Student Journal: Cold War Simulation, France

France 2 Orientation Day

Initial Thoughts: The thought of a full out nuclear war just brings goosebumps to me. If the world and countries ever got into a full out nuclear war, the whole country could and would be destroyed. Having nukes is just like militarism and having a big army. Every country is going to want nukes and they want to show that they have the better nukes. When one country does something, the opposite side of the war would also want to do something. This would be how it is with nukes. One country fires at another country and they want to show off their nukes so they fire back. This would lead to a full out nuclear war and destruction to many and almost all of other countries. 

Strategy: I needed to keep peace with everyone because France couldn’t take another war. They had just been in two wars and they couldn’t lose anymore troops or land. Thankfully they had the United States in the simulation because the United States always helps win the war. My initial strategy was to not try and get into war. I didn’t want to lose any troops and didn’t want to give up land around me because then I would end up getting hit with a tactical nuke. I also needed to keep France because if I had lost that, the Warsaw Pact would have gotten France’s nuke which would have affected NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). 

France 2 Day 1

Thoughts: You wouldn’t think on the first day of war, there would be any attacks on other countries. But I mean, you never know with Joseph Stalin on the other side. Even if Stalin would think about going to war, he was theoretically surrounded by NATO. He may have had more troops, but we both had nuclear missiles. If we were to ever feel the discomfort that we were going to lose the war, we could just launch our missiles at the enemies. Never would I have thought to say this, but I honestly hope we don’t get into war and have the idea of nuclear missiles on our mind. Stalin doesn’t know what a full out nuclear war would do, and that is what scares me. 

Strategy: As France, NATO had been surrounding us. With us being part of NATO but also “independent,” we were in no need to be prepared to get attacked. We didn’t need to withstand any attacks, but we were able to take back what used to be part of NATO as well as East Germany. Taking back Berlin had been a huge part in this war because we were able to take back our people that the USSR had split in half. We needed as many nukes as we possibly could, and maybe even try and take the USSR. If we were able to do that, the Warsaw Pact would have no nukes and they would be destroyed. 

France 2 Day 2

Thoughts: There had been multiple attacks on both Eastern and Western Germany of who had control on it. All of these attacks had included nuclear warfare which wiped out the whole army of the opposite side. The only bad thing about this nuclear war is that if you ever had an all out attack, you would eventually lose all of your troops because everyone theoretically had nuclear nukes. But then if you ever tried to escalate the war too much, there would be a nuclear missile launch. If you fired at someone, they had the missiles that they would fire theirs right back at you. The whole world would be destroyed with the click of a button. 

Strategy: With the fact that the war between Eastern and Western Germany, there had been a clear path to what we had to do. If we kept wasting our troops, we were going to get taken over by the Warsaw Pact and lose nukes that would “help” NATO. Everyone saw what the nuclear missiles would do to the war but it was the only thing that we could do if we were the target of the enemy’s nukes. We saw that if we didn’t launch our nuclear missiles, the armies of the Warsaw Pact would take back Turkey and the nukes that NATO had acquired in the borders of Turkey. So we pressed the button and the whole world was gone. Forever. 

World War 2 Simulation Journal: Great Britain & France

This Journal is from a small class where multiple countries had to be controlled by one person

Britain + France 3 1938

France is in the Munich pact with Germany and does not want to get into another World War with Germany. Mussolini and Hotler have become very powerful in their government systems and it scares both Britain and France. Both countries watched and let Hitler take the Sudetenland and promised he was done then took all of czek. This was the last straw. War looks to be declared in the coming months. Hitler is moving forces to the border of Poland and if it’s touched the Allied powers will declare war on Germany and put an end to their games. The USA doesn’t want to enter this war but winning will be very difficult if not brought in. The allies will keep poking at them to get them to join us and defeat Hitler. 

Britain + France 3 1939 

1939 was a year full of movement for the allies. We have so many less troops and they aren’t as strong or as advanced as the Germans. So we need to be conservative. The USA and USSR don’t want to join us. The USA wants to stay neutral and the USSR just signed a nonaggression pact with Germany. This is scary to think about. The allies moved forces to help China reinforce their borders with Japan. Their troops are weak and I sent them resources to help improve this. With our help China will be stronger than ever. The allies helped defend Norway and had control for a small period of time but it was soon taken over by Germany who controls both Norway and Denmark. I’m trying to get them to move as many troops as possible out of Mainland Germany so when I attack they can’t do anything about it. As we wait we are stacking up troops on the Maginot Line and waiting for the right time to attack. 

Britain + France 3 1940 

The allies went a little on the offensive end in 1940. We took control over Libya which was in Italian control. While Germany fought hard to take over Denmark and Norway, we kept advancing troops into France to prevent an all out invasion from Italy and to be ready to attack Germany. The japanese took over the western part of the USA. This was a big mistake on their part because the USA mobilized and joined the allied powers. Since the USA’s army is becoming bigger and bigger the allies are working as hard as we can to send their troops into Europe. The japanese are expanding their rule throughout China and what it looks like towards Burma. Japan’s troops are stronger than anticipated and just keep coming. It looks like they are going to attack Australia with a big navy. This is only them wasting troops for pointless land. In the coming years with the USA mobilizing an attack on Germany is imminent and we will win this war and put an end to these totalitarian governments. 

Britain + France 3 1941 

1941 was a successful year for the Allies. The Germans expanded their rule to the northern hemisphere and into the USSR. The axis teamed up and took yugoslavia as well. They attacked from all sides and there was nothing we could do to help. The axis made their first attack in France and they were unsuccessful thanks to the help of the British army. Italy’s troops seem to be weak. Next year we will attack Italy and take them over. This could catch the axis off guard. Germany is really spreading out their troops to take over other countries, this is making mainland Germany less powerful. Within the next few years we will attack the country of Germany and end this war. 

Britain + France 3 1942

Since Germany attacked the USSR in 1941 the USSR has joined the allied powers. This is a huge gain for us because they have so many troops to fight. This means we will make Germany fight a two front war. They can’t hold this up. The Italians attacked F-2 of France with over 3,000 troops. Our defenses held up and we attacked them right back and took Italy. We used the USSR to attack the few thousand troops in Romania and we depleted the whole army. The Axis are starting to tire in Europe. Soon they will go belly up once we take all countries surrounding Germany. The USA keeps mobilizing every year and they are well trained troops. We need to work as fast as we can to get their troops down in F-1 of France and attack through the Maginot Line to overpower the Germans. Meanwhile Japan in the east is expanding. We are countering this with the eastern USSR and giving them problems. 

Britain + France 3 1943 

The axis powers started to expand in 1943. Japan took all of China and almost all of the eastern USSR. The United States is still mobilizing so need to work swiftly to get their troops ready to attack Germany. German troops are stronger than anticipated. We sent our first wave to attack them in 1943. This killed maybe 300 Germans. Their troops get the defense bonus and are already stronger than ours. We need to find a way to attack them, with everything we got to take Germany. Italy and Hungary joined the allies and are eager to help us beat the axis powers. Within the next year we will deplete the German army to the breaking point. 

