All posts by David

Nuclear War Simulation Student Journal: Belgium

Nuclear War Simulation

Orientation- Pre War


The NATO and the Warsaw Pact both have very dangerous nuclear missiles that could be sent across continents. Today we have established which group we are defending and how we are going to go about it. Being Belgium, I am apart of the NATO and will do everything in my power to defend my allies. I will also try my best to avoid an outside countries. Knowing that we both have many missiles that can be launched, we need to be prepared and ready for anything that come our way. We only have a limited time to respond to these launches and we need to have a plan ready. Talking as a group and forming a plan for attacks will help keep us safe and successful. 

Day 1


Today was a big day for Nato. There is so much more to come, but we are staying powerful and doing everything we can to defend. We are prepared for the war that is soon to come after the Warsaw Pact went to defcon one at the end today. We aren’t going to let this determine our fate though, we too have powerful nukes that will knock them out. The Nato countries working together is a stronger force then one might think. We have taken Cuba and successfully saved turkey from being taken. The Warsaw Pact was about to take it, but we decided to use our tactical nukes and successfully defended. I feel as though they need to rethink some of their decisions because we can just as easily send nukes their way as well. As Belgium, I know I will do everything in my power to defend, and not let manipulation sway me otherwise.  Defcon one, we’re ready for you. 

Day 2 


Oh my, this day was a big one. Well, Belgium a lot with other of my fellow NATO Allies are goners. We were bombed by the Soviet Union and the result of the blast killed everyone in my country. I don’t even know how I’m writing this right now because everything is completely destroyed, but here we are. We started the day with a victory in Turkey and the BAM! Nukes were being sent all over the world. Unfortunately, we were not able to respond in time so the everything went up in flames and the United States was hit in multiple places. Now, everyone is taking shelter to avoid the affects of radiation, but as we all know,  many still won’t survive. Overall, these three days escalated quickly and the world is finally at peace…everyone is dead. 

World War II Activities Student Journal: Great Britain

World War II Activities

Great Britain 2 1938

We are getting to know our country and find out some of the goals we need to accomplish and how we are going to do it. We are going to try and figure out our strategy. Tomorrow, we plan on announcing that we are going to support Poland. This will help us with one of our objectives, of honoring our alliance with Poland. We plan to honor alliance with Belgium as well. In the future, we plan on taking over the Baltic Sea to prevent Germany coming over and this will also help us invade other countries. We are going to try and get our rating as high as possible. We are planning to try and get as many natural resources we can get from the United States. We are going to do everything we can do complete our objectives!

Great Britain 2, 1939

Today we convinced the U.S. to give us some resources, they gave us some oil, so now all we need us rubber. We now have a secret alliance with the United States. We were going to make an alliance with the USSR but we saw them making alliance with people against us, so we decided not too. The USSR also turned on Poland, so we know that they can’t be trusted. We helped China when they got invaded but they still lost. Tomorrow, we are planning on asking Norway and Sweden if they want to make an alliance with us. We were thinking about taking over Arabia to get more coal, but the U.S. gave us some instead. 

Great Britain 2, 1940

France helped us take over the Baltic Sea Zone. China needed some coal,  so we decided to give them some since we had more than we needed, We also made our alliance with Sweden and Norway official. We decided to keep to secret, we don’t think anyone needs to know about it. We were asking around to see if anyone needs any resources, because we have all of ours except the rubber. We are struggling to get rubber because the axis powers have most of it. 

Great Britain 2, 1941

The United States moved 400 troops over into France. They did this because Germany moved troops into Belgium, so they were going to get invaded soon. Germany did end up  invaded F1 of France, the United States and France moved everything they could. We also moved everything we could to help them but Germany still won. We sent over some troops to help the U.S. when Japan invaded the Philippines but that didn’t really help. 

Great Britain 2, 1942

Germany invaded F3 of France and we sent all of out troops that we could. We knew that we wouldn’t win, but we decided to do it anyways because it would weaken Germany. We were right, we didn’t win but it did weaken them. Italy invaded Egypt and we brought in 50 troops from Palestine. The axis powers still won. The USSR turned to the Allied Powers. We were a little skeptical at first, because in the beginning they betrayed the allied powers, but we decided to take a chance and trust them. They needed a lot of resources. We took over Arabia, to get the 5 coal. We are planning on giving the USSR 12 coal. 

