are the only naval threat that we have to worry about. If we get them out of the way we will be able to move our navy’s with a better peace of mind. And also not have to worry about the Axis moving troops by sea.

France 5, 1942

Good day today! Although Germany seems to be spreading and getting bigger, I feel like the Allies are in more control. As long as the united states keeps gaining troops and navy, then we will be able to start attacking Germany. The allies gained and then lost the USSR today. Not sure what the U.S. was thinking when they did this. Sage (Germany) is kind of getting worried. He even talked about trying to make peace talks with us today. I think he is scared that he will be the only Axis power left. We are going to try to convince Italy to switch sides. This would be a huge gain of not only a few troops but also navy.

France 5, 1943

Today has the potential of being one of the most strategically important days yet. I have talked with Great Britain (Jacob Coulson) about needing Italy on our side. We thought that Germany would let us peacefully go through france to get to Italy but we realized how much danger we would be in. We changed our plan to send Naval forces up to the U.S. and move troops back to F3 and take it over. D-Day! Once we get a foothold in Europe, we can start advancing towards Germany. Sage is throwing Italy under the bus and using her navy while their alliance is still good. Soon we hope to gain Italy and their navy to help move more troops into Europe. But I don’t think she will join us unless it looks hopeless for Germany. Hopefully by taking F3, we will help her realize who is in control. Unfortunately she has already lost over half of her navy by letting Sage tell her to attack French and Great Britain’s navy in the Mediterranean.

France 5, 1944

Today was another huge day for the Allies! Great Britain and the U.S. took back F1 and actually took G1 for part of the day. Germany is really running low on troops. We are trying to get Bulgaria, and Hungary to join us. It would save a lot of moves and troops that we would lose if we had to fight them. If we can gain those countries, we will have a more secure perimeter built up around Germany and we will be able to take them that much quicker. The more we can surround them, the quicker we can choke them out. It is really looking good for the Allies, all we could need is more time.

France 5, 1945

Interesting finish to the simulation. I had originally planed on finishing off the Germans, but Great Britain and I realized that we didn’t need to continue fighting the Germans and that We needed to take back the Middle East countries from Italy more. We gained F1 back and then continued to take Italy. We also gained back some middle east territories like Palestine. The U.S. went back and forth on making alliances with Italy. This made Great Britain want to back out of the Allies and France would have to follow. In the end, The U.S. broke ties with Italy and no body backed out of the Alliance. Which is probably good because Halder would have just taken Great Britain and someone would have Flunked. I wish we had at least one more day to sort everything out and completely destroy the Italians.

WW1 Lesson Plan Journal: German Foriegn Minister 2

Germany Period 2 1914 Day 1
I wasn’t here for the first simulation day. Although, ______ and I kept in touch throughout the day on what are next move would be. We are worried about Russia, Great Britain, and France. I think they’re going to attack us. I don’t believe they’ll attack head on, they’ll be very sneaky about it. Russia mobilized, which means we need to destroy them as that is our main objective. France and Great Britain seem to be pretty close and probably are plotting, so we defiantly need to keep an eye on them. We’re putting some U boats in this strip of water between Britain and Germany. I think we might be able to defeat the allies navy’s.

Germany Period 2 1914 Day 2
The second day of the simulations was my first day. I came in feeling pretty confused. It wasn’t what I really thought it was going to be like. I didn’t realize how nervous one can be not knowing what’s going on with the other side. I got paranoid that they were going to attack and take over. They didn’t, and we took quite a bit of land. That doesn’t really ease my worry that the allies have something big coming. I wish the Ottoman Empire hadn’t of invaded Bulgaria because tomorrow the country allies with us. This situation will not turn out well. Germany will need to help out the Ottoman Empire by sending some forces down incase the allies attack them because they have a few navy’s in the Mediterranean. I’m not sure if my partner will listen to me or not. If he doesn’t then I probably will be getting the short end of this simulation.

Germany Period 2 1915
It looks like things are looking up. I have half of Russia now and I think we may be able to take over their capital. We need to act quickly in getting it so the Allies don’t know exactly what to do if we do take over Russia’s capital. I’m almost positive something is going on with the allies because of all the boats in the Mediterranean Sea. I’ve heard one of their objectives is to get the waterway down in the Ottoman Empire so they can help Russia. Obviously we can’t let that happen, so we’ll need to put some U boats down there. I’m really glad that we have such a strong army, even though we have no way to get over seas, we don’t need it because of our high military ranking. I’ve really tried to make decisions, but only being a foreign administrator is awful. I don’t get to make decisions even though I think I can bring something to the table. If we had a little more time in the class I think we could have done more to strengthen our empire. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Germany Period 2 1916
We hare in a hard spot right now. The allies have control near Central Powers southern boarders. I think they may be coming up and trying to attack, but who knows. My partner has given up, and it’s very frustrating. I won’t give up. I have faith that we will defend our lands, no matter how many troops they think they can get on us. We have so many troops and such a high rating that we will be able to defend and protect our country.The Ottoman Empire is practically done for right now except for a few of their troops. For some reason my partner didn’t listen to me and thought that retreating from Russia was a good idea when we easily could have taken the capital. I hate that my voice isn’t being heard. I would rather we would’ve attacked Russia full on and knock them into a civil war. That would be a break in the opposition. Right now, we need to stick to one of our main objectives and that is to retain our original land. By doing that, we need to get many troops into our sections and protect ourselves. I figure that we will have a very tough time against Great Britain, France, and now Italy.

Germany Period 2 1917
Today was intense. We finally had a full day of class and lots of time to build ourselves up. The allies thought they could get into our capital, ha! The US wasn’t even in Belgium to help them all out in an attack. I think the room was at it’s highest tension so far because the neutrals finally went to the allies. It might be a good to be cocky because the opposition gets all fired up and thinks they can beat us, when they can’t. Going past the end of class was so intense, then ending with a  victory was more than sweet. The allies think they’re all tough and smart, when they don’t realize how strong and smart we are. After class there were many rude comments towards the central powers, but I really don’t care because both sides have had bad things happen. Although, I do think that we broke their biggest plan. I really wonder what they’re going to do tomorrow. I’m not 100% on my strategy tomorrow. My partner still doesn’t listen to me on anything, still. He wanted to put 10 troops into Russia’s 6,000! What he was thinking, I’m really not sure. It would have increased their defense! I think we just need to be like Bismarck, and provoke war with the other countries, so they come to us. If they come to us, then we will be stronger and defend our lands better. I’m not sure what to do with Russia. One of our main objectives is to defeat Russia, but that isn’t turning out well. We’ll have to go through the Ottoman Empire if we want to attack them. We probably won’t have enough time, but trying is better than not. Bring on 1918.

Germany Period 2 1918
It was the final day of simulations. It was defiantly the most intense day. Especially because someone