Britain + France 1944

The Germans are advancing upon the USSR and there is nothing we can do about it. The Japanese have also started to take over the middle eastern countries. The japanese empire is expanding rapidly and so are the Germans. We need to in 1945 attack the German mainland over and over again. This will eventually make them give in. There are more than enough troops ready to fight in the USA and In Britain. If we can use the navys to get to Germany we can win this war. The Germans tried to take Italy but that backfired on them. Next year will be all battles. I’m not sure if Germany will back their troops from the east but it won’t matter we will fight and win at any cost. 

Britain + France 1945 

The German troops are strong. There is nothing more to say. We used over 4,000 troops to attack the German mainland on two different attacks. The German troops held off both our attacks. If we had one more year we would’ve attacked with 2,000 more troops. But I’m not quite sure if that would even have won. The German troops in Germany are just too strong. They killed all of the USSR and took over the entire map of Asia. We held France and Britain but as I’ve said before troops were just no match for Germany. They took all our resources and depleted our troops ratings. There was nothing we could do about that because we needed to keep using the navys to send US troops to Europe. 

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WWI Simulation Journal: Serbia, Montenegro and Greece-Letters to home.

Serbia 8 1913.

*A letter to the family of Nedeljko Čabrinović, the man who threw a grenade at Franz Ferdinands car and was captured by authorities after a failed suicide attempted.*

Our plan is complete. After months of planning and a good amount of luck, the Black Hand has killed Franz Ferdinand. We were astonished that the assassination was complete, and that once again Serbia and all of the slavs will finally become united again. I tried throwing a bomb in his vehicle, but was unsuccessful. I tried taking the cyanide to end my life, but for some reason that failed. I then jumped off of a bridge to escape, but was apprehended after I jumped into the water which  was only a few feet deep. The president now has to give a speech about how “shocked” our country is that he died even though we were the ones who killed him. Good riddance in my opinion. If Austria-Hungary is gullible enough to see through our deception it would be astounding. Though their president is prone to violence we’re hoping that he buys this and doesn’t try to attack us for I fear it may be the end of this great nation. Though we cannot rely too much on our allies in this we will probably end up needing their help to recapture our territory needed from Austria Hungary to unite the people that yearn to be Slavs once again. My sentence, as you probably know, is 20 years. It could have been much shorter given if my cyanide tablet had worked. Though it gives me the opportunity to see what me and my comrades have started and will allow the seed of our actions to blossom. Though my sentence is long I do not care because I know this Tuberculosis will take me instead of the Austro-Hungarians. This is why we did this in the first place, we had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I wish to see you all again someday and I miss you all very much.

With love, Nedeljko Čabrinović

Montenegro. 8. 1913.

*A 15 year old boy with a father who died in the Balkan Wars writes in his journal*

Hello Journal. It’s been 87 days since the passing of my father. I feel that every day the number moves up by, it seems smaller and the days start to form into one solid period of suffering and grief. Yet, at the same time, I have become accustomed to it, and it seems like it is all becoming normal, but worse than before my fathers passing. Today, I heard a man from the factory say that there may be another conflict happening soon. We have just ended the Balkan Wars a few months prior, so it seems so rushed that we may again be in another conflict. I discussed the news of this to some boys I work with, and they all told me that they would die to protect their countries, just like many of their fathers did before them. We may be a small country, many here have a sense of pride that large countries might not have. We are also very happy to have stayed allied to Serbia, as they have a great army that could help us. I fantasy the day I could be out helping my country and for the right people, just like my father before me.

Greece. 8. 1913. 

*A Greek wife writing to her husband who moved to America to start a new life for them New York*

Rumors of a potential war are going on. We have just finished the Balkan War, and we came away well. We were lucky to gain a little land in the end, and are now a free country. But with this new war potentially happening, we are concerned that Bulgaria may want some of the land we, in a way, took from them during the Balkan War. If the war happens, it may give them the excuse to try to invade, which is not in our best interest. The president has tried offering peace in case of a war, but the offer is still pending. We have to remain neutral for now even though we have offers from both sides to join. I fear if we choose too early it will be the end for our country because the Serbs could come in from the North, or the Ottomans could come in from the East. Whatever happens though, we cannot let Bulgaria have the land our brave men fought for. It would mean they gave their lives in vain. My only wish is to reunite our family and move onto the next chapter of our lives in America. Our beloved 3 year old son Estevan asks when you’re coming home everyday. It takes all my strength to hold back tears and to tell him day after day that we’ll see him soon. We both miss you and love you very much.

Love, your beloved wife, Evangeline

Serbia 8 1914.

*A letter to a Serbian soldiers fiance about the events that happened while he was in battle*

Hello dearest Anastasia,

The horrors I have seen since our great country mobilized are unimaginable. Poison gas, artillery, and the carnage are just some of the things I wish to get away from just to see your face. Austria-hungary decided not to attack us even though we assassinated their ruler. It was strange to be quite frank but i’m sure they have a higher goal in mind. Our allies are trying to push up to the German border in hopes of defending themselves. The British Navy is even moving down to fight the Ottoman navy in hopes of eventually taking the Eastern part of their territory. I just hope they can get to us quickly before Austria-Hungary decides to attack us. We hope to employ Italy to help with our naval and ground assaults for the extra man power. It would also allow us to move troops easier through them. Our army is very small so we’re going to take all the help we can get. Our plan so far is to sit tight and await for the support of the allies before we go on the offensive. I will write back as soon as I can if I am not killed in a skirmish.

With love, Willhelm

Montenegro. 8. 1914.

*A letter from a general to his wife*

Dear Maria,

The war is starting to ramp up. We are getting reports that many countries are starting to mobilize troops, we even heard reports of a Austrian-Hungarian attack into Russia. Unfortunately, we are not able to train more troops, as we have very few able men to take from the population. Other generals are concerned about our positioning and whether or not we will get support from larger nations if we are to be involved in the war. We hope the allied nations will help us, but other than sending troops by sea, we will not be helped as we seem very isolated from the rest of our company. There will most definitely be action going on between Austria-Hungary and Serbia soon, so I fear it will be inevitable that something will happen to us. Maria, I may not have time to come home for Christmas, as this situation is starting to ramp up into the New Year. I hope the best for you and our daughter. Also please tell my mother to make my favorite dish for christmas, just in case I am able to make it home. 

Sincerely, Stevan

Greece. 8. 1914.

*A telegraph from a greek soldier to his family*

Hello dearest family, it’s been about 6 months since I left for bootcamp and it is infinitely worse than anything I could ever imagine. I was continuously sore for the first 3 weeks but after that I got used to our workouts. The word around here is we’re preparing an army in case anyone tries to attack us, but we won’t be attacking any countries anytime soon. Our orders are to stay put and await further instruction. I hope this war either ends, or we get to see some action because it’s very boring around here. There isn’t much to do other than train or relax in our barracks, even that gets boring after a while. All in all I hope to get home soon to see you all again and don’t forget to feed my fish twice a day! 

With love, Adrian

Serbia. 8. 1915.