Great Britain 2, 1943

The Axis Powers took over Poland, which made them even weaker. We are planning on taking F3 of France back or taking over Germany. We have to move troops to certain spots in order for this to work. So it’ll take a awhile to accomplish this. Italy invaded Arabia and Serbia we decided not to do anything because it’s not worth it. We lost the coal that we gained from that country but it was okay because we had the coal that we needed. We just couldn’t give the USSR the coal that they needed. 

Great Britain 2, 1944

We finally decided to invade F1 of France to get it back from the Axis powers. We won. Then we moved some troops to prepare for taking over Germany. We are also thinking on taking over the rest of France. We took over F3 of France and then we attacked Germany and we won. The U.S. took over the rest of France. The U.S. invaded the Netherlands and P1 of Poland and they won. We are trying to get as much territory and land as we can. 

Great Britain 2, 1945

We decided to take over Belarus, and we won.  The USSR isn’t looking to good, Japan is trying to take over. We are trying our best to fight back and help them, but there wasn’t much that we could do. We have started to take some of the territory that they had lost. We had an advantage in the war because we were on an island. It would have been very hard for the other countries to invade us. It also made it easier for us too move in navy. Overall, we accomplished many things. The allied powers won the war and we completed most or even maybe all of our objectives that we had. 

Cold War Lesson Plan Student Journal: France

Cold War Lesson Plan

France 2 Pre-War

The world has gotten to a point where all countries are ready for any war that may happen. This can be a good thing, but it is also a very bad thing. The use of nuclear bombs could destroy the whole world and leave nothing left. As a major country that has nuclear missiles, I want to be here as a threat but not use my missiles unless it becomes absolutely necessary. The rest of NATO want to initiate “Strike on Warning” but I am still unsure of that idea. It is hard to have so many countries on one side all having different ideas on whether to launch the missiles or not. At this point I, as France, do not want to launch them. 

France 2 Day 1

War is drawing closer and closer as each sides armies prepare for bigger things. NATO has already had to use tactical nuclear weapons to help defend places where our silos are. Other than that, both sides have not done a lot basically waiting for the other to attack. Luckily, we have a way into their heads. We have a spy on the other side. They are telling us all about what the Warsaw are wanting to do before they do it. This is how we knew that they were going to try to attack Turkey and we were able to get our tactical bombs prepared and ready. Continuing to show our strength will hopefully make them think before they send all of their nuclear weapons our way. 

France 2 Day 2

They kept sending messages to leave West Germany, but we did not want to. After this, I knew that our final fate would happen. It is their choice anyway. They knew that we had “Launch on Warning” initiated, but they still decided to send their nuclear weapons. This created the final destruction of the entire world. I wished that this day would never come. Unfortunately it still happened even though France as a country, and NATO tried to do everything to stop it. There were warning, and they knew that if they attacked, their entire population would be gone too. They still did it, and now the whole world is done for. There are few people even left alive, and if you are alive, you are extremely sick from the radiation. 

WW2 Lesson Plan Student Journal: Germany

WW2 Lesson Plans

Germany 2 1938

The new orders have come in. Captain has given us a list of objectives to accomplish throughout the war.  This war, we are putting our foot down. We are NOT going to accept defeat. We will not be humiliated once more. In 1939, we have come up with an operation to take out the first territory of Poland. The battle should be easy. Almost too easy. We also plan to ally with Belgium and the Netherlands to try to gain access to France. If they do not choose to ally with us, then we will conquer them anyways. We need to take Frances resources and play our cards from their. Japan will be a huge help as well Italy. No one compares to the power of Germany. We will get revenge. 

