Period 2
United States, 1938
Journal #1
We have a surplus of natural resources and we are planning on suppling Great Britain with anything they need, so they are able to be successful. The only thing that we don’t have is rubber. If the opportunity presents itself we will obtain that. In addition to that, we have a very strong army rating and our strong military will be able to defeat anyone wanting to attack. We are hoping to stay neutral until we are attacked so we don’t create more conflict. Our goal isn’t to cause trouble or cause anger, we are hoping to create peace. We will try our best to defeat the Axis powers, but will not engage in any fighting unless it is absolutely necessary. We are willing to make alliances with our allies, but that doesn’t ensure their safety. Our main goal is to supply and help in the way, so we don’t have to use our military. We are very fortunate to have all of those resources.
United States, 1939
Journal #2
The war has started and Germany is trying to take over all of Europe. They had invaded and taken Poland and is not stopping. The soviet union has asked us to make an alliance with them, but we want to see what happens. We are nervous about Japan and what their plans are with the United States. Since the soviet Union and Japan had made an alliance, we want to wait just incase they want to screw us over. In addition to that, we decided to be helpful and provide France and Great Britain with natural resources. One of our objectives is to transfer resources, so we are planning on making that happen. We know that Germany will go after France and try to take it over, so we are planning on doing everything we can to help them without using our military.
United States, 1940
Journal #3
This year we were finally brought into the war and we couldn’t be happier. At the beginning of the year we decided to aid China with natural resources because we have a surplus, and they were struggling to fight Japan. Japan has been a pain in the butt lately, but we finally get to show them who’s boss. They had attacked and acquired Hawaii, however we were expecting that and now we can crush them. Our military rating was at a 9 and since we were attacked it is now at a 13. This change has made us the most powerful army in the world. We now even have a better military then Germany. We are ready to defeat the axis powers, and are also ready for anything that is thrown our way. Next year we are hoping to stop Germany from invading France because we are now officially apart of the axis powers.
United States, 1941
Journal #4
This was a big year for the Allies, and by big year I mean it was not a good one. Most of France was taken over by Germany and even with our amazing army we could not stop it. Now there is only one part of France left, and there is nothing we can do at this point. We can supply them with anything they need, but other then that they are on their own. In addition to that, we are just trying to keep Japan and Germany away from the Western United States, so we don’t lose any of our original territory. At this point we still have all of our resources, except rubber but that is not on the list of things to do right now. We need to focus on keeping and defending our land because Germany is not stopping and pretty soon they are going to have all of France. Unfortunately, we will not be able to liberate all of Europe. However, we have done what we could and we hope nothing like this happens again in the years to come.
Unites States, 1942
Journal #5
Hmm where do I start. Well France was taken over by Italy and unfortunately we couldn’t do anything to help. We are still meeting all of our objectives, but it would have been nice to keep that land. Good news though, the Soviet Union decided to join the Allies. Which means that Germany is surrounded on one side and are army rating with help conquer and defeat. With this news we decided to move our navy closer to the Western United States and we are hoping that this helps us defend. We are still in search for rubber, but that is not at the top of our priority list. We are also planning on staying neutral until attacked or if we need to help another country. In addition to that, since our army has proven to be very strong, we are starting to make Germany and Japan a little nervous. That however was the goal and we are glad they are starting to calm down.
United States, 1943
Journal #6
We haven’t been able to do much war because we are trying to move our troops into France. We have done a lot of moving and hopefully next year we will be able to take France back. France will not be able to mobilize, but we will be able to liberate them. We are also planning on taking Germany as the war goes on and hopefully stopping Japan for acquiring land. They have stayed pretty quiet so far, but I am guessing that that will not last.
United States, 1944
Journal #7
This year we were able to do some liberating. We were planning on taking France last year, but we weren’t able to because we ran out of time. We were finally able to take it back and we also took Germany. The German army is limited and they will not be able to do anything else. They don’t have the military strength to gain anymore territory. Now, we just have to worry about Japan and their plans. However, with the help of Great Britain, we have the strength to defeat them. After we stop them we are planning on taking back Alaska because we want to keep our original territory. Being the United States, we are prepared for anything, and are excited to see the Axis powers fall.
United States, 1945
Journal #7
This year was another eventful year for us. We had the chance to do more liberating of Europe which is working in favor of us because that is one of our objectives. With the help of Great Britain we were able to take Poland back from Germany and the Axis powers. The Axis powers however, have taken a lot of the Soviet Union. We were planning on not letting Japan take anymore territory and hopefully help the Allies retain their territory. However, the simulation has ended. Overall, we have completed most of our objectives and have been successful in liberating Europe. We feels as though we did everything we could to help the Allies.