*Serbian Soldier sends a letter back to his parents after coming back from Bulgaria*

Dear Mother and Father,

We are victorious! Since the last I’ve seen you, we were attacked from the North by Austria-Hungary. Even Montenegro sent in some of their troops to aid us, I could only imagine the outcome of this battle if they had not supported us. I made friends with some of the Montenegrin soldiers, a man named Advan and I have agreed to open a bar together once this conflict ends and we both survive. Although this could be the drinks talking I think we could do it. After a long, brutal battle, we were successfully defended the home land and were able to spend that night celebrating. Sadly, many sacrificed their lives to be able to still have the freedoms we still have today. A few days later, the Allies sent an attack on the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria sent every single one of their troops to defend the Ottoman Empire. It was a huge mistake on their end because it allowed us to move in and take control of their country. We plan to leave a small army to keep it under our control. 

See you soon, Hanz

Montenegro. 8. 1915.

* Montenegrin commander filling in his battalion about helping Serbia when they were attacked by Austria-Hungary*

“Listen up! You men are some of the best men I have had the privilege to command. This is why I have chosen you all for this arduous task. I know we don’t have the best budget, gear, or man power compared to our allies, but a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. I truly believe in my heart that with our help, Serbia will prosper another day and we go home knowing that we have saved countless lives. Not only the lives of the Serbian’s, but the lives of our families at home as well. The only thing I ask of you all is to fight as if these people were your own. Now, suit up and say your goodbyes, you may not see the person to your left or to your right once this battle is over. I thank you all, and God bless, may you live to fight another day.”

Greece. 8. 1915.

*A conversation between the foreign minister and the president of Greece about their stance in the war*

Foreign Minister (FM): “Mr President may I have a word with you?”

President (P): “Yes come in, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

(FM): “What exactly do you plan to do with us sir? Our people are worried about Germany and Austria-Hungary sweeping all of the Allied countries to the North and then conquering us next. I just want to know what you’re thinking. We can’t stay neutral forever.  Either the Allies are going to get to us first or the Central Powers will. We need to do something.”

P: “ I understand your concern, truly, I do. You have to stop looking at it from a strategic standpoint, and look at it from our point of view. As you know, our country is small and our army isn’t as good as it was thousands of years ago. We cannot afford to pick a side too early because if we pick the losing side, we are all doomed. 

FM:  “Sir, we need to decide soon, The allies have already taken part of the Ottoman empire and are moving up to support Serbia. They need all the help they can get. Ultimately it’s up to you but we don’t know how much time there is for us.

P: “I know, I just need more time to think, weigh in all the options. Will that be all?

Fm: “Yes sir, that is all.”

 Serbia. 8. 1916.

* A Serbian soldier writes in his journal*

I don’t believe it, the Germans tried to strike a deal with Great Britain to turn neutral so the Allies could take out Austria-Hungary. By doing this however, it must have upset a higher power and Germany’s troops suddenly overthrew their leaders and joined Austria-Hungary’s ranks. Now Austria-Hungary controls the remaining Central Powers. This could be bad for the Allies because now they are all under one command. Some good news is that we have exterminated the Ottoman empire entirely and can no longer contest against us. We also gained Romania as an ally, we can use their manpower but I dont think their army is as good compared to the other Allied forces but we need everything we can get to even give Germany a fight. Germany also decided to move out of Russia after a deal they struck with Russia’s president. I’d be weary of their intentions, it seems like a trap. More to come soon, I just hope I stay alive to tell the tale.

Montenegro. 8. 1916.

*The president of Montenegro comments on the events of the war to the press*

“We don’t know why, but something or someone convinced the German army to overthrow their leaders and serve the Austro-Hungarians. This may have been because their leaders wanted to go neutral and establish a democratic monarchy. This isn’t good for the Allies, now that those armies are under one command it will be easier for them to coordinate attacks during this time. We don’t know anything else about this and were trying to get more information. In other news we have successfully taken the Ottoman empire over and have gained control of their land. This is huge for the Allies because it’s one less Central Power to worry about. We have also gained Romania as an ally in this war which is good because they have lots of troops to spare. Russia also struck a deal with the Central Powers to give them their land back but it would be wise not to trust them since they still are our enemy. That’s all in terms of news I will take no questions at this time thankyou.”

Greece. 8. 1916 

* Greek president comments on the events in a press conference*

“The German army was merged under the Austro-Hungarian army after the leaders were overthrown when they accepted a deal with Great Britain which would let them pull out of the war if they established a democratic monarchy. This isn’t good for us because they are both really powerful armies and they have lots of troops that could easily sweep the Balkans if they wanted. In other good news the Ottoman Empire has been defeated for good after the Allies pushed them back to their last bit of territory. That’s one less country to worry about now. Romania has also joined the Allied forces, they have lots of troops to provide and they will accept their help with open arms as well as defend them in return. German forces have also moved out of Russia for some reason, not that it’s any of our business but I think it’s a trap for Russia and taking their advantage of eagerness to recapture lost land. More news to come and I will let you all know if the tide changes, thankyou and have a good night.”

Serbia. 8. 1917.

* A platoon leader briefing his men about the new allies they’ve gained*

“Gentlemen, the Greeks have finally decided to join us in defending us against the unstoppable force at our border. I want you all to get to know each other as soon as possible so you can be coordinated in the event of an attack. They may not have the best army but it will take everything we have to stop the enemy from taking over our beloved country. However, do not be afraid. We will solve the age old mystery about what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. We gentlemen, are immovable objects. Company dismissed.

Montenegro. 8. 1917

*A telegram to the Allies about Montenegro’s strategy for the remainder of the war from the president of Montenegro*

As you all know, we are a small country with limited manpower. The battle we helped fight in Serbia has left our forces very weak and depleted. We feel that it’s in our best interest to not aid in any other engagements to ensure that we have all the help we can get in case of attack on our homeland. However, we are willing to help the allies in any other ways possible like allowing them to send troops through our country to attack. Let it be known that we still have the allies best interests at heart and will fight if truly needed, but for now we must regroup so we have at least some defense. We apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.

Signed, President of Montenegro 

Greece. 8. 1917

*The President of Greece addressing his people about his decision on their position in the war*

My people. I know that some of us may have different views about our stance in this great war, but there comes a time where we need to pick a side. We can no longer stand by and watch as the Allies, who supported our independence, fight on our behalf and sacrifice their people for the greater good of everyone. We no longer have to worry about attacks from Bulgaria, for the Serbians have taken control of it in Bulgaria’s defeat in their failed attempt to support the Ottoman Empire. I know some of you may be scared, you wouldn’t be human if you weren’t. We must remember our roots and fight like our lives, and the lives of our loved ones depend on it. Because they do. Just like the 300 Spartans did against the colossal Persian army so long ago. That being said, I have dispatched our entire army to Serbia in hopes of aiding them along with the Allied armies to hold the line against a possible attack from Austria-Hungary. This may sound like a bad decision but with the coup in Germany it means that Austria-Hungary is in command of the entire German army as well as their own. It’s all or nothing at this point. If we lose, we go down with honor just like our ancestors. If we win, we celebrate like there is no tomorrow knowing we lived up to our reputation. As Alexander the Great once said “There is nothing impossible to him who will try.” Not only do we intend to try, we intend to succeed. Thank you, and may the might of Zeus shine down and aid us through this troubling time.