Germany 2 1939

This was a very successful year with many Axis powers victories! The Third Reich starts off with invading Poland with an easy victory. Next we signed a non-aggression pack with the USSR. We also allied with Belgium and we took over the Netherlands.  In the process of all of this, we have gained many resources to boost our overall army rating. Our next plan in 1940 is to take Norway, Sweden, and Denmark to seize the resources that they have. Soon we will be able to invade France and take revenge on them for the Treaty Of Versailles. Japan has been doing exceptionally well in conquering Eastern countries. Hitler is predicting an attack soon from France and Great Britain, but they will be no match for the German army. Once we get the resources we need, no one can stop us.

Germany 2 1940

We suffered a crushing loss that was crucial to German success this year. Our orders were to sail up North with our strong Navy and take Norway and Sweden to get get the precious resources. But, on November 17th, The British Navy took us by surprise and completely wiped out all the Navy that we had. Ships were blown up, shrapnel spread across the Baltic Sea. Thousands of lives were lost in a crushing defeat. We had knew we had two options going forward if we were going to get those resources. We either had to get permission from Russia to be able to transport our troops through there land, but that would take till the end of the simulation, or our clever idea of making a secret alliance with Sweden to take some of the resources. It’s not all of them, but we took what we needed to fuel our army! Meanwhile, Japan has officially taken out China and Japan is making it’s way to the Americas. Japan and Rumania have also made some generous donations of resources to Germany for a great cause: Germany taking over the world. In 1941, we plan to take out France and take their resources. Nothing will stand in our way anymore. 

Germany 2 1941

Get me a beer! What a successful year for the powerful Nazis! We successfully took over two thirds of France and we plan on finishing them off. We got permission from Belgium to send troops through there land in order to invade France. France was fiercely outnumbered as we sent 5,500 troops past enemy lines in a quick battle. The French were weak, we need new competition! Competition that will be able to stand up to the power of Germany! Our next move is a good question. We plan to take the last region of France to gain the precious Iron resources. Although, the United States has officially entered the war. They are also drafting and becoming stronger by the thousands as we blink our eyes. Finally someone that may be able to stand up to the power of the Hitler and The Third Reich.  Japan still plans to attack East toward the United States, but it may be wise to hold back to see what they do. In year 1942, it’s about to go down!

Germany 2 1942

Well, you don’t win them all. We were able to finish taking France and fend of the powerful British Navy. We then transported all of our troops from Germany into Poland in an attempt to take the eastern region of Poland. We sent in many troops, but the Russian Army outnumbered us greatly. We almost won, but there was nothing left in the tank. In 1943 we plan to finish taking Poland and start working our way inland of Russia! Meanwhile Japan is planning to attack Eastern Russia with all of his troops possible. Japan has manifested an unlimited supply of resources and is going to use them to their advantage. The United States is planning something big. Rumor has it that the United States has begun manufacturing an atomic bomb. We are unsure of their progress. We are starting to spread ourselves pretty thin across Europe. Our troop supply is running low. With Russia joining the Allies, finishing this war will be tough, but with the power that we have, we can do this! If we can get inside of Russia, that will be big to close out this war. 

Germany 2 1943

The United States are starting to make some moves. They have started shuffling their navy and making their way over to Great Britain. I believe that they are going to make an attack on France with Great Britain. Our troops supply is extremely low on the western front. We have already begun heading East to officially take out the USSR. We successfully invaded Poland and we also took control of Belarus of the USSR. In 1944, we plan to continue invading East USSR in an attempt to take them out. We hope that we can meat in Central USSR with Japan to join forces because we predict that the United States are going to take France. Troops supply is vague and we won’t stand a chance no longer on the Western Front. 

Germany 2 1944

My predictions were right. The United States and Great Britain officially took back France. They are making their way East taking out everything in their way. Germany doesn’t have much troops left to spare so we are still making out way East as well to take out whatever we can from the USSR. I have a feeling the war is going to come to an end soon. I will only have to fight on the front lines a couple more times. We plan on splitting our troops in Belarus to take over Central USSR and Northern USSR. Japan plans to take over Siberia and Eastern USSR and take over Urals in the next upcoming year. We are going to try to make out way down to Southern USSR and Caucasus. Whatever happens, my wife should know that I love her. I will make it back. I promise. 

