Rumania 1 1939
This is the start of something big. Bigger than what we could have imagined. I sure hope this is not a repeat of the First Great War. I hope this one is done with quicker. We have more technology and I have powerful allies.
Bulgaria 1 1939
I am thinking about allying with the Axis. They are very powerful with Germany at the center and Japan and Italy behind them. It seems like the smart move. I will let this play out for a while before I make my decision.
Hungary 1 1939
I lost so much territory after the Great War. The West has made no effort to help me in regaining any of it. The Axis has made me offer that I need to think about before I make my decision.
Rumania 1 1940
I donated some of my oil to Germany and Japan. I must support them if I want any help from the in the future. I will fully support them until the end. No matter the outcome.
Bulgaria 1 1940
I have not made my decision yet. I have been weighing my options and looking at the pros and cons carefully. I want to make the best decision I can for my people. I shall make my final decision soon.
Hungary 1 1940
Germany has made me a promising offer. I like the sound of it a lot. They would help me regain some of my lost territory if I assist them in the war. I am almost certain of my decision. I shall not announce it yet. I will wait just a bit longer.
Rumania 1 1941
I have received help from Bulgaria, Hungary, and Germany to take Ukraine. It is a large chunk of land and I have hold of it, it has weakened the USSR. My country is now safe from attack by the Allies. I am surrounded by my own allies.
Bulgaria 1 1941
I have made my final decision to join the Axis powers. My first act as part of the Axis is to help Rumania take over Ukraine. It was a successful attack and I have gained the trust of Rumania. Hopefully I can receive some resources from them. It would help tremendously.
Hungary 1 1941
I announced my alliance to the Axis powers. They have offered to help me regain my territory that had been lost after the Great War. I trust that they will help me when I call for it. I had helped Rumania take Ukraine and I have gained their trust. I will need them to support me in the future.
Rumania 1 1942
After taking Ukraine, Germany has been helping me push further into the USSR. I have been assisting them as they help me simultaneously. Our goal is to wipe them out so they can do no damage to us. Japan has been dealing with them in the East. We are pinching them from the west. They cannot receive help from their allies.
Bulgaria 1 1942
The troops I sent to help with the taking of Ukraine have been pushing northeast with Germany’s troops to wipe out the USSR. I have received word that once they are gone, we will be pushing back west towards France.
Hungary 1 1942
My troops are helping Germany greatly. They are following Germany into the USSR and offering more fresh troops to fight when needed. I have more troops here to send west when we head towards France.
Rumania 1 1943
I have sent the rest of my troops west into Italy. The plan is to take out France and then Great Britain. If we take out France, then we have all the land. Great Britain will be tough to take with their tough navy. Germany will have to deal with that themselves. I am only able to help on land. I am ready for what lies ahead.
Bulgaria 1 1943
I have sent word to my troops in the USSR to start heading back west towards France. Germany has requested that we assist them in the taking of France. I am ready to help them in any way possible.
Hungary 1 1943
Germany has sent me word of the plans that lie ahead. I plan to keep my troops in the USSR are for now and send what I have at my disposal west. Germany has made me a great offer and I would like to honor it by helping them when I can.
Rumania 1 1944
The USSR has been completely wiped out. Our troops are spread but I have moved whats left into Italy. Our next step is to take France. It will be a great achievement if we are able to take it.
Bulgaria 1 1944
My troops and resting and resupplying in Italy along with Rumania. Our next big plan is to eliminate France and Great Britain. I am sure Hungary will be on the way to help us all as well.
Hungary 1 1944
My troops have arrived in Italy and are resupplying. Rumania and Bulgaria have also placed troops here. We have many troops stationed in Italy ready to go for France. Germany also has troops in Belgium ready to attack.
Rumania 1 1945
We have attempted to attack France. Germany had attacked them from Belgium and had failed. It is up to our armies to take a part of France and push in from there. We have obtained a small portion and have pushed north towards Belgium. We took 2 parts of France. The last attempt had been a failure.
Bulgaria 1 1945
My troops, along with Germany, Italy, and Hungary, had failed to take part of France. Rumania and other groups of German and Italian troops had been successful. We might have failed on our side, But they will be able to push our way and maybe take over the last part of France.
Hungary 1 1945
My troops had failed me. Our armies were unsuccessful in taking our part of France. Rumania, the Germans, and Italy had been successful on their part. They need to push west to take the rest of France. This war has been successful for the Axis. I hope to regain my lost territory when the war is over.