Serbia. 8. 1918.

* The Serbian president is allowed to address his people one last time at gunpoint from a soldier of Austro-Hungarian army*

“My people, I want to first thank you all who put me into office. It has been a pleasure to lead you in before and during this time. My only regret is that our men and Greeces men were not enough to hold down our precious homeland. I want you all to hold on longer, i’m sure in time there will be a day where we will gain our freedom once again and be free from the control of these Austro-Hungarian pigs!”

*He gets hit on the back of the head with the soldiers rifle and is shot*

Montenegro. 8. 1918.

* The president of Montenegro addressing his people about what happened in the final days of the war*

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I have some terrible news to share with you. My friend, the leader of Serbia, was shot after Austro-Hungarian forces took over the capital and the whole country. He was the one who pioneered our goal of uniting all of or Slavic brothers and sisters that yearned to be whole again. However, his efforts will not go unnoticed, in these final years of the war he managed to unite Greece with us. He accomplished our goal partially, but it was up to us to finish it. We could not, we didn’t have the manpower, for that I am sad. But we must celebrate what we have achieved and be thankful that we have not suffered the same fate as Serbia.”

Greece. 8. 1918

*The Greek president addressing his people about the loss of their army in Serbia*

“I know what you’re all thinking. Why did we send our whole army to defend a neighboring country when we could defend ourselves now?” I have come to the conclusion that if we had not put our full efforts into the cause of uniting our Slavic people that we may have never done it at all. However, we tried. Like I said last year as we were joining the war, we would die with honor as or ancestors did long ago. Every single one of those soldiers died with honor and made their ancestors proud. We gave it our best effort but it simply was not meant to be. My condolences go out to the families of the soldiers who laid down their lives for our cause. I thank you all and for your time and God bless.

Student Journal: Cold War Simulation, Great Britain


Great Britain 2 Orientation Day,

Initial Thoughts: Initially I thought that this war would be a very scary and devastating one if it got to the point of DEFCON 1. DEFCON 1 was the point when an all out nuclear strike would occur, most likely from both sides. I can sense that there will definitely be a lot of escalation, and each side will probably do the same thing that the other side does. There will be a lot of back and forth for sure. It looks like the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact is going to be the stronger side in this situation, so that will probably not end well for the side of NATO. This makes me nervous because we have no idea what the Warsaw Pact is going to do. 

Strategy: The plan for now is to stick with NATO and honor that alliance. If I stick with them, we may be stronger than the Soviet Union but I’m not sure. I am also going to stay close with the United States, since they are very strong and have a lot more tanks than I do. I’m not sure if I want to be offensive in this war, because I don’t think that nuclear war is that way to do things. However, when escalation happens I know that NATO will have to fight back unless we want territory taken from us. 

Great Britain 2 Day 1,

Thoughts: This was a very short day (10 minutes) so not a lot happened. The Soviet Union gave a confusing speech, but the core of the speech was that they were cutting off supply in Berlin. So our people in Berlin were hopeless, they couldn’t get any supplies and would die out soon. Also, both sides initiated “Launch on Warning” which meant that whoever sent the missiles first would have some sent right back to them immediately. We turned this on because if the Warsaw Pact sent anything our way, they needed to pay and have our missiles launched to them. That way none of the Warsaw missiles would hit ours. Basically we wanted to be able to send everything we had if it got to that point. I still hope that none of us reach DEFCON 1, however it could very easily happen. 

Strategy: Our strategy this day was simple and short. All we did was turn on our “Launch on Warning” and told the Soviet Union we wanted to keep peace. The US and Canada sent troops to West Germany. This could end badly tho, because this would make West Germany a bigger target. My strategy is still the same: I’m going to sit still until NATO needs me, or until I have to be brought into the war. This is because I don’t want my country to suffer if it’s not even needed. Nuclear weapons are TERRIBLE and they cause terrible destruction anywhere they go. So yes, of course I want to prevent putting my country in the risk of being devastated by such missiles. 

Great Britain 2 Day 2,

Thoughts: This day was a little bit confusing and devastating all in one. Escalation increased dramatically when both sides increased their DEFCON every single turn. The Soviet Union was putting us in a trap of back and forth warfare, NATO could see that they would not be able to win in the end because the Warsaw Pact was too strong. The position they put us in forced us to go to DEFCON 1 and nuke the whole country. Since “Launch on Warning” was on for the Warsaw Pact, we knew that this would devastate our countries as well. Either way we knew that our side would suffer, so we made sure the other side suffered as well. This may not have been the right way to handle things

Strategy: Our strategy was to protect our countries in NATO. If that meant that we needed to increase the DEFCON, then that’s what we did. Our alliances stuck together through the end. Even though we initiated the complete destruction of the countries in the Warsaw pact, we did it because there was nothing else we could do. They did not want to make peace and they were not going to stop taking our territories and our large missiles. The Soviet Union started this conflict, and regretfully we had to end it. 

WWII Simulation Journal: Japan

Japan 3 1938

The war begins. The axis powers begin with a strong miitary which is an advantage, but to make this work our movement and battle plans need to happen at the right time. We cant lose our troops and or navy. Within the Axis powers we will be taking over the Western United States. Looking into the first year Japans hope is to have China on the Axis power side considering Japan will take over China either way. For the next few years another plan we want to have is the north sea zone so that people cant go through it without battling the Axis powers. Lets see what the next year brings. 

Japan 3 1939

One year went by the axis powers were able to understand the advantage the Allies have. Japans first plan to take over the western United states was successful. It turned out to be that China will not be aligning with the axis powers instead, China is now the Allies. As Japan looks through this, China will be taken over with or without being allied withing the axis powers. Looking into the next year Japan is looking into taking over China and its territory, its never too late for china to allie with the Axis powers, maybe after we take over Chinas territory China will have doubts about who thy decided to be alliances with. 

Japan 3 1940

The allied powers had many new alliances this year, where we were still looking for China. China is at a disadvantage not becoming an alliance with the Axis Powers with that being said, Japan will take over China without a doubt. This year French indo China became part of Japan. Japan gained Natural reosufces such as iron ore and coal, from that territory. Japan is agresseivie because of the short supply of natural resources so gaining some was pleasing. Japan wants to be powerful, and a strong country and to do that Japan needs the natural resources. 

Japan 3 1941

It turns out that the United States will and can not become an alliance with anyone from the Axis Powers, so The Untied States aligns with the Allied Powers. Japan will be conquering their way through china and land will be taken. Japan is in need of resources. As Japan conquers, they become victorious gaining Burma as theirs and with that Rubber was gained. Although Japan wants more resources and is very aggressive for them, this helps out their country. Going through the Dutch east indies Japan conques New Guenie and with that come more resources such as rubber! USSR is looking strong and attacking Japans land, but Japan will do anything and everything to keep it. USSR comes for Japan, Japan will be coming for USSR in years to come!!