Germany 2 1945

The United States and Britain are destroying everything in their path. We continue retreating east conquering the USSR piece by piece. Japan has successfully taken Siberia and has taken over Urals. We have finally met our troops with Japan in Central USSR. The Allies continue to take over everything in the East. Including our own territory. Rumor has it that my home and my farms were burnt down to the ground. All my cattle and crops were destroyed. Those savages killed my dog Jack. Thankfully, my family has made it out of the country and is hiding in a cabin up next to the border of Denmark. A place that no body knows about.  Our troops and Japan’s troops are going to team up and take over Southern USSR for our last hoorah. We were able to capture it very easily, but we don’t have the numbers to take on the Allies. We need more troops, but I will die on this battle field knowing that I fought for the success for Germany. Even when our ruler stopped believing in us. Hitler has committed suicide and we are now left on our own. I will die on this battlefield for my family. 

WW3 Lesson Plan Student Journal: East Germany

WW3 Lesson Plan

East Germany Orientation Day:

Today we are discussing our plans with our allies. These are very important discussions and strategies being talked about that will affect the rest of this war. We must be very careful on what we decide because of the power some of these countries have ready to fire.  One single move can setoff an entire nuclear war that has the power to eventually end the whole human race. 

East Germany Day 1:

Today is the first day in the Cold War. We are communicating with our allies to talk about what plans we have, and what plans they have. We must think wisely as any move could change the world forever. The first move we have decided to make as a group is to invade Yugoslavia… It was a success! It is always great to get started on the right track with a victory. That is all of the moves that will be made for right now because we must be patient in this war. We are currently still in DEFCON 5 which is a little surprising. This just in, the Soviet Union is attacking Turkey, but with an armored division and not bombs. I think this is a wise decision because they can take them over without causing a nuclear war. I am a little concerned that they will use nuclear weapons to defend and that might trigger something big.. This just in… They have moved to DEFCON 3 and are using nuclear weapons to defend! This is huge, I knew this would happen. ALL of the Soviet Union’s troops were DESTROYED. They have just got themselves into a nuclear war my friends. NATO forces have iniated launch on warning. This makes me upset because I feel we should’ve done something before they ignited that. Now if we attack with nukes, they will attack back right away. 

THIS JUST IN.. we are now in DECON 1. This is huge and alerting news. 

East Germany Day 2: 

Tensions are extremely high right now. We are in DEFCON 1. The enemies are currently in launch on warning. I think it would be a smart move to put ourselves in launch on warning too. This just in, we have just turned on launch on warning. I think this is a very smart move for the Warsaw Pact. NATO has just moved to DEFCON 2. NATO has not made a move yet, they seem to be stalling. We are very nervous over here because we do not know if nuclear weapons will be used or not. Let’s hope for the best… We tried to invade Turkey and THEY used nuclear weapons!! That has officially p***** us off. We are going to an all out nuclear warfare. We have launched all of nukes… They have launched their nukes back! This is the end.. I love my country..

WWII Simulation Student Journal: Norway & Sweden

WWII Simulation Materials


Norway- Norway’s involvement is little to zero. Norway is keeping to themselves and remain with their allies. Norway just needs to keep their territory and stay OUT of the war. 

Sweden- Sweden’s involvement is also little to none. They need to keep out of the war at ALL costs. Although Sweden had 18 iron and countries are gonna wanna take Sweden over to get those resources. But maybe making alliances will stop people from coming to attack me. And if someone was coming for me, I am just going to give them what they want. 


Norway- Today Norway just sat to themselves and watched everyone. One thing Norway has to do is remain neutral to my powers. Also, just keeping my territory if I don’t intrude anybody and keep to my lonesome I would stay to myself. 

Sweden-Today Sweden stayed to itself. One thing Sweden has is to NOT go into war.Although Sweden is high on iron ore, and if a country wanted some iron I would have to give it to them to remain my powers. 


Norway- Today Great Britain asked to make an alliance so I  have agreed, Hoping that if I get attacked that their navy will help me keep my county. So far throughout the day I am still retaining my country, and Hoping that no one comes for me.

