Facts, Events & Information about The American Civil War


Are you looking for a way to get your students excited about your upcoming unit on the American Civil War?  Maybe trying to find some way to make your classroom more dynamic, interactive and engaging?  The great American Civil War start that your looking to hook your students with could be Mr. Harms’ American Civil War Simulation! One of the best American Civil War Games on the education market today.  A civil war simulation is shown with three different states.

    Students are assigned the roles of leaders of individual states in 1860.  Each state then votes in the national election for the candidate that most closely fits the beliefs of the majority of people in their state at that time.  One by one, each state casts it’s vote for the 4 candidates that ran in 1860: Stephen Douglas, John C. Breckinridge, John Bell and Abraham Lincoln.  The objectives of the states clearly fall along the lines of States Rights and the supporters of the Union.  One by one, the Southern States begin to secede from the Union and form their own government: The Confederate States of America.  The Northern States meet and determine how they are going to deal with these rebels.  Border states are torn by which side they should support.  Conflict is now the order of the day!

    Both sides meet to determine their course of action and discuss their strategy.  During the course of the simulation, students experience the obstacles, advantages and disadvantages each side has as they navigate through multiple difficult situations. With the vast majority of industries/factories located in the North, the Union has the capacity to manufacture the war materials they need.  The South, which is primarily agricultural, is relying on the Factories of Europe to produce it’s war materials.  Eventually the North will Blockade Southern Ports with it’s vast navy.  The South will get a trickle of supplies from the blockade runners, but will be no match for Northern industrial production.  Another effect of the blockade is that Southern Cotton can’t get to markets in Europe.  Logistics is an important component of conducting war.  The Railroad network in the North is vast and the railroad network in the South is sparse to say the least.  The ability to move men and materials rapidly is a decisive advantage the North had with its’ vast railroad network.  Natural Resources are another important factor in the production of war materials.  The North has the lion’s share again and the South is dependant on outside sources.  

    These simulations originally started as Word and Excel documents which could keep teachers frantically busy keeping up with student’s movement and declarations of war.  Now, with the online simulation platform, the teacher can easily move armies and conduct battles with a click of the mouse.  Students also have access to online maps that update every time they refresh their browser.  Create a dynamic environment in your classroom and at the same time get your students interested in learning more about the American Civil War.