Japan 3 1942

The Axis powers continue. Although USSR continues for Japan, Japan will be thinking deeply to come up with the best strategy to take them down. Not only will Japan look to take USSR, but also China. Within in Japans plans, it takes over India and become victorious. A struggling battle happened up in Manchuko between Japan and USSR and this territory was taking over and Japan did not keep it. Looking towards the years to come Japan has plans to conquer USSR and China, but it only takes time. Japan also will be planning to conquer Asia with the help of the Axis powers. Japan is strong and powerful and trying to have no doubts!!

Japan 3 1943

The new year starts and right off the bat, Japan takes Northwest China and Tibet China. ALL of China has now been taken over by Japan. Japan also takes over Austrailia from the Allies, the Allies did very little defending. The Allies are trying and planning to take over Germany, but Germnay is doing everything to block them off and destroy their troops. Germany had to defend along with Poland and Denmark. The United States has an adavantage becasue of their abiblty to moblize. Moving through the war, the coming plans are to take over USSR. It only takes time. The Axis Powers are hoping this next year will be a good one. The plan is to move into Arabia and Iran and move our way up. Lets see what 1944 brings!

Japan 3 1944

It is Japan and Germnays hope to have good outcomes in this war. We plan to start closing in and taking over USSR. Japan begins taking over Arabia and moving our Navy, following we will move into Iran. No territry that Japan has was lost in this war. Looking into closing into USSR we are hopeful we can take it over. We have to think smart fully knowing they want to come after Germnay and take it over. With only one year left, we have hope, but one thing is the USA and their ability to moblize and bring in more and more troops to help out the Allies. We are happy to say it was a good year for us as we were able to accomplish our plan and  move forward in the war, the last year is yet to come!

Japan 3 1945

The end of world war 2 is coming and the Axis powers are not doubtful. I think the Allies may be a bit worried. This year the Axis Powers are aiming to take as much land as possible. Japan is moving into take Eastern USSR and that was success along with taking the Philipines and the Allies did very little defending. Japans final moves were aking voer part of the middle East to help the Axis powers to vicotry. Germany and its high rating were successful in holding of the Allies from trying to take over Germany. This was a a long war and the Axis Powers have very few regrets in the plans they have made let led them to a victory!

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WWI Simulation France Student Journal

France 8 1913

The start of World War 1 is going to be a fierce battle among many countries. To begin, as a leader of France, I will make and honor an alliance with montenegro. I want to mobilize our troops on the border of Germany to regain Alsace and Lorraine from Germany. This will bring on a rush and worry for the Germans. Our strategy for this will be to remain as an alliance to Russia and Great Britain. Looking at the intelligence report, we have noticed that the Allied powers dominate in numbers, but we fear that our strength might be weaker than the central powers. From this, we know that from now on we need to be smart in placement and the amount of our troops.  We have come to the decision of forming an alliance with Belgium and Montenegro. We believe that this strategy will be in our best interest to keep our country safe from the horrific events that could occur. As I am going to begin by making big moves to help stabilize France and to begin the journey of my objectives. In class tomorrow, the central powers will more than likely declare war on the allied powers. For us, we plan to stay as close to our allied group as possible. We plan to stick with our alliance and make every decision as a team. By doing this, it proves our loyalty to the other countries in the Allied Powers and hopefully set us all up for success as a whole power.

France 8 1914

Today was finally the “start” but a slow start of the intense battle of World War One. After meeting with the Allied group at the start of class, it is successful to say that we came up with a good plan as a group. Although we know the central powers are beginning to use good strategies, as the France president I believe the allied group is on the right track to success. The strategy that both myself and my foreign minister put into place today was to keep our troops on our land to help defend our country. We defended borders vs. the coastline because we did not fear there would be any danger coming from the West side. This would help ensure our country to be as secure as possible. We began to prepare our troops to be sent to the Ottoman Empire in hopes to conquer that territory with our allies. We will travel with Great Britain troops and work as a team to achieve this goal. As an alliance, we felt defeated seeing Russia take on their first battle with a loss. However, we will not let this result get to us in our next battles, and better yet, we will become more successful from this. Both the foreign minister and myself were anxious to hear about the joining alliance with Italy. We know they have a lot to offer, including an inside look on the central powers. We know that as we move on with this journey, we will continue to be focused on succeeding our tasks, but also be aware of what is going on around us. I am proud to be a part of the allied group. 

France 8 1915

This is the day that we finally started to see some action. There were many eventful actions that occurred within all countries from the allied group. As the president of France, I saw participation from everyone working together to help each other out. The strategy we put into place today was focused more on helping other countries defend, because we did not fear anything happening to France. Seeing the action plans so far of the central powers, does not have us worried about what could happen in the future. For the first time we transferred our troops into one of our allied countries Italy, this is when things started to feel more real. Both myself and the foriegn minister began hinting that Austria-Hungary was planning an invasion, so it was in our best interest to move our troops to Italy. Our prediction was right, and as an allied group, we were able to defeat the central powers. One of our biggest strengths in 1915 was our ability to use poison gas, which became in our best favor to win the victorious battle. The decision of the central powers to not use poison gas, was a poor decision on them, but for the allied group it was the key to winning. With the poison gas, we were able to help Serbia defeat Austria-Hungary once again. The most significant event that we have been planning for, for two years, was the opportunity to take over part of the Ottoman Empire, as well as Bulgaria. As the president, I don’t see the next coming years being easy, but from the fight our allied group has put up with so far, I definitely see more success coming. 

France 1916

Wow! This year began with a bit of a threat towards the central powers. At the beginning of class, there was a meeting called within the allied power. We as a group decided to sign a peace treaty. Both myself and my foreign minister were unsure about this plan. Our reasoning behind signing the treaty while still being unsure, was because we didn’t want to cause conflict within the powers from disagreeing from the rest. Looking at our objectives, we could’ve put three of our objectives in danger. Signing this treaty put Germany in a frantic worry, causing them to get taken out. France focused on the strategy of moving troops to other countries in the hopes of helping to defend. We were eager to hear about the alliance with the United States. We have high hopes that this will help us get Lorraine and Alsace back, so we can achieve our objective. The Germans began to worry us with their movements, but as time went on, we no longer felt terrorized. We feared that with the amount of troops they had, they might try to take over some of our territory. With this being said, we made sure to get the best advice from our allied group on what to do in this situation. Romania also made an alliance today, so we decided to send our troops there from the Ottoman Empire. This will help us achieve our plan of attacking Austria Hungary.  Although the central powers have lost some countries, we are starting to see their strategies become stronger. As the president of France, this means that my foreign minister and myself need to start making the best decisions, that won’t put our country, nor our objectives in danger, as this war is coming to an end. I have high hopes of what we can accomplish in these last coming years, but we will definitely need to put our mind to the task, if the allied power wants to succeed. 