Sweden- Today Great Britain asked to make an Alliance so I have agreed, hoping that they will help me keep my land and country. But hoping by the end of today I still have my country and my resources. Hoping that Great Britain and my Neutrals help me if needed.  Today Germany offered to make an Alliance with Sweden and I said Yes. If we have a secret alliance I can stay Neutral and He won’t attack me. Also, I gave Germany 5 Iron since I have 18 to begin with. Since I gave them Iron they wont attack and take me over. So now I have a secret alliance and wasn’t taken over. 


Norway- Norway is staying out of the way again and obtaining my objectives which is to do nothing. And nobody is attacking me or trying to come after me so I am basically just chilling to myself hoping and crossing my fingers that nobody comes to take Norway over. If someone were to I would have no chance of saving myself. 

Sweden-Japan needed some help, and so I gave them 5 Iron just to remain Neutral with everyone because I don’t want any alliances coming to attack me when I don’t have anything to do to offend me. Also, Japan gave me One piece of Rubber, that they acquired from Burma, So Japan and Sweden are on great terms. 


Norway- It was a boring day for Norway for we don’t ever do much. My fellow Neutrals, the USSR Turned Allied but we are staying civil and friends which is good because if they wanted to they could take me over. 

Sweden- It was also a boring day for Sweden as well, we are just sitting waiting for people to either attack or leave us alone.  I am glad no ones has came for us yet. If they did I don’t have any hope to save myself and there is almost no one that would help me, to keep my country. The only reason people would attack me would to get my Iron, if thats the reason I may be able to make an agreement with them and Give them some.


Norway- Today I did the same thing I have been doing for a couple days. My strategy here is to lay low and pretend I’m not here. Hoping that if the people forget I’m here then they will forget to come for me. 

Sweden Today I did the same thing again. I am hoping that people forget I’m here so they don’t come for me. If people forget that I’m here then hopefully they wont come for me and I will be able to fulfill my objective all the way.


Norway-Things are looking good for Norway, as to nobody has came to attack me or take anything from me. The Allied powers and I have an alliance and They are  taking over the surrounding Axis powered countries. Which is good for me who is neutral and very vulnerable. As long as people don’t cross the water or come through the USSR I should be good. 

Sweden- Things are looking good for Sweden and nobody is coming for me yet. As long as nobody comes for me I should be set and safe. There is one day of this war left, tomorrow, and if nobody comes for me I will have all my objectives and I wouldn’t have went into war. Which I can not do and I will be neutral. I am hopefully, fingers crossed, all set for the end of this war. 


Norway- Well it is the last say of the war and I made it through without being taken over. I stayed neutral and had a few alliances along the way which I believe helped me tremendously into not being taken over. I stayed out of the war drama and stayed my own country. I didn’t gather the resources I needed though, but there was nobody I would have been able to attain those from. I am glad no one came for me, So my objectives for this war were a success. I remained neutral and I kept my land. It was a successful war for Norway. Although looking at the maps, the whole map changed in just a short day. The USSR was shortly taken over by Japan and the Axis powers, which made me a little weary because if they took over  Finland then they could have taken over Sweden and then eventually Norway, because Norway had little to no troops so I would have been taken over the last day which would have been unfortunate. 

Sweden- Well, as it was the last day of the war I successfully stayed neutral and as my own country and I avoided war at every cost possible. Earlier on in the war Germany was planning on attacking me for my Iron but I figured if I could just give them the Iron they hopefully wouldn’t have attacked me, which they didn’t So I successfully kept to myself. Although the Axis powers were slowly taking over the USSR, and I was a little worried they would take over Finland as well, and then Sweden, but thankfully they didn’t. All in all, I stayed out of the war and stayed my own country with little to no obstacles. 

Cold War Simulation Student Journal: Italy

Cold War Simulation

Italy 1 Orientation day 

It’s to early to know what anyone will do but knowing the Soviet Union, I think they’ll go “crazy”. I believe that the leader of the Soviet Union will get power happy and lead the Warsaw Pact into defeat. I think this because the Soviet Union decides what happens and when it happens, for the Warsaw Pact as a whole, and I think they will just throw bomb after bombs. 

As Italy, we don’t have much to rely on but The NATO as a whole. We need to come together and work as a whole to make sure all of our countries stay alive and defend off the Warsaw Pact. We don’t have much to use to defend our country,  but I believe if we help out our fellow countries and provide the help then they will repay the favor. 