France 8 1917

Our time of World War One is almost coming to an end. It’s year 17, and it’s just now really starting to become hostile between both the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. At the beginning of class the allied power called a meeting and discussed our possible strategies, as well as our possible outcomes. We decided that our center of attention will be to make sure we are successfully reaching our objectives. For us, we are focusing on this year being a total preparation year. Our goal is to get our troops back to France, to get ready to take on Germany. Looking at the intelligence report, Germany has a high amount of troops, and their troops rating is suspected to be very high. Will we be able to defend them in battle with these occurring numbers? As of right now, looking at our troops there could be a good chance we may be able to conquer this task, but it will definitely be our biggest battle to date. We have troops placed in multiple different countries, hoping that this will help us secure the battle. Since forming an alliance with the United states, we have settled our plan that we will both go for G2. Our plan is that this agreement will help us gain our fifth objective as a success. We Allied Powers definitely have some ideas up our sleeves for the next coming years. We will continue to strive in our very last year of war, and make history right here. See you in 1918 with a victory!

France 8 1918

Hello all, the president of France speaking here. The time of World War One has finally come to an end. From all the tough decisions, endless worries, and emotions, we made it. This year brought upon a lot of worry and quick decisions from the allied power. This was our chance to show the central powers our achievements, as well as our goals we have been working towards. Last year, we questioned ourselves about Germany, and this year we were able to see that answer firsthand. One of our major attempts during this final year was to plan an attack with the United States. The end result of this would have been ground breaking, but sadly time got away from us. Our mission was to move our troops to form an attack on Germany. We got devastating news from the head table that the allied powers would not be able to perform a turn. We quickly rushed to make a group decision on what to do, but unfortunately there was nothing left that we could do. From this situation, we were angered that we were unable to achieve our sixth objective, even though we fought very hard for it. As the president, I am astonished by the work that the allied power put in. Although the outcome wasn’t what we expected, we fought the battle to the very end, and never gave up on our way there.

WWI Simulation Student Journal: Russia

Russia 7 1913

What a time it has been in Russia.. Since the people in Serbia killed the Archduke, Tensions have started to rise between them in Austria-Hungary. Hostility is in the air, and people are choosing sides! So far, Russia has a strong alliance with France, Great Britain, and of course Serbia(, like we always have(along with some small territories aside). Austria has so far gained Germany, and the Ottoman Empire on their side. Some countries have also decided to stay neutral, which you can’t blame them for in such a critical choice-making time! The United States, Italy, Ramania, Bulgaria, Portugal, and small surrounding areas have decided to keep themselves neutral. I hope they will be willing to help if we need them! I can negotiate… 

Russia 7 1914

The time is coming.. So we are preparing. Moving troops is the most important thing for us to do right now, because for some reason, all of my men are as far away from where they need to be! Although our rating is low, I believe we have the numbers to fight if we need to . Anything to be prepared. The Central Alliance–what we’re calling the “enemies”–may have power, but do they have what it takes to overcome the Allies? Our troop numbers are larger, Great Britain’s Navy, impeccable! I believe we have the ability to succeed! Oh! We have also decided to Ally with Japan. Although we fought in the past, I can guarantee them safety in exchange for some help. They have a small number of Naval ships in the near seas, and any amount we can gain on our side is important. The more, the better! 

Russia 7 1915

It’s a tough time for decisions in Europe today. We sadly lost over a thousand troops in a battle to the Central Powers. Their army is too strongly rated for us to overcome even with such great numbers. We need our Allies to move closer. The central powers have moved across the dardanelles strait, and have taken greece! We tried to get there as fast as we could, but our distance from them is no use. Italy is now on our side too, so I’m wondering… when we asked them to ship troops over the mediterranean with Great Britain’s help, why was there no response? When you pick a side, you have to act on those choices… Right? Hopefully with Great Britain and France being so willing, we can gain back what’s been stolen, and overcome the Central Alliance! The plans for next time? Take what we have in our south regions and fight the ottoman empire from behind, it’s the soonest we can get to the straight, and soon we will have romania on our side too. I need to defend our front with Austria as well. It’s going to be a busy one! 

Russia 7 1916

It’s a very bad year for Russia and the entire group of allies. Our army is the weakest we have ever been, because we can’t get our supplies through the strait. We need that strait! The straight is the most important thing Russia needs. Our army ratings are zero. I’m coming to the realization that we definitely need our allies more than we need them. Those Central Powers are something vicious! It seems that nobody in our Alliance was being an offensive fighter either. None of this feels right, our allies need to get down to those small countries, Serbia and Romania, before they’re taken right out from under us. They are key components in this fight for power! The German Army seems to be getting stronger by the minute, and with Austria-Hungary’s numbers, and the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria, they are taking us down much too easily. Let’s put an end to this!

Russia 7 1917

We are being attacked from the southeast. Ottoman empire is battling my southern region(R4) because they know we are weak. It seems no matter how many men I put into battle, I will lose every time. How humiliating I must look to my people, and my Allies! The Ottoman empire took R4 and Austria-Hungary and Germany took R2. The only region we have left is R1, and with our ratings compared to theirs, it’s not looking too swell from the Russian army next year. Our Allies are nowhere near able to help, but we now have the help of the United States! Although I can’t do much physically, I will help my allie’s armies in the west, near Belgium, as much as I can. We can really get something done for us over there if we’re careful! Russia may be devastated and doomed, however this fight for the Allies together, is not over yet. 

Russia 7 1918

Sadly, Russia is gone. The Central Powers are making some moves, and The rest of our allies are moving heavily into and around the Belgium area. Libya is gone as well, we would have sent troops down to help them, but we couldn’t make it through the Strait. Why do I feel like our whole entire collapse as an Empire had something to do with that darned Strait?! Sadly, we have fallen in our massive battle in Germany, and it is a sad, sad year for the Allies. We put up a fight, and made a huge impact on technology and army inventions while fighting. Lives were lost, and egos were broken. We will rise again!

WWI Simulation Student Journal: France & Montenegro

France 1913

After the Fraco-Prussian war Germany has been making major advancements in Europe. Not only have they taken our province of Alsace and Lorraine, they have also made great economic strides. I can’t let Germany become too powerful. I don’t know what their intentions are and I am weary of what their next move will be. I plan to mobilize my army in 1914 to help combat this uneasy feeling. As they get closer to my capital I also plan to deploy more troops into F1. As for Belgium being in the facility as well adding troops into this zone can help keep to honor their neutrality. I hope my allies help to depend on me as I will for them. I also want to ally with Montenegro in the future.

Montenegro 1913

Yay! Through our grit and hard work we came out successful in the Balkans war. Allowing us to finally become a kingdom. We have gained a mass amount of territory from Serbia and Albania, however with this location we are very isolated in Europe. With our allies being a sea away we need their help as much as possible. With the central powers being a short jaunt away, we can easily be overrun. I must in the future make treaties with my allies to depend on me. My first order of business is to make an alliance with France. However without any Navy I’ll have a hard time getting there. Maybe I should ally with Italy because of their close proximity and access to a navy. 

France 1914

After hearing word from Belgium I have agreed to help defend them against Germany. They have agreed to help me out in return but I must honor their neutrality. I have decided to mobilize after Serbia, my ally, assassinated Austria Hungary, Archduke Franz zferdinand. I fear that the central powers will take it out on the allied powers. Being that the Central powers are so close to me and Germany already has me on edge I feel this is the best move to keep my country at ease. Central powers have already taken it out on Russia, I fear that I will be next. The Central powers have defeated our allied navy in the Baltic sea, proving that they are a strong force to be reckoned with. I also want to move 1500 troops into f1 to help defend against the central movement to G2.

Montenegro 1914

Serbia has made an uprising not apologizing for their assisnation. The central powers have made it clear that they are unhappy with this and have banded together against the allied powers. They have made movement closer to us. I Fear the central powers will take over much more powerful Serbia. Although My beloved country needs us, the best thing for the allies would be to save Serbia and their impressive army. I feared this day would come. The scent of gunpowder is approaching. The sound of footsteps are baring near. There is light at the end of the tunnel, Romania has joined us in defending Serbia. We have come out victorious!

-Movement  to Serbia

France 1915

Getting word that Italy has joined the allied powers, this will be very beneficial in protecting our land. After seeing what the central powers have done to our navy in the baltic sea, I’m not going to take any chances. I will move my navy to the medittarean with hopes that It will be protected. I have also decided to help defend the north Sea after our allied victory. The central powers have stormed into belgium. I must help protect them, I will move 2282 troops into Belgium to help defend against the central powers. As well as moving my navy to the north sea to transport British troops to belgium. This will help defend my f1, in order to keep my capital. The central powers have also decided to attack italy. In order, to defend their land I will send 700 of my troops over to help. 

Montenegro 1915

Our allies at sea have been very active. We took a huge blow after our battle against the central powers. Losing almost half our troops has hurt us greatly. I must lay low to help recover against our major loss. Luckily, Italy has joined the allied powers. This will make it much easier for transportation with their navy in close proximity. They also can help defend us against the central powers aggressive approach in the event we were to be invaded. Bulgaria has allied with the central powers. This heat behind is very unnerving. 

France 1916

It’s a call for war, I want my land back and Italy is ready to bring the heat. In order to distract the German troops out of A1 we are going to battle in Austria Hungary’s A2. Although we may have lost its time to move on. I want to help defend italy but I also need to protect myself. I will move some troops to protect my country as well as some into f2 to provide my country with enough protection for any german aggression that may come. 

Montenegro 1916

My neighbors have decided to go to war in A3, I can hear the roar of the weapons. After the smoke has cleared, so many have been lost. It’s not looking good in the south. My people are starting to fear. The central powers are just too strong, we can’t win a battle with their numbers and their power. I have lost all hope they have moved into Serbia, we don’t have any hope. They are just too strong. The poison gas is filling our lungs. We are just too small. We are done for. Our wives, our children, I fear for what the central powers have in store for our people. 

France 1917

We have heard word that the United states has joined the allies, there is hope. With my excessive amount of troops in Belgium I will help Britain take G1 or at least weaken their troops. Well shoot, we have lost troops, I hope that poking the bear will not give them motivation to take belgium. Italy has asked for help in taking A2 although this may have the first time we have more troops. We can spare 500 troops with hopes to take our rightful land back. Once again we have fallen, there are just too many and just too strong. However their numbers are falling, and with the help of the United States we have hope. Britain has declared war in G1, another lost however they don’t know what we have in store. We have decided to go for G1 putting multiple troops into Belgium. Hopefully the third time’s the charm. Once again. But we have good News. We have taken back our land! Our precious Alsace and Lorraine it is back to their rightful owners. We are moving our navy to the Atlantic sea. This will provide transportation for British troops into Germany’s capital. This will be an essential move for Germany as they are the strongest link in the central powers. 

Montenegro 1917

Although they haven’t taken our land yet I fear the worst is upon us. I hope they believe we have mobization but the truth is we don’t have any. The only thing I have left is my allies to defend me. Now that navies have moved into the meditarrean I’m fearing their distance. We have lost one of our closest allies. Romania is gone, all I have now Is Greece and Italy. They are attacking Greece. We can’t move anything, Greece is all on their own. I left all alone. We are done. They haven’t attacked us yet. I can’t imagine the fear my people have. 

France 1918

Our soldiers are exhausted. This fight has gone on for too long. We can only hope that the war is drawing to a close with us on top. We are looking good but you never know what the central powers have up their sleeve. How dare they take back our rightful ground. That was ours for the taking. The cursed central powers ruined all of our hard work. The great travel through the forest was all for nothing. We gave it our all, we are very thankful for the United States army however it just wasn’t enough to defend them. We need Belgium, we’ll do everything we can to protect them. We have lost so many troops, we did everything we could but the central power had the numbers. With all of our efforts, we came in defeat.

Montenegro 1918

We are still alive but I fear not for long. We can only hope that the war is coming to the end. We have seen enough bloodshed, our poor citizens having been fearing for their lives for way too long. We have no troops, nothing to help defend, all the navy’s have left us. We’ll just lie low until our inevitable fate is to come. I can hear their troops moving, I don’t know what they are planning but I fear for our allies in the north. I feel a fight drawing near in the distance, we can only hope that the allies will win. It was a major victory, I now have Italy near to help defend me. We have Survived! The war is over! Even with having no troops we have survived. Our people couldn’t be more relieved.  

World War II Simulation Student Journals:

Britain P8 1938

War seems to be imminent. Germany has stepped over the line many times now, especially by invading Czechoslovakia.  It looks like Italy may join them, as well as many other countries in the central parts of Europe. As war starts to become a reality, we must set objectives to have a focused vision for the times ahead. 

In addition to those objectives, we have also set objectives that would help us very much towards war. 

  1. Keep Burma and have the Dutch East Indies in Allie control for their resources
  2. Keep Middle Eastern Lands in order to retain their resources
  3. Prevent Germany from Attacking the US from the East.

Britain P8 1939

 First year of war comes and goes. Poland is invaded and we have no possible way to help, so we must stay behind. This will drive us to start becoming more weary of war coming closer, which does happen. In this year, Germany invades both the Netherlands and Belgium. Because we only have few navies to try to reinforce both of these countries, we were not able to provide much help. We tried our best, but were no match for Germany’s quick and powerful armies. France pleiades for help, and thus we use as many forces as we can to fortify a line between Belgium and France. We do go on the offensive in Norway, in order to prevent Germany from having an easy line to go from the Baltic Sea to the North Sea. We do this in order to protect the main British Island and prevent a quick attack of the US.

In Asia, Japan attacks the Indies. We try to defend, but because of Japan’s huge navy, we are unable to provide much help. We also fortify Burma in order to keep the largest supply of rubber. By having this rubber, we are able to make our allied troops better and provide France and China with better equipment.  Japan decides not to invade the US, which worries the Allies slightly. If Japan causes the US to help the Allies, we would have a huge advantage as they would be able to help with their many troops and a decent sized navy.

Britain P8 1940

Germany is on the hunt once again,and with the help of Italy, attacks our close friends, France! France claws and scratches its way to a victory, assisted by a few hundred British troops. This is a huge win for the Allies as it delays german Access to France. Another huge win is the USSR’s Alliance with us! With their help, we would be able to start a 2 front war with Germany, and also provide many troops to China to help defend Burma and take the Indies back. In the Middle East, Italy brings many troops to Libya, which alerts us to a possible attack coming to some of our sources of Oil in Iraq and Iran. 