Italy 1 Day 2 (First Day of War)

Once again the Soviets are coming hard by attacking right away and taking over big countries for the NATO’s. The Soviets have attacked Turkey and taken over the whole country which is a big loss to us. As of right now, we know that the Warsaw Pact is pushing towards us hard and moving all their troops closer and closer to us. We’ve decided that we needed to prepare and so we moved our troops closer to them. 

Everything is turning out rough for us as of right now because the Soviets have already started launching bombs. So far, they’ve taken out all our troops that were in West Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. It was a major loss of troops but we’re not giving up yet. We’ve countered with an attack of our own and we bombed them in West Germany and took out a heavy amount of Soviets. 

Italy 1 Day 3

We’re assuming that the Soviets are going to launch a nuclear attack on us and we’re ready to fire back. We decided to get ‘launch on command’ ready in the case that the Soviets do launch nuclear missiles. If they go through, then a big portion of the world could be at stake and everything could be demolished and wiped out. 

We were right, the Soviets are launching nuclear missiles at us and we don’t have much time to react. We’ve launched ours as soon as we found out that they launched theirs and now the whole world is in trouble. These nuclear missiles will wipe everything out and cause mass destruction to everyone and everything. Seek shelter and try to hide away from the nuclear backlash because we’ve officially gone into nuclear war!

Second World War Activity Student Journal: United States

Second World War Activity

Period 2 

United States, 1938 

Journal #1

We have a surplus of natural resources and we are planning on suppling Great Britain with anything they need, so they are able to be successful. The only thing that we don’t have is rubber. If the opportunity presents itself we will obtain that. In addition to that, we have a very strong army rating and our strong military will be able to defeat anyone wanting to attack. We are hoping to stay neutral until we are attacked so we don’t create more conflict. Our goal isn’t to cause trouble or cause anger, we are hoping to create peace. We will try our best to defeat the Axis powers, but will not engage in any fighting unless it is absolutely necessary. We are willing to make alliances with our allies, but that doesn’t ensure their safety. Our main goal is to supply and help in the way, so we don’t have to use our military. We are very fortunate to have all of those resources. 

United States, 1939 

Journal #2 

The war has started and Germany is trying to take over all of Europe. They had invaded and taken Poland and is not stopping. The soviet union has asked us to make an alliance with them, but we want to see what happens. We are nervous about Japan and what their plans are with the United States. Since the soviet Union and Japan had made an alliance, we want to wait just incase they want to screw us over. In addition to that, we decided to be helpful and provide France and Great Britain with natural resources. One of our objectives is to transfer resources, so we are planning on making that happen. We know that Germany will go after France and try to take it over, so we are planning on doing everything we can to help them without using our military.  

United States, 1940 

Journal #3

This year we were finally brought into the war and we couldn’t be happier. At the beginning of the year we decided to aid China with natural resources because we have a surplus, and they were struggling to fight Japan. Japan has been a pain in the butt lately, but we finally get to show them who’s boss. They had attacked and acquired Hawaii, however we were expecting that and now we can crush them. Our military rating was at a 9 and since we were attacked it is now at a 13. This change has made us the most powerful army in the world. We now even have a better military then Germany. We are ready to defeat the axis powers, and are also ready for anything that is thrown our way. Next year we are hoping to stop Germany from invading France because we are now officially apart of the axis powers.  

United States, 1941

Journal #4

This was a big year for the Allies, and by big year I mean it was not a good one. Most of France was taken over by Germany and even with our amazing army we could not stop it. Now there is only one part of France left, and there is nothing we can do at this point. We can supply them with anything they need, but other then that they are on their own. In addition to that, we are just trying to keep Japan and Germany away from the Western United States, so we don’t lose any of our original territory. At this point we still have all of our resources, except rubber but that is not on the list of things to do right now. We need to focus on keeping and defending our land because Germany is not stopping and pretty soon they are going to have all of France. Unfortunately, we will not be able to liberate all of Europe. However, we have done what we could and we hope nothing like this happens again in the years to come. 

Unites States, 1942 

Journal #5

Hmm where do I start. Well France was taken over by Italy and unfortunately we couldn’t do anything to help. We are still meeting all of our objectives, but it would have been nice to keep that land. Good news though, the Soviet Union decided to join the Allies. Which means that Germany is surrounded on one side and are army rating with help conquer and defeat. With this news we decided to move our navy closer to the Western United States and we are hoping that this helps us defend. We are still in search for rubber, but that is not at the top of our priority list. We are also planning on staying neutral until attacked or if we need to help another country. In addition to that, since our army has proven to be very strong, we are starting to make Germany and Japan a little nervous. That however was the goal and we are glad they are starting to calm down. 

United States, 1943

Journal #6 

We haven’t been able to do much war because we are trying to move our troops into France. We have done a lot of moving and hopefully next year we will be able to take France back. France will not be able to mobilize, but we will be able to liberate them. We are also planning on taking Germany as the war goes on and hopefully stopping Japan for acquiring land. They have stayed pretty quiet so far, but I am guessing that that will not last. 

United States, 1944

Journal #7 

This year we were able to do some liberating. We were planning on taking France last year, but we weren’t able to because we ran out of time. We were finally able to take it back and we also took Germany. The German army is limited and they will not be able to do anything else. They don’t have the military strength to gain anymore territory. Now, we just have to worry about Japan and their plans. However, with the help of Great Britain, we have the strength to defeat them. After we stop them we are planning on taking back Alaska because we want to keep our original territory. Being the United States, we are prepared for anything, and are excited to see the Axis powers fall. 

United States, 1945 

Journal #7 

This year was another eventful year for us. We had the chance to do more liberating of Europe which is working in favor of us because that is one of our objectives. With the help of Great Britain we were able to take Poland back from Germany and the Axis powers. The Axis powers however, have taken a lot of the Soviet Union. We were planning on not letting Japan take anymore territory and hopefully help the Allies retain their territory. However, the simulation has ended. Overall, we have completed most of our objectives and have been successful in liberating Europe. We feels as though we did everything we could to help the Allies. 

Nuclear War Lesson Plan Student Journal: Great Britain

Nuclear War Lesson Plan

Great Britain 2 Orientation Day

We have a plan to wait for an attack to be forced onto our country and to retaliate if we have to. East Germany is our first target, as it is an entry way to wipe out USSR troops and to invade the surrounding countries as well. But we also have to watch out for the 3,000+ troops in the USSR that could be used to repel us and they could also move towards West Germany too. Right now we just wait for the first move to figure a plan and see what patterns we can theorize and formulate and assume where it will lead.

Great Britain 2 Day 1

USSR has taken Turkey, so we assume that they will make their way to the west and wipe out the countries around East Germany to relieve the pressure. And if they do do that, then we will have to combine our forces in West Germany and hold a front there. We could also try to use our subs and move them toward us so we could use the nukes on them to apply pressure. But they could also do the same and we wouldn’t have any way of taking out their subs. We don’t have enough troops to fend off 2,000 men in the USSR. So we might need help from independent countries. West Germany was nuked and we lost all our troops there. We can’t rely on troops now, and must rely on our tactical nuclear weapons. 

Great Britain 2 Day 2

We activated “Launch On Warning” and the tension in the air is heavy. We don’t know who’s going to launch their nuclear weapons first and it’s only a matter of time before someone does use them. The USSR has declared Defcon 1 and we did the same in response. If they launch the nukes, we will fire too. But there’s a high chance that no one will make it out alive. All countries will most likely be hit and that will be the end of this war. The USSR has launched their weapons and we launched ours in return. When it was finished, every country was decimated and left our countries in ruin. 

World War 2 Lesson Plan Student Journals: Germany

Start day Today we talked about the strength of our troops and why this simulation is different from the ww1 simulation. Now we need oil, rubber, and iron, so we got to attack places that have material so thats our first strategy is trying to get material for war. If we don’t have have the right stuff for our troops, will stay weak, but the more material the stronger we are. My thought process right now is  for people I’m acquired with to get resources for our team so we have better chance of winning. The one mistake we made last simulation was that we didn’t put Germany ships around the U.S.A so France and Britain were bringing in troops and destroying us, Germany and A.H.  