We talk to the Italian president and find out that they may want to revisit their Alliance with Germany. After the loss against France, and USSR’s turn to the Allies, Germany starts to seem more and more vulnerable. We may be able to convince Italy by offering them some resources and promising some land in the middle east. If we are to get Italy, Europe would be able to surround Germany into defeat, ending the European Side of the war. We are very hopeful in these negotiations.

Britain P8 1941

Burma has been taken over! The japanese have taken all but 100 of British and Chinese troops, leaving us very little hope other than Russia. We could send troops from the middle east, but since we have so little there anyway, they may not be much help. Negotiations with Italy were not as productive as we hoped. But as Germany loses more and more troops, and with the new inclusion of the USA, we may be able to convince them in a year or two. Also, the US will be a massive help on both fronts, but especially in the war against Japan. Now that we have the US, getting Burma back will be much less difficult than before. We have also decided to move as many British Navy as we can to the Western US to be able to provide much help in 1942 and 1943. By sending ships through the south pacific, we can bypass Hawaii and the Japanese. Things are looking up for us in this war, and when we can convince Italy to flip, Germany will be overwhelmed.

Britain P8 1942

Japan has left it’s defenses in Burma alone, and by isolating the former British Colony, we are able to retake it for the abundant rubber. This is huge as it gives the Allies another year of great resources and thus, more powerful armies. Britain is also able to isolate Holland and E Prussia, which is giving Germany fits and may be just enough to let Italy switch sides. US troops are starting to arrive in France to defend from any German attacks, and Italy is starting to pull troops from Libya, possibly to reinforce Italy if they ever switch sides. We expect Germany to start taking back troops into the eastern part of Poland and to retake E Prussia and the Netherlands, and possibly even try an attack on France.If they do strike, we believe it will be a last effort, and if we are able to hold them off, will mean a very certain end for Germany. 

Britain P8 1943

Germany has stayed very uncharacteristically calm and passive.  Britain and the USA are bringing more and more troops to France by the day, making it harder and harder for Germany to take over France, which means that Germany is either very stupid or very bold to think they could take on a fully supported France. Italy seems to also not want to join the allies, and because of this, we decide to invade Libya with France. In the middle east, all of the troops are being concentrated into Iran to be able to connect with India and by 1945, be able to reach Burma. This is a very difficult task and we hope that Japan does not catch on to these movements and let’s us set up for a final stand in India. Other than that, the year was calm with very little movement all around.

Britain P8 1944

The allies have finally decided it is time to retake Belgium and go for a final push for Germany. There was a large fight in Belgium, but the allies were easily able to take it over. The end result of the battle left many British, French, and American troops left in Belgium, and possibly enough to take over Germany next year. In Asia, the USSR and British Troops have been stationed in Iran to make a final push towards India and Burma. USSR Troops in NW China and Manchuko will also help in the fight in Asia, and while they may not be able to help directly in Burma, they can help distract the Japanese. A small fight between Italy and Britain happened in Palestine, but it was uneventful and the holy land only exchanged for a single turn. Next year will be the decider, the finale, and the Ultimate showdown. Will the Allies be able to defeat Germany on its home turf? Will Italy ever switch sides like it promised too? Will India and Burma be taken back with the help of USSR. We will have to find out.

Britain P8 1945

We may have lost the battle, but with 2 more years we would have won the war.  A giant battle, with many American, British, and French Troops, ensued in Germany. The outcome of the battle: a close loss. But, they were left with few troops in Germany, and 1 more shipment of troops from the US could have taken over the entirety of Europe. Just before the attack, Italy joined the Allies after we threatened to invade and they saw that Germany was moving everything into their capital. They were able to help us out against Austria and be able to not have to worry about them when we attacked Germany. Other than that, there was a small, useless fight in Egypt from Italy early in the round, where all that happened was an exchange of troops and Navys. Because of the concentration and intenseness of the fight in Europe, the Asian part of the map was ignored. If there was more time, the USSR and Iran would have gone for an offensive in India and Burma to reclaim British colonies. This year ends with little German Troops, a defenseless France, and a war without a conclusive end. World War 2 Simulation

WW1 Student Journal Russia

Russia 8 1913

We have heard that an all inclusive war will be happening in Europe soon. Being apart of the Allies, we hope to stick together throughout the war. We would love to ally with some smaller, but important countries. As a country, we will honor our alliance with the Allies. We plan to mobilize our troops and take control of the Dardanelles Strait. Taking control of the Dardanelles Strait would be a huge move for us, as the rest of the Allies would be able to get supplies to us.

Russia 8 1914

The war has officially started in Europe. I have started a secret alliance with Japan. Even though they took over Manchuria, they have a strong navy that can help me in the long run. Although I have lost some troops in battles against Germany and the Ottoman Empire, I plan on moving troops to R2. My plan is to gather enough troops to attack Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. I plan on sticking to my alliance with Serbia by attacking Austria-Hungary soon. I hope to start an alliance with Romania so they can help me attack Austria as well. The Allies have been discussing and have plans to ally with Italy and disconnect Austria and Germany.

Russia 8 1915

The war is getting real in Europe. We have not been attacked since the first time, but the Ottoman Empire, Germany, and Austria-Hungary are gathering troops to attack me. As the Allies, we want to attack Austria-Hungary in A3 and the Ottoman Empire in O1. If Russia doesn’t lose many troops next round, I can be a lot of help to attacking both Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. I haven’t been able to help Serbia by attacking Austria-Hungary, but I hope to do that soon. I also hope to gain power of the Dardanelles Strait by attacking O1. Hopefully, us Allies can pull Romania over to our side and get their help in our fight against the Central Powers.

Russia 8 1916

As the Allies, we have made some moves. After adding Romania to the Allies, we were able to attack Austria-Hungary and Germany. Even though we did this, I still lost some of my land. As a country, we did not feel comfortable attacking the Ottoman Empire or Austria-Hungary. Having low troop rankings has made it hard for us to attack and feel confident that we won’t lose all of our troops. This has made it hard to complete objectives. I have a feeling that Germany and Austria-Hungary are going to attack us again tomorrow. If the other Allies on the other side of Europe can convince them to move their troops that way, we might have a chance to be safe next round. As the years go on, this is more and more stressful.

Russia 8 1917

We all knew that this would happen. Russia has surrendered. To help the Allies, I sent a majority of my troops to R3 to try and take my land back. This ended up backfiring as our country had to surrender after losing to many troops. This was the only chance for us to get our land back to achieve some objectives. We ended up breaking into a civil war and losing ⅓ of our land. We also lost ⅓ of our population and ¾ of our industries. All we have left is 200 navy to transport troops for other Allies. We tried to get ourselves back into the war, but that did not work out.

Russia 8 1918

Russia is still in a civil war. We have been watching the rest of the real war unfold. It’s sad to see our Allies lose so much land during the last year of the war. Even though we care about our Allies fighting, we have had bigger problems. This civil war seems like it could go on for years and years. I just hope nothing like this happens again in Europe.