Germany 1 1939- Were starting to plan an attack on Poland. Japan is now starting to attack the Indies because of the resources. We exchanged resources so we can more advance. So far we won both wars for Nazi and Japan and we got a lot of rubber. We signed an alliance with the soviet union so we can keep peace with each other. My thoughts about the whole resource thing is pretty good, especially sharing and getting the best we can for war.  I don’t think signing alliances is all to good, unless its a bigger army, but in this case we are the strongest country but we are stuck in the middle of 3 big countries. I just hope France, Great Britian, and Solviet Union don’t attack all at once even though Germany would have the way stronger army we could suffer major losses. I just hope countries are scared to try to take over the Germany

Germany 2 1940- Japan just took out SC China and it is like a cake wake going threw china. Japan troops have a rank of a good 9. They are basically unstoppable  At this point were taking the map and basically painting it yellow. Japan just got defeated by Serbian troops helping China. Italy tried attacking French North Africa but we didn’t put enough troops in there to over come the troops they put in. So 2 defeats so far.  We also attacked NC China and Japan was victories. The USSR tried attacking Finland but Finland manage to somehow win surprising. People are basically really annoyed with us and people are getting irrupted with there group. Someone actually left there group and came over by us. ‘Sweden’. I think Spencer is really getting in there head about how powerful we are but we really haven’t attacked anyone. 

Germany 3 1941- We started an attack on Finland and Russia put 2500 and we put in 250. Holy cow did kill but in the long run they won us. We took them all the way down to 891 so that is really good on our side. I feel like everyone is getting irrated with our good troops and our annoying mouths. Now were attacking Poland and the other side seems to be giving up slowly. Now were going for Lithuania and everything is going out like a hot knife going threw butter. Now Japan is going threw Buma-GB and we just won. Everything is going with ease and now I want to go for U.S.A because overall they take us all in the long run. If we take them now they can’t help. Plus they got so much materials. Germany is now attacking Belgium for transportation for France. We won Belgium. We won again. We lost a thousand troops but we took out a lot of France and Great Britain Troops. The Eastern USSR attacked Japan. Manchukuo and we won. But we took major losses.

Germany 4 1942 So today we really made Norway mad because they allied with us and we had to attack Norway. The person who had Norway freaked out on us but oh well. She was able to get Russia to help her out but were gonna kill them one way or another. So at this point Japan took out China cause Japan troops are so strong. The U.S.A is gonna be big play later in this simulation because they are gonna kill Japan easily

Germany 5 1943 Today Japan took Serbia to begin with. Now Germany and a few other allied troops with us are taking Ukraine. We took Ukraine and now were trying to move threw the USSR. Japan just now attacked the Philippines and we over took them. The weird thing is that they are starting to get hard and our troops seem to be weaker. At this point we taking over Russia because they have zero troops so were just sweeping.

Germany 6 1944 Today a lot of stuff went down. A lot. The allied sides are going crazy. It started out with the USA taking a part of Japan then bam. Germany and Italy is making them suffer because of it. Russia really sucks, I feel bad for the guy operating it because all he did was lose, lose, lose. We are pushing, so get out of the way. Tomorrow is a big day. Like a really a big day. We taking France I think. The people from France are begging Italy not to take them because they need there objectives done. But I hope Italy gets threw that so we can take them. I wanna push straight threw them. The USA can’t really do anything because most of there U boats are sunk cause of Japan so they are really suppressed. Tomorrow sh!t is going down.

Germany 7 1945 So today is the last day and wow. We were about to attack France but then they attacked Belgium so we had the defending bonus. Big upset but Germany still pulled threw for the victory and now were attack France. Today was the finish. Our map wasn’t suppose to look like the way it looks now. The whole map should be red but its yellow. If they had more time they could possibly send more of USA troops and eventually take over but they couldn’t. We stalled near the end so they couldn’t take back any of France. We moped threw people and it was so easy. Im so glad Italy stood by our side for the finish because they’re the role changer in the game. If it weren’t for them we would of lost. But we mopped floors today. We mopped floors.